What to do for baby with constipation?

I have a 1 month old (and 5 days) he’s pooping hard, green/brown turds, some pebbles, some logs, and a couple were massive. we breastfed for about 20 days, I got a cold/virus, and took some medicine and my milk dried up, so we switched to formula. I didnt switch him right away. when I noticed it drying up I started formula at night and then eventually during the day. but hes been on only formula for about a week and a half and since Monday his poop has been like this. I have NO MORE breastmilk left and I’ve tried water, syrup, gripe water etc. I dont know what else to do. hes on enfomil gentle ease.


Take him to the doctors and get it checked out :woman_facepalming:t5:

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A baby that young shouldnt be having water…


My son was that age when he started having the same issue. His pediatrician said to put an extra half ounce to an ounce of water in his bottle when I mixed his formula. So I’d pour in 5 oz water and then two scoops of formula. I’d definitely call your pediatrician ASAP though to make sure.

My daughters onthe same formula. The pediatrician had us to give her 2 ounces of water everyday and after a few days it helped. Eventually it got better and didn’t have to give her any water. Now she’s on baby good and goes twice a day. If he doesn’t go at all and gets miserable u can do an ounce of juice diluted with a ounce of water.

Add a little less powder to his formula :slightly_smiling_face: or about a half once of water.

I went through the EXACT same thing. I know it sounds terrible, and trust me I didn’t want to and couldn’t believe my dr told me to but I gave her 1/4 of a children’s glycerin suppository.

Contact your doctor but also try enfamil reguline

As long as he’s pooping I would not be worried. My daughter is the same. Occasionally she will have a messy poop. Doctor said as long as they are pooping and not having a hard time getting out do t worry about it. If it’s black or white that is concerning.

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Maybe ask your doctor about trying a different brand.

I’m kind of shocked about how many pediatricians recommended watering down formula or giving an infant water. :flushed::flushed::flushed:


Too young for that. Get him checked out.

Is your baby on enfamil with iron? That’s what’s making his poop hard

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Mine did that when I switched from breast to formula. Infant suppositories to clear the immediate blockage and it worked itself out after she got used to the change


Put a little white karo syrup in each bottle

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My baby is the exact same age. Just wanted to say heyyy on that note

Talk to your doctor but it’s probably the formula, I would switch, DO NOT TRY SOY, my daughter was constipated as a newborn and we gave her soy formula and it got wat worse, I would do something like nutramigen or alientinum (sp?), and dont water down the formula,or give baby water or juice.

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Both my daughters had the same problem on enfamil, we switched to similac sensitive (orange container) and they did much better

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Call his peddles ask the dr first instead of Facebook

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Try gerber gentle my son had same problem and that helped

What does the pediatrician say? That matters a lot more than random strangers on Facebook.


it can take up to 3 weeks for the baby to get use to the formula when being changed over from breast milk. try adding miralax to the formula until his stomach has settled. if after another week please call and ask ur doctor before changing formula as it can do more harm than good

Add Karo syrup to the bottles my sons pedi recommended that and it worked

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Believe it or not small baby spoon of 100% virgin olive oil

Take him to the doctor and let them tell you what will help him, most likely the body getting used to formula, my doctor told me to use a few drops of coloxyl to help my boy.

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We had to switch to Nutramagin

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Alternate between enfamil gentlease and emfamil reguline. It is basically the same, but reguline has something that makes the poop softer and more regular. Too much reguline though and my son had major blowouts. The doc has us use both formulas to keep his tummy happy.

This works wonders and is safe best thing you can use and works instantly. Be the baby is so young just use less then half the bottle

I stopped giving my son enfamil and started giving him happy baby organic. First two ingredients are lactose and milk not corn syrup. He’s been good no issues.

Switch the formula type

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Put Karo syrup in there

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A teaspoon of Karol syrup to bottle is what our ped recommend it worked that day but your ped my recommend something else so id call or take baby in

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Try Similac. It’s more similar to breast milk

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I remember the ball poopies…they used to roll out of the diaper on the bed if i changed her there​:joy::joy::joy:what a pain!


Add more water to the mix, it won’t hurt him

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Black strap molasses a few drops with water

Try switching his formula or adding a half ounce more of water to a few bottles, ovol helped us!

UGH PPL!!! He’s milk protein sensitive. He has an intolerance :roll_eyes::unamused: go to the dr ! give him a formula that’s not milk based. Or continue to bf bc you can get your supply back , and cut out all dairy in YOUR diet. ; my boy has always been on formula and had the same issue, he was switched to enfamil nutramigen and poops twice a day runny yellowish green poops.

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Breastfed infants have yellow liquid stools. Formula fed have brown to green as well as more solid.

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My daughter had that and the dr said as long as he is not crying in pain while pooping its fine. Grunting is normal, crying is not. My daughter was on gentle ease as well and when she started baby food it got better.

Go to similac alimentum or pro-sensitive.

Nutramigen worked wonders for my first two kids luckily my two week old isn’t having any issues with enfamil or Similac

Infant massage techniques for constipation.

Infant massage techniques for constipation.

My pediatrician told me to put Karo syrup in my daughter’s bottle… but that was 14 years ago so I’m not sure if that’s still recommended. It worked though!

my babies were all given boiled water if constipated from 2 weeks old .Its the usual practice in UK. In fact my daughter was given plain water if she woke between feeds in Hospital when she was born. Ivé 'never heard of boiled water being bad for them.