What time do your toddlers go to bed?

What time are your 3 year olds going to sleep? And what does your night time settle down look like? my son has been going to bed so late for the longest time like 11pm I feel like it has a effect on my mental health not getting any “alone time” or kid free hours at night. I haven’t had a sitter or someone watch my child for over 7 months and I think if I could give myself those free hours in the night it would give me a little relief. I don’t want to move his bed time to early and it be impossible that’s why I’m asking what is a safe time for me to start winding down without asking to much I was thinking get him asleep by 8:30pm if I can turn off all the lights in the house and make him lay down he will fall asleep pretty easily. He does not nap during the day


We’re very unconventional? I guess you’d say. None of us have a sleep schedule, but it works for us. I homeschool my 8 & 10 year old so I let them sleep when/however much they want provided their school work gets done and they have good grades. My nearly 3 year old I let kind of do her own thing too, however I cap her off by midnight, most nights she’ll let me know she’s ready for bed around 9:30-10pm. She takes two naps during the day, about twenty to thirty minutes right after lunch and another around 4-5pm. I know our way of life isn’t for most but if you have no real reason to adhere to a schedule I urge you to try doing what works for your family and less of “what’s normal”


Nope. Mine went to bed around then and needed about nine hours sleep. Getting rid of the nap helped, as did adding school (nursery). But 10pm wasn’t unusual with an 8am wake-up. Some kids just need less sleep. I got to enjoy the extra hours in the morning and nursery meant I got some me-time back.

Start doing bedtime about half hour earlier for a few days, then move it again and again until you get down to your desired time.
If he’s having trouble, try adding more activity and fresh air during the day.


Children 3-5 need 10-13 hours of sleep per day…


My kids are 5, 8 & 8 and they all start getting ready for bed at 7pm. They have blackout curtains so it doesn’t matter if it’s still light out. My 5 year old is lights out around 8 and the 8 year olds have lights out around 830. They all get up at 7 am and still struggle with being tired some mornings.

As far as sports go, all of them take sports and this doesn’t affect anything. Practice is usually around 5 or 6 so it’s shower and bed after.


Here’s a general schedule I’m starting to follow.

Only screen time for an hour

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My 7 year old goes to bed between 7:30-7:45 during the week, she also gets up at 5:30. She has always gone to bed early- I’ve always worked. She has black out curtains so the light doesn’t bother her


Mine has never gone to bed prior to 10pm in his life. I couldn’t imagine putting a child to bed when it’s still light out so all the crazy 7-8 times are weird to me. Keep in mind even tho he’s young he needs a schedule that will last. If he plans on playing sports or participating in activities practice is typically from 6 to 8. By the time they get home and have a snack and a shower and wind down nothing earlier than 10 makes sense. Mine started playing sports at 3 years old.


To each their own and of course depending on lifestyle but good grief bed at 7/730, that seems like a punishment not a bedtime

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430-515 play when we get home from school, 515-6 dinner, 6-615/630 bath, 615/630-7 play, 7-730 playing in his room with his sound machine on and light on sound machine orange (this means he can play in his room), 730-740 he cleans up and goes potty (his light turns blue to signify bedtime). Then by 740 he’s in bed and asleep by 8

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Between 7-8 for both my 3&5 year old. They wake between 6-7 am.
After supper we have pretty much the same routine, bath, jammies, cuddles, books a snack, a show. I also give them plenty of verbal warnings, “it’s bed time in 30/15/10/5 mins” then it’s pee and brush teeth, tucked in.


Bath time starts at 7pm, in bed and asleep by 8:30 up at 7am. 2 hour nap at 12pm.


My 3yo goes to bed at 9. Dinner is at 7 ish movie, cuddles and bath then bed. She likes her alone time too. So she’s in bed by 9 and she falls asleep by 10 after she plays by herself without her brother taking her toys lol.
Since your kid is a late bedtimer, I’d start putting them to bed 5-10 mins early for a week, then 10-15 mins early for the next week until you get to a time you’re comfy putting them to bed at.

3 yr old goes to sleep between 7pm and 9pm depending on our day. He’s good about settling down. We don’t do naps.


9pm is bedtime. However it takes sometime for my boy who has ADHD to sleep, sometimes he isn’t asleep till 10pm.

My 6 y/o is in bed at 8-8:30 and my 1 y/o is in bed 7:30-8. Both don’t usually wake until 7:30-8. We just have dinner and baths done by 6:30-7 and then chill time, reading/ movies, dim lights either on couch or in our bed until bed time. I also warn it’s bed time in 20 mins, time to have a drink, brush teeth, use toilet etc

My daughter has a 3 yr old daughter and she starts winding down at 7:30 and by 8:30 she is asleep most nights but she has to be at preschool at 8:00 am M-F. Plus she has a 7 mo. old son that is asleep by 8 also. Now the 10 yr old thats a different story she doesn’t go to sleep until 9 or 9:30.

