What time did you go into labor?

What time of the day did you go into labor?


6 am labor started. 3:43 the following morning I had my son

Around 10pm. Got an epidural at midnight. And my son was born at almost 10am the next morning.

1st baby, night time - born at 23:45
2nd baby, morning - born at 09:11

1st I don’t really remember what time I know in the morning
2nd about 1am
3rd 7pm

1st water broke at 12:25pm. Labor didn’t start until about 12 hours later

2nd active labor started around 6 pm. He was born at 3:42am

3rd labor began in transition at 1:30 am. By 1:45 I knew I was going to have to hurry. She was born at 4:44

Baby 1: labor 4am, birth at 10am. Baby 2: labor 9 pm, birth 2pm
Baby 3: labor 5:15 am, birth 11pm
Baby 4: labor 8:20pm, birth 5:50am

Water broke at 12:36am and contractions started about an hour later.
Water broke at 12:46am contractions started about 3 hours later.

1st baby. Labor started about 630pm. Born 335am.
2nd baby. Labor started about 9pm. Born at 147am.
Short and sweet!

Water broke at 9am, same night around 9pm I gave birth.

My first four were induced. The fifth, water broke around 5:30 pm. He was born at 1:55am.

Both my boys were in the middle of the night. I didn’t go to the hospital til afternoon/evening and they both came same day I went in well technically next day cause of it being midnight and 1 in the morning

3 out of 4 I woke up in labour. One at 12:30am, one at 7am. One at 5am

First, 7.30am, had her at 15:11 and home by 21:30 same day. 2nd induced at 1pm, e-section at 6.36am, 3rd elective section, born at 10.59am

I just had my first baby 2 weeks ago and I went to the hospital at 9:30pm and was already 5Cm! I ended up having my baby at 1:45 am so I was in labor for 4 hours :raised_hands:t4:

First one went into labor at like 1:30-2 am had him at 5:33 am and the second one went into labor at like 6:30 pm and her at 7:03. Neither were long or hard. With my daughter they were undressing me going up and as soon as I got on the bed the nurse yelled for the doctor but she ended up catching her because she was there and ready. They told me if I had anymore I would have to be in the hospital probably the day before because of how quick and short my labor was. Lol

My oldest my water broke at 11:30pm he arrived 2:26 am. My 2nd contractions started 6/6:30am he arrived at 8:56am. My third contractions starting around 12am, he arrived by 5:36am. My 3th contractions started around 7pm, she arrived (via emergency C-section due to coming butt first up on arrival fully dilated attempting not to push) 10:24pm.

my oldest at 7am, second 12am, last 9am

I went into labor in the morning went to the hospital around 4pm got my epidural at around midnight and had my boy at 1:21 that next afternoon

First son midnight born 7:24 am second son 7:30 pm born 8:45 that night and my daughter 5 PM born 10:48 that night

With my 1st, 4:08 in the afternoon- she came out at 8:04 the next morning lol