What should I get my childs father for Father's Day if he isn't involved?

Yeah this guy sounds like a deadbeat but its interesting how many women on here make it about themselves…

Hmmm. Nothing sounds good. If your daughter wants to do something for him if she wants to. Something home made, from the heart. Let’s all be surprised lol

sounds like you’re getting a gift for someone who doesn’t even deserve it

Your dumb :roll_eyes: why would this even be thought of?


I wouldn’t bother if it was me.

Why would you think of gifting him anything?

I’m in the same boat…I bought some cheap canvases from Wal Mart and the kids each painted him a picture. I think they were less than $5 or $6 for a pack of 6 or so. That way I’m not putting in a ton of effort or money for someone who isn’t willing to put the effort in for his children, but they still feel like they get to do something special for their “dad” (:roll_eyes:)

That is the only reason I do anything…totally for them, not for him.

Nothing at all, not a gift, not even a text. Father’s Day is a day to celebrate fathers. He hasn’t been acting like one so he doesn’t even deserve for it to be said to him. Your daughter doesn’t refer to him as such, you shouldn’t either.

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Just have her make him a card or a picture.

If it was me I would get him child support paperwork saying he owes you

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I don’t get anything for my daughters dad. I used to when he had her regularly but he only sees her 1-2 times a year. If he decided to pick her up for Father’s Day, then she would make him a gift. I don’t skip him because I’m petty. It’s just because he lives too far away to drop it off and I don’t know his address. His mom and grandparents all get gifts from her still because she takes them to them after she’s finished.

Spend it on yourself. You after all are both parents

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Have her make him a card and mail it.


Nothing he doesn’t deserve it

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Nothing! If he isn’t involved and can’t show up (or when he does) sober I wouldn’t even entertain the idea

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Parental rights stripped. That’s a gift to him and your child.


Wtf kinda question is this? Are u serious?


If she doesn’t consider him dad and hasn’t shown any interest in getting him anything, don’t.

I wouldn’t get him anything. Call it 2nd Mother’s Day and get yourself something. You deserve it.


Uummm, not a damn thing!!! Especially if your kid hasn’t said they want to do anything for him. If they do, get them to make a card. That’s it! That’s all! After that wipe your hands of it.

Why give something to recognize fatherhood when he has chosen not to father his child? If your child doesn’t consider him her father, he doesn’t deserve anything.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

It’s not your job to get him anything.

Why would you get him anything? Does he buy you mother’s days stuff? If he’s not a parent that even gets called Dad he gets nothing. Don’t buy anything

Send him a picture of her in nice frame mite pull at his heartstrings u never no xx

I like the card idea about making one but really no. If hes not in the picture then i wouldnt even waste my time.

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Nothing. He’s not a father of he isn’t involved.

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Nada. He isn’t a father just a sperm donor

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Really?!? Not a damn thing…

Pair of socks with the words ‘father of the year’ on x

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Nothing if not in life’s he doesn’t deserve it

A homemade card and nothing else

Go out to a salon or nail place and get a gift card for YOUR SELF cause girl your now mommy and DADDY!


Have her make him a card or little craft, but only if she wants to!

I vave a almost 25 yr old her dad walked away while in preschool and never looked back.

Save your money & time problem solved.

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I wud say nowt…
(sweet F A) but
Maybe ask ur child if they want to or not, if they say yes then i wud but i wudnt if they didnt want to.

Absolutely fucking nothing

Did you get anything for Mothers Day? Probably not. My daughters absent father is getting nothing.

please don’t get him anything. If your baby is old enough and does want to get him something, then I would. Either you really do have a huge heart or you are trying to use Fathers day as an excuse to see/talk with him. Either way, save that money for a rainy day.

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Get a Father’s Day card that says it’s not a part time job.:woman_shrugging:t5::100:If you can’t find one make one.

If he isn’t involved I wouldn’t get him anything. He doesn’t deserve anything if he chooses not to step up and be a man and be involved in his child’s life

I think your daughter already answered your question!


Nothing. Don’t enable a dead beat to feel like a father. Because he’s not, he’s a sperm donor.

