What should I have in my house for cold and flu season?

With cold and flu season coming quick, what’s your must haves for baby, toddler and big kid cold & flu? Comment all your sickness/ get better must haves!

Vicks. Tylenol. Cough syrup. Kleenexes. Cough drops. Decongestant

I run the sani rinse on the dishwasher all cold & flu season—just be careful with plastics so they don’t melt.

Chewable vitamin C and kids’ multivitamins, lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains for everyone, humidifiers, Vicks products, saline nose spray, nose Frida for babies. Anyone gets ill and y’all can wear masks (except babies) until everyone is well again. You don’t need antibiotic or disinfectant wipes for surfaces, just keep things people touch wiped down and clean—especially knobs and handles on everything including toilets, faucets and doors —several times a day if needed. Remind kids to wash hands often, especially first thing after school.

Bundle up and spend as much time outside as possible, get plenty of exercise and plenty of sleep. Do things that make you laugh and feel happy.

Eat bone broth soups, store bought or homemade. I get an organic/natural rotisserie chicken, cut slices for sandwiches, chunks for casseroles, stir frys and chicken salad, then toss the carcass in water to cover with some bouillon cubes and simmer 2 hours. Strain the broth out & pick the remainder of the chicken off the bones. Add a pack of frozen vegetables to the broth and the chicken bits, chopped onions and whatever vegetable leftovers you have on hand (add fresh chopped garlic, celery, parsley, sage, thyme if you like) and cook until vegetables are soft. Freeze whatever is left for another day. You can do something similar with beef or ham bones.

I wipe everything down constantly with Lysol wipes! Everyday! Kleenex, snot sucker’s, Tylenol