What should we do about this dog?

My husbands grandmother bought a new dog after the family dog passed away a few months ago, so she called and invited us (myself and my 2 year old daughter) to meet this dog whom they bought. So we go to the house and the dog ended up bitting my daughter in the face! After the bite happened she informs me that in the first 24 hours of having the dog he has attacked another small dog and left a mark on my nephews face in which they said is not from the dog biting him? I’m beyond pissed!!! But they think it was an accident, saying the dog didn’t mean too he only scratched her! (I seen the whole this and he bit her there are marks!) fast forward and she calls me to tell me the dog has his vaccines (this was my first question after the bite) and tells me this dog has had 3 owners in the last year! And they got him off a site because he was only a few hundred dollars. But still thinks the dog is safe to be around kids and I’m over reacting…??? What do you think???


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should we do about this dog?

Please keep that dog away from any child, or adult.


Tell her the dog needs to be put away when you guys visit. The dog should never be alone with anyone thats not your grandmother or cut her out for awhile till she gets it.

The dog is not okay around children. The dog needs to be contained/crated when the grandkids come over.


The dogs obviously got history and I wouldn’t have it around children at all, they need to surrender it to a rescue or pay to get a behaviourist to assess him and work with him.


Sounds like the dog was cheap because this has been a problem in the past . I’m glad your child wasn’t seriously injured but I promise even small dogs can be dangerous if they aren’t child friendly . They need to keep ALL children away from that dog . Either in a muzzle or in a kennel. Also they might want to understand that if this were a random person a serious Law suit could be filed. They definitely need to acknowledge that the dog is child vicious.

The dog needs to be properly trained and socialized before the kids can pet or play with it. Crating is great while the dog is still being trained. Bottom line is your mom or mother in law needs to invest in a proper professional trainer that can work one on one with the dog and properly train and socialize the dog. If she isn’t willing to invest in such training to allow her grandchildren around the dog then she needs to rehome it.

As a mum and wolfdogowner speaking: you as a mum made your first mistake by letting a 2 year old Child near an unfamiliar dog. You never let a Child near a dog you do not know. Instead you should have gone visiting and keep your kid out of reach, away from the dog. Secondly, the grandmother made the same mistake and by reading the story I assume she still does. She has to take her responsability if she wants to keep the dog she has to put the dog away (kennel,crate,other room, garden) when she has visitors. This dog is clearly scared or traumatized by things in his past and she as an owner has the responsability to protect the dog from his fears and as a grandmother to protect her grandkids.


That poor dog has been shoved from pillar to post as clearly no one has taken responsibility for it. It absolutely needs to be surrendered to a more suitable environment before it does serious damage and ends up under a destruction order.


What kinda of dog ?

They should muzzle it when the child is around or it’s around other dogs

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My ex has a little rat dog that he thinks will be okay around our daughter. I will ensure he is court ordered to have her professionally assessed before my daughter goes anywhere near her. Some people are just useless pet owners!

you all saying it should be taken in to a kennel are idiot’s


What role did YOU play in this? It’s YOUR child around a strange/new dog! Maybe the child face shouldn’t have been so close.
S/n: sounds like there are issues with the dog ALSO


No the dod should be put to sleep if he is doing this i had 3 staffys and any of them bit a child or anyone the would have been put to sleep dont put up with that stand ypur ground and report the dog hope the kid is ok xx


Tell her to get a dog trainer if she wants to keep it. Someone has treated this dog terribly keep the kids away and give this dog a chance to trust again. Dogs are not born aggressive we make them that way


NOPE do not have that dog around your kids , someone with proper knowledge and experience with rescue dogs need to have it , that bite could have been a hell of a lot worse !!


Absalutly not. The dog needs to be trained and ur kids need to be taught its not acceptable to just approach a dog. Don’t matter what type of dog or if u have it for years. U need to allow the dog to make that choise if he/she wants affection.


If you lived here in Ireland the dog would have been taken away after the first bite incident and your child wouldn’t have gone bitten. Please report this and have the dog taken before it bites another person. The owner is at fault for allowing a new unfamiliar dog around people
The owner is at fault here but unfortunately the dog will pay the price. If a dog bites once it will continue to do so.


Remove that dog from your child


No way if she wants to see you she goes to your house and leaves the dog at home is what I would say ,


Welp, that would be the last time I would see grandma & her dog.

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I love animals, esp dog’s. But having a kid now. You have to watch your littles around them. Kids hit, pull, and don’t understand the warning signs of back off.
The dog also being new to her home and you all, That’s a recipe for disaster. It takes a while for them to get comfortable in a new place.
I would keep dog away from children. After knowing that background, an or muzzle when the kid’s are around.
If your grandmother doesn’t take it seriously and be responsible for a dog like that. She’ll end up in court, paying for hospital Bill’s and the dog will end up being put to sleep.

This dog just needs trained properly- you’d be amazed the transformation they can make if someone puts in the time & effort to do so. Obviously this dog has not come from any good environment. They are not born aggressive.
I would not let my kids around the dog unsupervised unless the dog receives the proper training that it needs.