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First year my kids bd and I aren’t together. Not involved much, a real selfish pos father. 4 years it took him to get me a mothers day present (this year) and I didn’t actually get it (said he had bought it). So for me and my advice to you…don’t bother.

I’m not getting my child’s father anything at all

I’m a single mama myself. Father isn’t at all involved. I get the Father’s Day stuff because I am both Mother and Father :grin:

You don’t owe him a present.

Nothing…Keep a photo for the next time he comes around and then mention “this was your Father’s Day gift but we haven’t seen you”

Clearly not really about what to get him for father’s day, but to bash him for being a shitty dad. But whatever…

well he’s not acting like much of a father is he so why would you get him anything to celebrate something he’s not doing.

When he becomes a dad then you can get him something but if his own daughter wont call him dad, what makes you think he deserves even a thought from you let alone a gift?

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I would get him absolutely nothing.

Nope, father’s day is for father’s. DNA doesn’t make a father.

Nothing. Not one thing. Neither of you owe him anything. He can have a Father’s Day gift when he acts like a father.


Nothing! You answered your own question.

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NOTHING. Deadbeat dad’s don’t even deserve recognition on Father’s day in my opinion.


Nothing unless your child asks to get a gift. If that happens, help make a card. That’s classy but not costing you anything for someone not around.

Does he get u mothers day gifts?

Nothing. Why would you buy something for an absent pos ‘father’?

Don’t waste your money at all. Buy yourself something instead!

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Why would u even consider getting him anything unless you still have a attachment there

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Just give him a card if you feel the need to give something.it is inexpensive and still shows the thought was there.

Your heart is definitely in the right place but he doesn’t deserve anything especially on Fathers Day since he’s not a constant in her life. Take the money you were going to spend on him on yourself. You deserve it!!


not a father he was a donor, I’d give him what he deserves. all your teaching your child is that its ok and how to treat women.


You aren’t obligated. I like sending him a school picture with the date and her age on the back. This is his loss. I hope he realizes it and repairs things before it’s too late.
Best to you both

Nothing. In my eyes just don’t talk bad about her dad donor infron t of her if you do. ok. I mean just don’t she will grow up and see by herself.


Nothing? Why would you?

Get yourself something for Father’s Day fuck him

Father’s/Mother’s day is a day to celebrate the parenting and love father’s have given you over the past year. To appreciate the men who had an impact in your life that way.

If he doesn’t act like a father, he doesn’t get the respect that’s deserved on Father’s day. He hasn’t taken care of her. Don’t get him anything or do anything for him.

I’m surprised your even considering getting him something, shows how big your heart is. :heart: but honestly, I wouldn’t get him anything. A father’s day gift is for a father. If he’s not involved and your child doesn’t even really know him. Id get him nothing. As he is not a father to his child.


My dad has never made an effort im 27 never got him a gift now my step dad he is my dad I get him a gift every year. We may bump heads bt he is always there to pick me up when I fall to show my kids the love of a grandpa. I wouldn’t get him anything until he starts acting like a real man and step up as a dad


Biggest hint is FATHERS day. If he isnt acting like a father then this isnt his holiday. Anyone can donate sperm to create life, but he actually has to be present to be a father. he deserves less then what the child is receiving… NOTHING


In my eyes, he is just the donor. Nothing more. He deserves nothing. You can’t reward a negligent or absent parent. Period! Also… does he buy you something for Mother’s Day??? If the answer is NO, then that answers your question as well.


My situation is worst we live under the same roof and he doesn’t interact with his son at all, my son doesn’t even care about it now, but when he was younger , he cried a lot, he is 14 and he doesn’t even remember about Father’s Day unless I remind him, do this year I would not do anything.

Don’t bother. Father’s Day is meant for those who actually are there and put forth effort for their children, regardless of the relationship with the mother. If he isn’t making an effort for your daughter, don’t bother. Don’t feel you need to out of necessity.

How does your child feel about DAD?
Maybe have the child make him a gift the speaks from the heart. Buying things is not something what I would do for someone that isn’t involved in the child’s life. Let him see how the child feels for him…with a card, picture or diy craft. That is my opinion.

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My daughter hasn’t seen her “father” since January. To just say no to her I can’t so we send him a card (only a card). To me he is not worth the stamp but it makes her happy to do something (so I gotta do what’s best for her).


My oldest daughters dad has not wanted to know her for years , she is 18 now and he only got in touch with my daughter last year , my daughter is not bothering with Father’s Day with him
, she says she doesn’t have a dad ( her step dad treats her as his own and she looks up to him
As her dad now ) i wouldn’t botter getting him anything if he can’t be bothered with your child

Have her make a card for the male ‘mentor’ in her life! Its never to early to teach your child to set boundaries that dont Reward poor choices. This is one of those times.

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Let your daughter make something for him explaining how she feels if you want her to give him something. It’s about her not him or you. If she says she doesn’t want to then leave it at that.

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Your daughter is right. She doesn’t have a dad. A dad takes care of his kids. He doesn’t. So there’s nothing to buy, nobody to honor. Instead make plans to do something special with your daughter. You fill both roles.

We have encouraged hand made gifts…this way no matter how broke they can make something or when they cant access stores without an adult. Hope it helps.

If you really feel the need. How about a picture of your daughter to remind him what that day is really about. Personally he deserves nothing.


Don’t bother. If he doesn’t act like a dad he doesn’t deserve to be treated like one


Not a thing …why if he isnt being there correctly for his children do you think he deserves a gift !

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Umm Nothing! Have her help pick out Grandpa or Uncle she close with something that’s what my Daughter does

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My son’s father hasn’t called once during this pandemic and even longer before that!
He won’t get anything for father’s day…
My son’s step father on the other hand will be spoiled with love .
It’s not about DNA it’s about who shows up :heart::heart: sorry that your going through this!


I’ve never done anything. If the kid’s do something or make something for him, cool. Same for me on mother’s day. He’s not my father.

Why get him anything if he isn’t in her life… I would say to him thank you for giving me my child and that’s it.

A card… even a piece of paper simply stating “thanks for showing up”

Personally though, I wouldn’t give it any thought and not even bother with a gift.

I got my gifts, my kids and I’ll focus on that than worry about what he’s doing/not doing.

You could get him a hard way go and a long time to get there! That’s a wonderful gift for a sperm donor.

My sons dad and I do not do anything for each other for mother’s or Father’s Day. He doesn’t help provide for our son. He sees him maybe once every 2 weeks. And isn’t respectful to me at all. I won’t deny him to be able to come see his son that day but I definitely will not be celebrating him that day. My boyfriend however will be getting a gift from myself, my son and our son due in October. He steps up in any and every way for my son and has never treated him anything less than his own. So long story short, it’s not about who made the child. It’s about who has been there for the child in my situation. If his biological dad would step up a lot more I’d be more than happy to celebrate that.


I would get him a card
My son wants to make something for his step dad and we baught something but i told him remember your dad
He kinda huffed but got him a card for us to mail to him

Nothing at all, seems like he doesn’t deserve it, get a real man a gift.

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If your child wants to buy him a present the cheap T-shirts at Walmart make the child happy the child doesn’t care and like somebody else said did you get something for Mother’s Day from him I think about the child first though 10 bucks to make him happy I’m going to make him happy maybe that’s just me I raised 3 yeah I got re married , but he gave. Nothing … He always got gifts … My kids are adults now but they know the truth cuz I lived it! Hugs hugs hugs the struggle is real your decisions your decision right do what’s right for your child and your self :kissing_heart:

He doesn’t deserve a gift on Father’s Day.

My ex isn’t involved either, but I always made sure my girls got him some little something and a card.

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Why are you even getting him anything?? Its FATHERS DAY!! Fathers day is for fathers and he clearly isnt one.

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I’m in the same boat hun,I used to let my daughter choose a card and something from the pound shop but only for her sake,u can get some cute mugs and stuff in them x

Get him what he gets your child… NOTHING