What should I pack in my hospital bag?

Tips on what to take in babies bag? I have 3 outfits. Socks, a hat. A pacifier. Ftm so I wanna make sure I have whatever she needs


Diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, blanket,

burp rags, pacifiers if your gonna use them, socks, little gloves, few diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, finger nail clippers, hand sanitizer, bottles, blanket, formula or breast pump etc.

i took 3 outfits, 2 jammies & a sleeping gown, pacifier (she ended up LOVING the hospital one tho), diapers, wipes, stuffed animal, bows (we took newborn pics in the hospital), and a blanket. word of advice: TAKE ANYTHING YOU CAN FROM THE HOSPITAL!! i took swaddles, hats, diapers, wipes, burp cloths, literally anything i could get or the nurses gave to me i took because you can never have too many :crazy_face:


I literally over packed lol took most of her clothes cause I changed her outfit so much during the day and jammies the hospital I went to provided everything else diapers wipes pacifier If u wanted one.

Burp rags, paci (if you are gonna give her one), mittens, littlr hats to keep het head warm, couple diapers, wipies, butt paste, 2bottles, formula (if you are formula feeding), blaket, socks, bib…

I am an over packer. I literally always pack like I am going on a week vacay when I’m only making a quick trip to store :person_shrugging::person_facepalming:

I took 3 receiving blankets (we needed one on either side of baby in her car seat to pass the car seat check at the hospital), about 4 sleepers and 2 or 3 onesies, diapers, wipes and diaper cream.

I usually did pre filled bottles with water, formula packets, 1 extra outfit, diapers and wipes.

Well. . How I got this post and another mixed up is beyond me. .

For baby bag, diapers, wipes, change or 2 of clothing (put in zip lock baggies, take less space and have the baggie ready for soiled clothing), sun block, diaper rash cream, paci, if you’re gonna use 1… of you. Bottle feed, put formula powder in empty bottles and carry bottled water… so all you need is to add water. Burp cloth or 2, favorite toy, extra blanket

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I overpacked for the baby. When he really only needed a few outfits. They ussually provide everything the baby needs wile your at the hospital. But i brought for myself clothes,comfy undies,shampoo,conditoner,body wash, slippers, phone charger,hair brush. And a change of clothes for his Daddy.


Extra pair of clothes for you :woman_facepalming:t2: I learned the hard way


The hospital usually provides everything except the going home clothes. You should be fine.

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The hospital provides wipes, diapers, formula, blankets, and pacy. Basically everything baby will need while there except going home outfit. I didn’t over pack bc I didn’t want hospital germs on babies stuff when I got home. Use their stuff, plus they will send you home with extra wipes, diapers etc too.


the hospital provides pretty much everything. but when people visited & took pics I wanted him in cute outfits haha so I brought like 5 outfits (bc you never know if you’ll have to stay longer than expected), blankets, swaddle blankets, paci’s, socks, mittens & hats. our hospital provided all the diapers & wipes as most do.

Food hospital food sucks lmao


2 white short sleeve onesies (1 newborn size, 1 0-3 mos), an outfit to take him home in, hat, socks, mittens, swaddle blanket, pacifier, booties, 1 pair of long pants. The hospital will give you necessities though <3 focus more on your bag !!

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I hate to say it to you like this I was a first-time mom once and being that you’re a first-time mom I might as well tell you the truth. just take everything that you possibly think that you’re going to need no matter what down to the kitchen sink… because you’re going to anyways cuz your first time mom. no shame in any way at least you’ll be prepared for anything including War​:joy::joy::joy: we all do that as first time moms…

Bring various sizes of clothes like newborn and 0-3 bc I only packed newborn and then my baby was bigger and couldn’t wear any of them my.mom had to go bring back some things.

Nail clippers! And a little bottle of baby soap because you never know when a blowout will happen! A tide pen too.

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Changing mat, diapers, wipes, at least 3 extra outfits, socks, nunu, lotion, couple light blankets, burp rags, baby Tylenol, teething tablets, gas drops. I always kept an extra shirt for me too. If breastfeeding…breast pads, big thin blanket (if covering up). If bottle…at least 2 bottles, a couple bottles of water, formula. When they start eating food…spoons & food & bibs. Just don’t leave the bag in the car.

I always took 5 outfits, 3 burp rags, enough formula for 2 maybe 3 bottles, 3 socks, 2 hats, 5 diapers and a pack of wipes. And 3 receiving blankets.

Bottles, diapers, wipes, baby powder, extra onesies

A going home outfit, socks, a hat and blanket. Hospital should provide everything else.

Baby lotion!, soft bristled brush, mittens.

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Take snacks cause hospitals only feed u at 6am…11am…5pm

Diapers, wipes, bottles, clothes, baby shampoo, baby lotion, socks, pacie, baby brush, burp rags, blankets,

All you need for baby is an outfit to come home in.and a car seat The hospital will provide everything the baby needs

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Blankies, binkies, bottles, burp cloths, pajamas, an outfit for newborn photos, diapers, wipes, lanolin cream, A&D

Clothes and pajamas for yourself, a bag with toiletries—soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste, hair bands, blankets and pillows, slippers

Dont forget the diapers,wipes, milk,snacks,powder