What should I go back to school for?

I’m wanting to go back to school and get certified to do something. Ideally schooling that takes less than a year. If you went to school for something and got certified, what do you do and if you don’t mind how much do you make? Thank you!


This really depends on your interests, skills you may already have or personality strengths. Personally, right now I’d be looking at industry shortages to help figure this out as well as you’re more likely to secure work after and move up the chain faster as well increasing your earning capacity.

You will spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else. Go to school for something you are interested in and will enjoy doing


You’re asking a group of strangers who don’t know you or your interests on what you should do with your life?

Maybe a self help class?

I have a master in HR real estate license teaching certificate bachelors in communication and a licensed irrigator. I own 3 companies landscape container hauls and pool services. Call a community college and see what they have to offer. My sister was going to go for radiology and would make 50k a year. But call them and speak to an advisor

Find something you are interested in, and see if they do on the job training and certification. Then u are getting paid in the field while obtaining the necessary requirements .

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Most colleges offer what’s called fast Track for a slue of different fields! I know here where I am in Canada we have fast track paralegal and office admin are typically fast tracked for a year instead of 2!

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I think it all depends on what your interests are. I’m fixing to graduate August 1st with my degree and diploma in Medical Assisting and Phlebotomy. The program is 3 semesters long and it has gone by fast.

I went for phlebotomy! Didn’t pay great but you can with while going to school for other small healthcare certificates and they will give you higher pay with each certificate… plus many healthcare jobs pay like 80% of any class you wanna take in the healthcare field while you’re employed with then

What you are good at and enjoy doing really matters.


Skin care/Esthetician, it takes 5/6 months. State board testing after you get your diploma is a bit stressful, The mock test with your model is less challenging than the written test though. You have to really study the entire book because you won’t know what your test will be on until the day of your exam. The bones in the face and those areas is the hardest one, you get 2 hours and it’s timed. But you can make really good money especially once you’ve built your own cliental. Good blessings to your choice and have fun😊

Figure out what you are interested in, there are many good jobs out there that don’t require a 4 year degree, such as a nursing assistant, book keepers often don’t require a 4 year degree. There are many skilled labor jobs that are started with apprenticeship. You need to figure out your interests and strengths. Maybe look for a vocational specialist they can test your skills and help find a match for a career.

I met a woman through work who is a court reporter.
I thought it was the coolest thing to watch her on her funny little keyboard… but she was telling me it is a great career and she was able to raise her kids by making her own schedule as she gained experience.
She also said there is potential for up to 6 figure income depending on your experience, etc.
Definitely something I think I would pursue if I wasn’t already in my current field.

Electrician seriously get into an apprenticeship and go that way it’s booming and theirs not enough people

Or medical coding and billing that’s what I did had to take a break brain broken right now health issues but once back up I’m planning on finishing so I can work from home

Idk how you feel about taking care of people but CNA some classes take about 6/8 weeks and it’s an always need help field and not bad pay depending on

Commercial refrigeration. I just sold my grocery store and with all the freezers,coolers , walk-ins to maintain there is a great need. They make big bucks!

Healthcare or computer training would result in the most money and guarantee employment, but see what’s available near you.

Healthcare, don’t have to worry about lay offs, I make decent money doing CNA

There are needs in all areas of health care: CNA. CMA. XRAY TECH. LAB TECH. Nursing too but would be longer than one year.

I’m currently doing medical billing and coding. I had to take medical terminology first, but i finished that course in about a month. i’ve been working on medical billing and coding for a few weeks and i’m about 40% of the way through. it’s all on my own pace too, i have until the end of february to finish but i can get through it before then.

Ive been a cna for ten years and decided to go back to school for occupational therapy! Im loving it so far theres and associate degree which is 2 years or you can keep going for your masters

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Pick something you want to do. And a certificate may get you started but some jobs require a 2yr degree.