What should I send my daughter for her birthday?

A necklace, a picture frame with your picture for her to keep . Or an album of pictures of her family. You , her grands etc

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I’d ask parents first. I’d be very upset if that happened to me completely unaware and blindsided


Would her parents be okay with you sending a little scrapbook about yourself? That would probably answer a lot of her questions and it would be something nice she could keep!


A letter to highlight your best self. Timeline pictures of you. Just introduce who you are in a positive light. She probably wonders if she’s like you. Best wishes!

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Send a picture book of you and family

A James Avery charm bracelet, then you can send her a new charm for her birthday each year and it will be a bracelet full of memories from you.


Not pictures. It’s going to rub the adoptive parents the wrong way and they’ll probably shut you out. A necklace maybe? Something nice.


I think in this situation, you should ask her parents if they mind you sending a :gift: if they are ok with that, I would then ask them what SHE is really into. It is her Birthday, she is very young. I feel the gift should be age appropriate and only about her. You haven’t been around her, I would say baby steps, tiny ones at that. Not only does she need to be okay with whatever gift, her parents also need to be comfortable with it. They don’t need to feel like they are being rushed/pushed into anything they aren’t ready for. Maybe it can be about her AND a meaningful keepsake. Perhaps if her ears are pierced, a pair of diamond studs. Walmart has BEAUTIFUL diamond studs for $100-$150 (size that would be great for her age) I have a pair I that was originally $900 I got for Christmas from a jewelry store and then a pair that I paid $110 for at Walmart the ones I got from Walmart (1/10k white gold) smaller for my second whole, but the diamonds are actually less cloudy than my others. Perfect for a 10 year old. If not, maybe a real gold ring with her birthstone, or even a pandora heart ring (it can symbolize your heart being with her) but, I personally wouldn’t tell her that until she is older and her parents ok it. Not that some of these aren’t WONDERFUL meaninful and amazing gifts (they are) I just feel like a scrap book, adoption book, pictures of the pregnancy ect… should just be given to her (not as a Birthday gift) but, at some other point. Perhaps if and when her parents ok it. Or after she is 18. All I am saying is tread lightly with her parents… if you were to upset them, pics, info, or anything else could potentially stop until she is of age. Just my thoughts. I have a niece and nephew that are both adopted, they are aware, they even see and spend time with their biological aunt and cousins. The mother is supposedly doing much better (rehab, restitution) they know she sees pictures ect, but there is also a line on what would be appropriate and what wouldn’t. Every situation is different, but ultimately the choice comes down to her parents and what they think is best for her stability and emotionally. So, definitely proceed with complete respect of their feelings and extremely slow. It is a huge deal. If they aren’t ok with things you would want her to have, that is ok as well. Stick to age appropriate things she will love. Definitely make scrapbooks, adoption books, all about you and your life, keep them safe, at an appropriate time (when parents agree) gift it to her (not on a holiday or special occasion) and if they don’t ever agree, out of respect to them and love for her (not wanting to emotionally rock her) gift her these things when she is an adult. The fact you would have so many sentimental things for her will show her that she has always been loved and special to you as well. Again, just my :thought_balloon:, best of luck.


I think in this situation, you should ask her parents if they mind you sending a :gift: if they are ok with that, I would then ask them what SHE is really into. It is her Birthday, she is very young. I feel the gift should be age appropriate and only about her. You haven’t been around her, I would say baby steps, tiny ones at that. Not only does she need to be okay with whatever gift, her parents also need to be comfortable with it. They don’t need to feel like they are being rushed/pushed into anything they aren’t ready for. Maybe it can be about her AND a meaningful keepsake. Perhaps if her ears are pierced, a pair of diamond studs. Walmart has BEAUTIFUL diamond studs for $100-$150 (size that would be great for her age) I have a pair I that was originally $900 I got for Christmas from a jewelry store and then a pair that I paid $110 for at Walmart the ones I got from Walmart (1/10k white gold) smaller for my second whole, but the diamonds are actually less cloudy than my others. Perfect for a 10 year old. If not, maybe a real gold ring with her birthstone, or even a pandora heart ring (it can symbolize your heart being with her) but, I personally wouldn’t tell her that until she is older and her parents ok it. Not that some of these aren’t WONDERFUL meaninful and amazing gifts (they are) I just feel like a scrap book, adoption book, pictures of the pregnancy ect… should just be given to her (not as a Birthday gift) but, at some other point. Perhaps if and when her parents ok it. Or after she is 18. All I am saying is tread lightly with her parents… if you were to upset them, pics, info, or anything else could potentially stop until she is of age. Just my thoughts. I have a niece and nephew that are both adopted, they are aware, they even see and spend time with their biological aunt and cousins. The mother is supposedly doing much better (rehab, restitution) they know she sees pictures ect, but there is also a line on what would be appropriate and what wouldn’t. Every situation is different, but ultimately the choice comes down to her parents and what they think is best for her stability and emotionally. So, definitely proceed with complete respect of their feelings and extremely slow. It is a huge deal. If they aren’t ok with things you would want her to have, that is ok as well. Stick to age appropriate things she will love. Definitely make scrapbooks, adoption books, all about you and your life, keep them safe, at an appropriate time (when parents agree) gift it to her (not on a holiday or special occasion) and if they don’t ever agree, out of respect to them and love for her (not wanting to emotionally rock her) gift her these things when she is an adult. The fact you would have so many sentimental things for her will show her that she has always been loved and special to you as well. Again, just my :thought_balloon:, best of luck.

