What time do you normally put your baby to bed?

What time do you mommas usually put your almost 10 month old to bed at night?

It depends on what time you need to be up in the morning. My kids are sleepers and love sleeping in. So I would put him down at 10-1030 at that age. It’s what worked best for us. He would sleep til 10am or so, which gave me time to get my other 3 children dressed, fed, and good to go for the day.

At that age mine were always ready for bed by 8, to bed at 830, and lights out at 9…

8-9:30! Start a bed routine! Start dinner about 6 , 7-7:30 do bath time , 7:30-8 read a book or watch a movie, put lavender lotion on!

  1. started sleep training my baby boy at 6 or 7 months

I put mine to bed around 8.

Probably around 930-1030.

She’s in bed by 8pm (and up by 7am). It took a lot of consistency & nap alignment but sleep schedules are SO important!!