What should I expect having a c-section?

My scheduled c section is next Wednesday. They called and want me to come in and do post op/ lab work/ sign papers the Day before. What all should I expect? What kind of lab work? I’m super nervous and anxious as my last c section was unexpected and I didn’t have the time to get anxious about anything!


It’s most likely just routine, basic lab work to make sure your liver and kidneys are okay for anesthesia and give them a better idea for the best drug combination for you so you have the smoothest c-section and recovery. Even though a c-section isn’t typically a general anesthesia situation, you still get anesthesia so they can relax you and not feel any pain when they deliver the baby. Then your typical permission to treat and do surgery paperwork. There’s nothing to get anxious about, you’re going to have a new baby soon! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nothing different than what you’ve already done for the pregnancy really. Try and relax, it’s all good momma, God’s got you :heart_hands:


They will def do a cbc cmp (complete blood count, complete metabolic panel) before and after the procedure. You will be nothing by mouth 8hrs before. Go in get and IV epidural and internal catheter. Then the procedure will be performed.

Didnt you ask them when they called you?? They would have had all the right answers for ya! On here youll get 100 different answers