What should I pay my niece for babysitting?

So, I asked my SIL if they could have our kids while we go out to dinner… she said that their 15 yo could babysit (however my SIL will be home too)… so, now I’m assuming they’re expecting us to pay her, even though we’ve watched their kids lots and have never gotten paid. I just don’t like that everything is a business transaction. Anyways, how much should I pay my niece, that will have her moms help, to watch my 3 & 1 year old while we go to dinner? 3ish hours probably?


A gift card or 20-30 bucks to show appreciation and keep you n your niece close. You didn’t do your niece a favor, you did it for her parents


Market rate $20 hour California,

Care.com has a zip code calculator on their site

Why is your husband not involved in this decision.will said sister in law take the money. Have your niece babysit at your house. Ask her if she wants cash or to go shopping and pick something out. Only you know your S I L…you decide.

It is a great learning experience for your niece. They have to start somewhere. Maybe this would be something she can continue but babysit at your house instead. My daughter is 15 and I always tell her I’m only a phone call away if she needs help.

Yes you should be paying her. Would you pay someone else if they weren’t family? You betcha cause nobody is going to watch a 3 year old and 1 year old for free. And if your SIL is going to be home than she can watch them but she expects payment also. Your niece has nothing to do with you and your SIL business and attitudes toward eachother so don’t be bringing adult drama into a teenager life just cause you guys bitter towards her mom and her towards you guys. Just make sure you tell your niece only she is allowed to spend the money she earns from babysitting not her siblings nor her parents but just her or see if she wants a gift card as payment for just herself.

Considering that she’s watching two kids I don’t agree with $20. I’d say maybe 40, or an iTunes gift card. 


3and 1 is a very big responsibility I would pay for 3 hrs 60


idk if I watched her kids for free and she wont do the same, id find a different babysitter all together.


It feels like you hate your niece tbh :sob: if you want someone to watch your kids, expect to pay them back in some way. You and your sister watch one another’s kids as the “business transaction”. Your niece isn’t in that equation and requires a different form of payment. $30 cash would be fine since she isn’t alone (which means this is fantastic practice) or you can even take her shopping and let her pick out something new. Does she want a new pair of shoes? A gift card of some sort, like others have mentioned? Maybe a new complete book series? Talk to her and figure it out. You can even open a bank account for her, a savings account, that she’ll be able to get into when she’s 18. Add to it every time she helps you out.


I’d find a 24hr daycare that’s what I’ve always done. She’s 10 and I still take her.

35 dollars it’s always great to have a teanage to watch nice to have family that age you can trust

Why assume? Just ask if she needs you to pay her. If she says yes then ask how much. If she says no then ask your niece frequently if she needs things for school or clothes or makeup, take her for coffee or out to eat, maybe give her a $20 here and there. Family shouldn’t expect payment unless it is their job. But she should always be shown appreciation. And assuming just creates drama.

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Isn’t the going rate around $10 an hour?

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My niece babysits my almost 3yo twins regularly for me, we leave super early Saturdays so she sleeps over Friday nights.
We pay her $20 each time, keep her phone credit up each month, we usually buy her dinner Fridays because I CBF cooking for everyone lol
Added bonus is the kids adore her and she knows them so well I’ve never had to worry about anything.
A good babysitter is invaluable! But we talked with her about what she wanted and agreed to terms that suited us all

She has them aboit 3 hours


50 is a good amount for 2 kids under 5 yrs of age for 3 hrs.


I babysit on my own for non family when I was 10.

Don’t argue, you got to pay her , you wanted to play,you got to pay

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The same as you’d pay anyone. Google daycare or childcare in your area

It’s good experience for your niece, and an added bonus that your SIL will be there for support and help if needed. Paying your niece whatever you could afford would be great experience! 3 hours is good practice time IMO & personally the comfort of having your SIL there to help (especially with the younger ages) would be worth it.

At least whatever your minimum wage is

Your SIL put you on the spot. When she told you that her daughter will watch the kiddos. You should have responded with How much does she charge.?.


Honestly I’d give her $50. It’s close to back to school she may want something special or do something fun with her friends before they go back

30-40 also, don’t watch hers for free anymore. Tell her to pay you or find someone else. Or set up a system where you each watch each others kids every other weekend for a date night or something

I would ask the 15 year old how much she wants.

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You mention them expecting their teen to be paid in comparison to you watching their kids for free. This is NOT the same situation. The teen deserves fair compensation for her labor, being responsible for multiple kids. If its more than 1 kids, it should be at least 20/hr.


My almost 16yr old son gets $15 an hour if he watches his nearly 3 yr old brother for me, and an extra $10 if he has to change a poopy nappy coz thats what we negotiated lol


Since she’s only 15 and doesn’t drive and won’t be coming to your house I would say about $40-$50 seems fair

This is family. Why not watch them and let mama give you a love gift of about 30.00.


Hire a real babysitter with all the credentials.

Avoid the drama!

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It would be nice to watch them free because they are family but because of how people are nowadays goodness flew out the window.

$10 an hour per kid.

However, if I had a sister with your attitude, I wouldn’t even let my kids babysit for her.

None of my business, but it’s a public forum … the post reads like you don’t want to pay your niece and you think she should do it for free because she’s family and because you babysit for her parents for free… That’s weird.

Also, I overpay and overtip for services… So I guess my opinion is probably irrelevant here

I hope you get a better attitude towards your family… We only get one life and one family.

I got farmed out to babysit frequently as a kid for no pay and I’m not about that life as an adult. I never made my daughter babysit. Family get weirdly demanding about that stuff.
Hire a regular sitter to come to your home and let the kids be watched in their own environment while you go out. 3 kids, for 4 hours, dinner and a movie…$75 should cover it

I pay my girl who are 17, 15 an hour and they are happy with that. They usually come at 6 and leave at 12 kids bedtime is 830/9 so they only have them a few hours and just supervise sleep until we get home

If you’ve watched your nieces and nephews for them then why would you assume she wants to be paid?
Are her kids you babysit similar in age?

Ok, so here’s the key word. ASSUME. she might have a meeting or prior commitment at home and she’s offering her daughter to be kind. If your uncomfortable there’s an app you can pay babysitters in your area and set up nanny cams. They run 20-30 an hr. You should be upfront with mom. Say do u think I should pay her? Or is this a free service lol? Make it a joke and see what mom says keep it light and friendly. You’de be amazed at what communication can do. We are often afraid of confrontation bc of our own feelings being hurt. Even if she says no, offer to bring her something that would peak her interest for her service. What small item can I buy her to show my appreciation? Thank u so much for offering her. I know I babysit your kids but I didn’t expect you to be so kind!!!

If I’ll be honest. I’ve asked my Hispanic mom to watch my son. Anytime I’ve offered money she’s say yes, anytime I wouldn’t, she’d say no. Talk that with a grain of salt. Depends on every family, so it just depends! P.s. don’t really talk to my mom anymore…: