Okay this is my 4th baby but I always seemed to have forgotten stuff in the diaper bag for the hospital with all of them. I am 28 weeks and want to start packing hospital bags. Please throw me some ideas of stuff you guys put in your hospital bag and babies hospital bag that was very useful for delivery and your hospital stay
Chapstick, hair tie, easy pajamas, breastfeeding bra, prunes, gum… chew two hrs after delivery.
Toiletries coming home outfits. Baby will have everything it needs at the hospital. Your own blanket. Clean panties
Camera. Extra clothes. Puzzle book. Snacks
Long chargers for your phone and tablet if you have/take them… or a book.
Don’t they give you a list?
For my 3rd baby I used a hairbrush, shampoo conditioner body wash loofah, hair ties, one pair of pajamas and leggings/sweatshirt to go home in. Sandals. Phone charger.
Car seat for baby and 2 sleepers. I did bring a personal blanket because hospitals are freezing and their blankets are thin.
I’d bring snacks of some sort and I wish h would’ve brought Dr Pepper with me.
Everything else hospital provides.
Dippers wipes and pacafiers