Our apartment manager says it’s a problem and that they will talk with him but nothing is done. We have called them more than 5 times asking for help and they just keep saying they will talk to him. Our lease specifically says you and your guests may not do anything to disturb your neighbors peace.
My husband has kindly asked him to stop so many times and every time he says something like “man I’m sorry I won’t do it again. I didn’t know you could still smell it.” A week ago my husband saw him outside and asked again and he said “I don’t know what to do because it’s always either too hot outside or too cold”. ALSO he falls asleep smoking all the time. Every time I see him smoking outside he’s falling asleep whether it’s 10am or 5pm. What happens when he falls asleep smoking in his house and burns our apartment down?
This is physically impacting my whole family and I don’t know what else to do… what would you do??
Honestly and i know u dont wanna hear it n im sorry i gotta tell u but id put in a month notice and prepare to move because he isnt gonna stop and he pays rent as well so to avoid any conflict id try my best to relocate
Check with an attorney…in some situations if your landlord fails to do anything you can get out of ur lease…im sure each state has different laws…i wouldnt stay there knowing he falls asleep smoking…he wouldnt burn my home down.
If it’s within your budget, move.
You move. It is his apartment so he can smoke as long as he wants as.long as it isn’t against his rental agreement. You don’t like it then you move to where you don’t habe neighbors who may do something petty to upset your family
He’s technically not doing anything to disturb your peace, just because you don’t like the smell really isn’t a valid reason, especially if the landlord doesn’t see a problem and allows smoking,
He has a right to smoke. He’s not being a jerk to y’all about it. It doesn’t say no smoking in the lease. Honestly, you’re interrupting his peace by trying to stop him from smoking.
If he causes a fire then it’s on him. But right now, you’re kinda the bad guy.
I don’t think there’s much you can do unless it says in lease no smoking on the property then you might beable to take it court or something but if you have the money I’d move.
I would look for another place technically unless it’s written in his lease that he can’t not smoke in the apartment there’s nothing you can do he’s doing it in the privacy of his own place he pays the rent to live in his apartment.
Move to a new apartment in the complex… or move out of that complex. …that’s apartment living for you, honestly. Not much you can do unless HIS lease says “no smoking.”
Going to have to move. He has every right.
Just move if it’s that that serious. Most a landlord will do is make him smoke outside which will still make the smell rise. And most likely he will just keep smoking indoors.
As Judge Judy would say if you don’t like the conditions then move.
Move to a no smoking apartment……
As long as there isn’t a no smoking policy in the lease there isn’t much you can legally do. I know that isn’t the answer you want but it’s the truth.
Move lol. Welcome to apartment life.
Take pictures of him smoking and sleeping a same time then show landlord then maybe dumbasses will do someyhing about it
Move out. He isn’t doing anything to disturb your peace.
If you can, move. Or keep your doors and windows closed so it won’t cause your house to stink.
It’s giving Karen Nikki-lee Hazelgrove thoughts?
He pays his rent so he has the rights to do what he wants
I lived in a complex that neighbors were causing my son asthma attacks by smoking pot in their apartments. Complaining to management just made it worse for me. Save your money & leave.
Unless his lease specifically says No Smoking then there’s really nothing you can do. He’s only doing it in his apartment not yours. If you want something done about it you can find a new place that has no smoking in the lease
Unfortunately everyone is correct. Unless it’s in his lease smoking on his property although an annoyance to you is legal.
It’s his apartment he pays rent on. As long as it’s not in the lease that there’s no smoking it’s not your business what he does in his home. You don’t have the right to ask him not to smoke in his apartment and especially outside his apartment. Your the a**hole not him. When you lease is up move or break your lease. My dad and uncle smoked then in the house my entire life. I enjoy a good expensive cigar myself sometimes. They aren’t that strong that it should be bothering you and they are made to go out on there own.you don’t put cigars out you lay them down so the odds of him catching the apartment in fire are small
If its not in his lease that he cant smoke in his apartment, nothing you can do. Move. It may be annoying you but its not being “disruptive” . By that they mean excessive noise, drugs, police, violence etc. Not smoking a cigar.
What are the laws regarding smoking in public places in your state? In Washington, they can be cited for smoking closer than 25ft from any occupant or business entrance. If its an apartment building, he can’t even smoke near his own door in my state.
If smoking is allowed all you can do is move… apparently management isn’t to worried with it or something would have actually been done. If you cant deal with it you will have to move its apartments.
If no smoking isnt in the lease, not a thing you can do. It sucks, but it is what it is. Be glad it isn’t something worse.
Move if you don’t like it
He needs to put some weed in that cigar so you can all chill tf out.
Smoke more pot than they do cigars
Cigars burn out if not puffed on. That said, it’s his space. Legally, there’s not much you can do.
Try getting a air foltrarion system, you can get them relatively cheap thru Amazon or eBay, maybe wal-mart.
If you can prove it’s a medical issue, you may have a case to either make it stop or break your lease.
Until then, try Claritin daily and see of that helps. The air filters should be changed more often too.
Move You cant stop your neighbor from smoking where he lives. Tf?