My 3 yr old is down by 7:30. Although, if she’s fallen asleep at some point during the day she won’t sleep until after midnight


My 3 kids use to be asleep by 7 everyday but now that there a lil older they lay down at 8 out by 8:30

My 17 month old goes to be usually between 7-8, with 1 nap about noon. Some nights he won’t fall asleep till 9-10, but that’s pretty rare.

With no nap my 3 year old is in his room at 7/730. With a nap he’s up until about 930. He wakes up on average around 730/800

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My 3 yr old goes down between 730-830. We normally lay him down at 730 and read 1-2 books lol

My baby is sleeping at 8 and my other son who is 2 goes to sleep at 9 earlier if he gets alot of fresh air.

Mine started bedtime at 7 and out by 7:30 at that age. Up about 6 am and she did nap still as well

7pm at the latest 8pm. They sleep until 7 to 8am the next morning. Ages 2,3, almost 4 and a 6 year old…They take naps from 1 to 2 hours every afternoon also.

My 11 month old puts herself to sleep by 9ish.

My almost 4 year old goes to bed at 9, wakes up around 7:30 or so.

Alicia Isabella this is Val today and the past 4 days. Not the no help part but still he is driving me crazy.

My 5yr old goes to bed around 7:30-8 usually and gets up at 6-7am

845 but we’re up at 630 every morning.

My 6 year old goes to bed at 8 pm, even on the weekends!

8 pm every night! They need structure and consistency


You saying you don’t want to move his bed time but is 8.30 ok? Well then you will be moving his bed time :thinking::person_shrugging:

I put my 3 year old son to bed about 645 to 7 he sleeps all night never gets up, but I do have four older girls that stay up till bout 730 but ever since the time change they go to bed at 8 and he goes to bed bout 7-730 most times.

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Both my 4 year old and 16 month old go to bed at 7:30pm and sleep all night. No matter what. It is great because not only is sleep crucial for their development, but I actually have several hours to relax or get things done around the house and it allows my husband and I to have quality time together. And once the kids are asleep, if I need to go shopping, i can do so with no worries.

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they got ready for bed about 7 and bed by 8. but then i also had one that would not sleep and would fall asleep at time had to get up. then i had to have go to bed late and go backwards to finally go to sleep and preschool also wore her out and then set bed time finally got at 9pm and still at 9pm and older now like 10&11 and still bed by 9 latest 9 :30. and if let stay up late they would be tired seeing how we get up and ready for school at 5 is freshening up in morning and too the bus at 6:45 and but comes between 6:50 and 7am. the 10 yr old could go to bed and asleep by 8 at times.

8pm the whole house lays down…

7pm and two naps a day. She woke up at 6am nap 9-11am
nap 1-3pm and bedtime 7. Best thing ever for me. I was going crazy before I made a schedule. Now at 9yo bedtime is 8pm.

8:30. No exceptions. He sleeps in his own room in his own bed.

If my kids are up at 6am, they are in bed by 7pm. Usually my 4yo will fall asleep around 6:30pm, if he’s up at 6am and no naps.


8 is when my goes to bed I start bed time and hour before hand we will read a book then we watch a couple episodes or a movie they pick together then ill tell them time to lay down I also start counting down so they know it’s almost time for bed for example I’ll say 30 more mins for bed 10 more minutes then we will brush teeth and I’ll tuck them in my kids are 6 and 3 almost 4

Both my kids are in bed by 730. One of them is in school and the other stays home for now. The one that stays home will get up between 730-10. No naps at all but the youngest is getting ready to start school anyways so it works out. If you can take a nap out they usually go to sleep earlier

My son (3) normally goes to bed around 10:30pm and gets up between 8:30 and 9:30am. He does still wake up once or twice in the night and I tuck him back into bed.

My daughter is turning 4 in Sept, she’s been going asleep by 630-7 , wakes up 630-7 , no naps. If I put her to bed later, she wakes up earlier, it’s how she’s always been.

Start your routine at 8 giving a bath , read him a book ( if you are into that ) so he will be sleeping by 8:30

My 3 and 4 year old go to bed at 8 pm. If they’re bad they go to bed earlier.

2.5 year old twins here. They wake around 715am nap is 1pm-3pm I start bedtime routine at 730pm and in bed by 8pm.

All my kids go to bed between 7-8. They are 8, 5 and 2 1/2 years old.

We start around 6/7pm. After dinner she goes into a bath that has lavender in it.she gets out, gets dressed, we brush hair, teeth etc. we do books followed by back rubs/pats or a slow movie she has seen a million times with back rubs or pats. We can usually get her down between 830 and 9pm. We spray sleep spray stuff in her room as well, has other calming scents in it. Some nights it’s later but no later than 10/10:30. Unfortunately we did have to start adding melatonin here and there per doc instructions.

We all start to get up around 6(he leave for work by 7) and and I are getting up by the time he leaves and she’s off to preK/daycare by 7:30/8.