We had a dog with issues. Loved him to death. He did so many bad things and we gave him soo many changes. Chewing baseboards, couch pillows, attacking other dogs, trying to go after other people. We drew the line the moment he bit my son for the first time. He was gone. It sucked but that was our one rule. I think anyone who has kids would understand they come before anything else including a dog, whether you consider the dog a part of your family or not

Do not trust that dog !!!

Some dogs just arent ok with kids n a new dog I wouldnt allow my kids to get in their face is what most likely happened here. Or did the dog jump attacking the child? U know dogs can be nervous n have jitters from being in a new home also.

N most importantly teach your kids to never get down into a dogs face especially a new one at that


She should have informed u ahesd od time that the dog has attacked another dog, hurt another child, all within 24 hours, and that the dog has had 3 owners in any year’s time. I do not blame u for being upset. Now, not knowing those things, did u watch ur daughter around the dog? I never let my kids get too close to an unfamiliar dog, especially my kid’s faces. I realize that a dog can jump up and attack in a split second. Is that what happened here? Well, I’m not agreeing with either one of u, but u have a decision to make. U can either continue to visit on the condition the dog is put in another room or muzzled while ur there, or u can choose to not visit. Whichever u choose, ur child’s safety comes first. Me personally, I would probably cautiously forgive. Chalk it up to stupidity or whatever. I’ve forgiven ALOT that family has done. That’s what families do. If the family, and in particular the grandmother, is typically nice, then I see no reason to hold on to the anger. In the end, most of the time, family is all u got. And people don’t usually realize that until it’s too late. Anyway, I wish u luck.

The dog needs time to acclimate to its new place before introductions. At least 3 months!


Sounds like they got a dog and no one knows it’s history. The dog needs to go to some training and hopefully that helps. When you get a dog that has been to multiple homes you have no idea how those people treated that dog. The other houses could have had kids that traumatized the dog and that’s why he reacts to kids that way.

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It’s a new dog in a new environment. You said yourself It’s had three owners in a short period of time. You also don’t know what those environments were like. The dog should be introduced to its owner and allowed the opportunity to adjust before It’s introduced to others. The dog shouldn’t be punished because it’s owner doesn’t know how to properly introduce it to the home. Just keep the kids away from the dog until it can relax and possibly receive some training.


Some breeds are more temperamental than others. If it had three owners previously, then why did they get rid of it? If it’s through no fault of his own and it did snap, it may not like children. When the child comes over keep it separate.

Keep your children from that home with that dog. No way that dog should be still there and untrained after the first incident. If gran wants to see the children she would have to come to the house

That’s a big NO. I would tell her if we come over you need to crate the dog. God forbid next time it’s worse. I had a friend rescue a dog and within a week it tore her son’s face off and he need extensive surgery.

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Oh hell no,That dog should not be around children,What kind of dog is he,He needs to be wild with no one picking or pulling on him,He has been in several foster homes,He is suffering deep abandonment issues ,trust issues,And who knows what ever else, they could of beat him,I wish I could take the dog I live in the country

Idk who would take a dog that had 3 owners and not let the dog settle and get comfortable before dragging Littles in the house to meet it immediately. Animals need time to adjust. 3 owners in a year was saying something either about the pet or the owners.


Tell her you’ll love to see her at your house and her crazy dangerous dog can stay the heck at her house! Let’s hope that she isnt the one it bites next. Also find someone with a therapy dog that will allow your daughter to play with so getting bit in the face isnt her last terrible interaction with dogs!!

Come on it is not dogs fault or grandma s fault.She has to learn this lesson on how to acclamate a puppy or dog.Then she can train the dog by the word she uses.

If this dog has already hurt two children and showed signs of biting for no reason. I would not have my children in the same house as this dog. It sounds like this dog has had a very rough and untrained life and will either need a good trainer or sent to a rescue. But if the owner doesn’t see a problem, the dog will never get the help it needs.

first of all u dont leave ure kids with a dog u dont know the psyke of,second if we knew the dog is unbalanced u DONT present smaller dog or kids in its precense bc it needs train. the dog itself is very insecure. how would u feel if u get stranded of with new people just like that. time patience and love is the key.

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this is ure own fault as dog owner u should know better

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dog is not familiar with kids or unfamilar enviroment, u cant bring a wild money to a childcare with kids and expect it to behave. this kind of stuff makes me angry. do your research and consoult before getting an animal, each animal are as a person diffrent needs and rehab, needs, must. and each goes baby step. do your responsibility as a loving dog owner and provide the needs for the dog. and it will be ure friend to the end. care between an animal and human. it goe steps and dosnt happen by night. love goes both way not one way. if u dont put effort and love naturally dog will know. if u cant afford this feelings dont get an animal

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The dog needs training and patience…she had him a few days and he’s got nipping issues… the dog has been bounced around, and is not going to conform right away…I’d watch you kids and not be an asshole to a traumatized dog…the fact that I’m even reading this or replying is ridiculous, if you don’t know A LOT about animals, don’t adopt them. Don’t leave your kids with them, duh…sorry dude…it’s not the animals fault. It’s definitely human error…


You can’t control others the only thing you can do is control what is yours to keep your child away from that dog

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Yeah nooooo! Dog should not be around any children ever.

Unfortunately a trainer needs to be involved ASAP or no kids around the dog

I can’t believe when you took your child for medical treatment, that the Dr’s didn’t report it. I thought dog bites were mandatory reporting