Can you call the health dept and ask them for help? This is so terrible! I suffer a migraine whenever i am anywhere near cigar smoke so I totally sympathize! Disgusting!
If it’s that much of a problem for you then ask the apartment manager if you can move to a different apartment or start looking for somewhere to move
Move. your husband asking him to stop smoking is disrupting his peace. In the winter I can’t ask my neighbours to to put out their fires in the fireplace but it still makes my house smell like a chimney
Honestly if you are living in apartments where smoking is allowed you really cant do shit about it. You chose to live in a apartment where smoking inside is allowed. if its not allowed then I really hope managment there are normal nice people that can help you with this one because he would be in the wrong. You can also break a lease and claim it was “unlivable” in court. If its literally that bad. Not sure how every state works but I was debating on doing this one time lol.
Don’t live in an apartment…
Consider how hard it is to find a new rental right now. Consider the fact that he’s smoking cigars not throwing raging parties or playing guitar all day. Then buy an air purifier (I personally like levoit) big enough for your space. And a bottle of wine. Sounds like you need it.
Don’t live in an apartment then? If smoking isn’t prohibited on the property then he has every right to sit outside and enjoy his cigars… close your windows? Put a fan on? Get an air purifier. Or simply just move
I know its easier said than done but I would move my family…before the place goes up in smoke it sounds like it’s a matter of when not if!!!
You can go to small claims and force the landlord to either evict him or make it stop you they will have to pay for you to be relocated which would cause a big drama fest and possibly piss of the landlord or buy a bunch of air purifyers
You will have to have text or an official letter asking the landlord to make it stop first step would be to write a letter with the complaint have it notarized make a copy with the Notarized stamp !! Then send certified mail!! Get the ticket that says it’s delivered when you pay for the mail to be sent
this is the best way to do it with out pissing the landlord off !! It just forces their them to act essentially
You can also call the health department and have them come out and just write a report that will be good if things get ugly landlord can’t evidence because it would be called retaliation just keep all the records don’t lose them landlord will have to pay you if he tries to screw your over
Move. I’m sure you’re not as perfect as you seem to think. Is smoking allowed on the property? If it’s allowed then he’s within his right. You don’t have to like that or be happy about it but it’s not all about you. Change apartments or move away in general.
Honestly everyone has there own decisions on to smoke or not. If that’s what he decides to do honestly there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s not illegal for him to smoke a cigar. If you are that mad about it you need to move. Seems like you are trying to be controlling over someone else’s life. What he does is none of your business. How would you like it if he heard you and your husband having sex one night and went upstairs and told you to stop and not do it anymore because he lives under you and you are being disturbing. Kind of the same thing. So just move if it’s that big of a deal.
If it isnt a smoke free building all you can do is move
Ask the apartment manager for a downstairs apt if they can’t give you peace in this one.
Maybe move if you’re worried about him burning his and your flat down.
Pros and cons to living in apartments.
Either moan about the smoker neighbour, or moan about moving somewhere else
move and mind your business
You can’t stop people from living, get your own house
I find it disturbing you watch him enough to know he’s sleeping. First issue. Second, unless it’s a no smoking property the manager is telling you what you want to hear because you are going over the top and probably won’t hear anything else. It’s not your neighbors job to worry about your lifestyle. Sorry.
Speak with your local fire Marshall. There may be rules about no smoking in complex, apartments or multi family units.
I’d move. Like someone else said I know it’s easier said then done, but you can’t risk dude burning down the apartment with your family. It’d be worth the while… Cigar smoke is awful!
I would make a plan and I would move as soon as possible
Move. Why do you get to dictate how someone else lives? Holy crap.
Maybe ask to trade apts so he is on top with the air…jk
Move ! You can’t control what your neighbors do .
move? get an air purifier or two and charge the apartment complex.
Well bad or not what he does inside his own apt is his business. Im sure your over reacting a lil
Move. You cant tell him what to do or not to do hes a grown arsed man and has the right to do what he wants.
Wow so many people saying move… Like wtf. I have the same issue my place, mostly the bathroom, smells like cigarettes terribly and the apartment complex is absolutely no smoking in the units. I worry all the time that the whole place is gonna go up in flames with me and my 4 kids inside. You guys are all rude as hell, they were asking what they could do for a viable concern. God no wonder I never ask questions on pages like this you fucking jerks lol. Many of y’all must be puffing it up inside your apartments.
Throw water at him each time you smell him smoking . Ur not hurting him your just sending the message lol im petty tho lol lol
Accidentally spill water outside until it puts his cigar out. If he complains say man I’m sorry I didn’t know you could feel it…
He pays his bills as u do. deal with it, get over it, or get another place. If you all are that picky u don’t need apartments. Sorry
Ask to move apartments
Move. If they were gonna reprimand your neighbor, the would of already taken steps to do so.
Move and your problems are solved
Can’t control the way the smoke carries on the breeze.
If that were possible, I’d be redirecting the poisonous fumes my neighbors’ clothes dryer spew…Scented laundry products, air poisoners/fresheners (FRESH air doesn’t stink) are the new 2nd hand smoke.
He’s an adult and is legally allowed to smoke
Have you asked your apartment complex if they could move you to a different unit?
