What snacks make a car trip easier?

Hi everyone I need some help. We are about to go on a trip that is about 6 hours there and back and I have 2 year old. What snack and things that would make this trip little easier? We are excited for our vacation but not the drive.


How long of a drive? I have 3 and usually pack a cooler of its 3 hours plus, pb&j,lunch ables, cheesestix, pretzals, cut up fruit in a tupperware,capri suns,chewy bars.

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A snackelbox with all their favorites… something like this. Easy to get, no wrappers everywhere. Variety.

Is try to make the drive while the kids will be asleep. 100%

Be sure to also keep in mind your 2 year old will be strapped into a car seat behind you, so try to avoid high choking risk food like apples.

I usually make each kid their own bag. They each get a gallon sized baggie and get easy grab or easy to open snacks in there. Cuties, apples, bananas, dry snacks like different types of crackers, rice cakes, goldfish, pretzels, protein bars, etc. Their empty wrappers go right back in that bag and the produce waste goes into a separate grocery bag. Plus they each get a water. I don’t do juice on road trips because they drink it super quickly then they need to stop and pee every 30 mins lol

If your kid likes to drink water, water is always good or you can always bring individual powdered juice packets.

Beef jerky
Granola bars
Bring two small sweet treats as a half way point reward for good behavior can save the other for the trip back or just buy another

Things that are easy to pack and eat.

String cheese. Cube cheese. Nuts. Trail mix. Water. Gatorade. Applesauce pouches. Beef jerky. (We avoid sugar b/c who wants sugar high kids trapped in a car?!)

Make sure to bring paper towels and wipes for hands and spills.

If possible try to drive when they’d have a nap so they’re more inclined to sleep for some/most of the car ride.

Good luck.

Take a cooler, lunch meat pbj,string cheese,fruit,cheeses

We take uncrustables lunchables and apple sauce and yogurt pouches

Uncrustables, gold fish, grapes

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