Also, there’s a ton of books where you answer questions and it’s basically the story of you. I gave them to my parents but that’s a great longer term idea because it’ll take a while for you to do, plus that might be more of an 18th birthday gift. I love the charm bracelet idea for a 10 year old because it would grow with her

Ask her parents first. Jewelry.

Maybe like a best freind necklace you keep one half she has the other


1st. Check with her parents first to see if its okay.

I would send a necklace with a pendant of something pretty, like a flower or butterfly.


Maybe a necklace that says a key to my heart you keep the heart she keeps the key.I would think she would really charish it …


I’d either ask what she’s into, if there’s anything she needs or go down the jewellery route

Whatever you do decide on, run it by her parents first to see if they think it would be ok.


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Amazon has awesome “tell me your story” books. You can fill one out for her (whether as a bday gift or not). If she’s already curious I’m sure she’ll have tons of questions & these books can help with a lot of them.


This is a question you should ask her parents


I was raised in foster care and wasn’t allowed to see (or as far as my memory went) meet my bio mom until I was almost 12, however once she sent me a gift (a couple other random times as well but this one stuck) for my bday and it was a locket with a picture of me in the hospital inside and she wrote me a poem, i don’t have either anymore as I hanged
Foster homes quite a bit but I can so remember it word for word and despite us not having much of a relationship even now In my 30s it meant so much because it was something pretty which every girl loves but also something deeply personal, that she had to put time and effort and thought into which was something I sometimes doubted her ever having for me.


Do you have a baby pic of just her? Put that beauty in a frame and give it to her on her birthday along with an Lol doll ball, smushmellow or something.

I would talk to her parents & ask them. And you did a wonderful thing all around for everyone

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I’d send something personalised a diary with her date of birth on or necklace

Past time to meet her…
Her AP’s are paranoid, selfish and narcissistic .
A photo album of you and your extended family labeled. Including you preg, in the hospital holding her.
Make 2 copies…in case she doesn’t get the first one…
You can show her when she contacts you.
A note saying you think of her daily and cherish the photos her a parents send ( photo of one framed)
Have you requested to meet her?


After reading all the comments, if the adoptive parents are ok with the charm bracelet I think that would be a perfect gift. She is 10 and by the time she is 18 the circle would be complete opening the door to a relationship. I personally would not make the first few charms a focus on mother/daughter but more a foundation for friendship.


ask her parents what she might like or need. make it personal somehow.

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AMAZON has these sterling bracelets with inspirational sayings on them. I find them to be the perfect gift. I hope this helps you.

Maybe a build a bear with your voice recording just telling her you still think about her and love her


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A scrap book that you make with pictures and notes . Just ask the parents if they are ok with it . I see no issue with doing something like that or maybe a necklace or bracelet :heart:

A locket maybe you could put pic of u in and one of her x

I would make a family basket with a couple similar items for each ( cozy throw , coffee cup ) then add in a special gift for her I would do keepsake / charm bracelet you can start with a few charms then add as you go future days and Easter’s ect…
The cozy blankets are like a hug and seeing every one get one can help connect with her , showing respect and gratitude to her family will help her feel comfortable with you .

A necklace with a meaningful charm.