You move it’s his apartment he can do whatever he wants or you can pay his rent then tell him what to do
He pays rent just like you. Don’t like it, then move! Unbelievable!
That’s a risk you take living in an apartment. Move to a house.
Can you purchase some air purifiers for the rooms in your home? They even have them to eliminate odors. The falling asleep smoking is a concern. But you can only do things that are in your control. So I would do things to your home to help with the smell
A really good air purifier or two
MOVE ! Apartment living is living with others
Put up a security camera and get multiple videos of him falling asleep and show them see if that might be a liability for them. Just a thought don’t know if it will actually work
I was in the hospital having an emergency c-section at 32 weeks pregnant and my landlord evicted me because my family who went to check on my apartment for me put out their cigarette by the bottom of the stairs and 1 of the neighbors complained. I was kicked out with 2 baby girls (2 and 4 at the time, and a newborn baby while having to recover from 2 major surgeries back to back and I lost my job on top of that because my recovery time was longer than what my paperwork stated. So, I suggest you move and dont get into another apartment if you have a problem with what others do.
Move leave your neighbour in peace im sure the landlord will be delighted maybe a little island somewhere where u don’t have to deal with ppl
The level of Karen is outstanding on this one Either move or invest in some air purifiers. He’s a grown adult… smoking cigars outside… outside of his apartment… again, outside Karen… what more do you want?
Honestly, I think this is a fair point. I don’t care if people smoke; but second hand smoke harms others, especially children/babies. If your apartment managers aren’t doing anything you may need to escalate it, or move. Do what you need to do
That’s apartment living, you can’t control what he does. He pays rent too. Time to move if you want change.
I live in a apartment as well. I’m on the middle floor. We had this guy living above us that complained to us about our smoking (on the balcony outside) and he complained to the office and also asked us not to smoke outside when he was home. We didn’t but whenever we went out we turned fans on to blow the smoke away from the apartments so it wouldn’t bother him. He moved our shortly afterwards but still…what could we do?
I would move. I really don’t know what else you can do. Since the higher ups know that it’s an issue for your family, they should be willing to accommodate you in at least moving to a different apartment when one comes available. They might want to consider going non smoking across the board. But until they do that, dude can do whatever he pleases within his 4 walls unfortunately.
Sorry but if someone told me I can’t smoke in my home I would tell them to piss off. By law a person can do whatever they want in their home as long as they are not breaking the law
Seriously if the smell of smoking is that offensive to your sensibilities why did you even move in anywhere that isn’t 100% smoke free?
If it bothers you so much for an entire year… Find a new place already
Either suck it up and get over it or move. But complaining to the manager is ridiculous but for the love of God leave your neighbor and his cigar alone. Cause believe if I was him I’d be inviting my friends over to smoke with me as well. You are being a shit neighbor and I wouldn’t tolerate that at all. But hey thats just me.
You need to save up to move, apparently you need to be away for others. This man pays his rent…as do you. You’re interrupting his right of peaceful coexistence. He’s doing it in his apartment….that he pays for, if you’re that appalled, move…that’s the only way to ensure that it won’t happen again
Move to a premises that doesn’t allow smoking on the property whatsoever.
My family and I now live in a complex that allows smoking in apartments (bc only some homes have patios and the rest don’t have any private outside space). It bothered us like the first week. Now we don’t really notice it except for in the hallways. But in our apartment I just open the windows when it’s cool, we run fans a lot, I have plug in air fresheners, and I also run a scentsy often. I febreeze the couches all the time bc we have a big dog. So maybe that’s how we don’t notice it? But if it bothers you THAT much, and he’s allowed to smoke in his home, maybe find a building that doesn’t allow smoking at all. Unfortunately when you live in apartments, it’s not all about YOUR peaceful existence and you’re gonna have to put up with some stuff.
It’s his place and he is smoking outside probably cos he isn’t allowed to smoke inside… seriously what do you want him to do walk up the road?
Why are we crying over something so small I get it that it stinks but hunny let me tell u something pickvyour battles in life this is a silly thing to post to be honest I mean move or open a windo or a door I mean lord person we r in a damn pandemic and your sitting there worried about a little Chita smoke why don’t u worry about real stuff like maybe this pandemic
I deal with the same. Marijuana fills up the hallways of our apartment complex daily, as far as cigarettes we can’t even open our balconies, never fails we walk our dog hoping for fresh air and we pass 1 or 2 smokers. it’s terrible. laws and notices don’t even work and I’m in California where smoking is prohibited in private residencies including balconies and smokers will still smoke bc they thrive off bad habits and don’t care about their health let alone anyone else’s. and about your fear of him falling asleep. it’s happened here. the man above me who chain smokes has set off our entire fire alarm system and the fire dept has to be the one to come out and give them a notice. I’m also the property manager and trust me not even a notice works. the smokers don’t give a rats ass about laws and a no smoking sign. I say put in your notice and move.
Move. Then he can do what he wants and you won’t feel the need to dictate what someone else does. I am a non smoker, I don’t like it but I don’t have the right to tell someone else what they can and cannot do in their own home.