What to do for consitpation in babies?

Hey moms I took my 1 month old to her Dr and explained since I began incorporating formula in her diet along with still breast feeding… she skips poops so she hasn’t pooed in 3 days and Dr. says it’s normal? Is it normal for her to have not pooed in 3 day this young ? Has any mamas experience this with their little persons


It’s absolutely normal

Always hated summer classes too much info and too little time

Mine is mostly breastfed and goes about 6 days with out pooping. He dr says it’s perfectly normal :blush:

Yep my first went through it after I quit breastfeeding. We found out he was sensitive to reqular formula. We went with nutramigen.

My kids were daily poopers, but this is not uncommon or abnormal.

They can go up to 8 days without pooping and its normal!

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As long as the Poop is soft and easy to pass then their really isn’t anything to worry about. This goes for bf or formula fed babies .

It’s supposed to be normal for them to go up to 10 days without pooping

It is normal but be prepared for her to feel bad. :frowning:
If she hasn’t pooped in (usually) 5-7 days, you can try a gentler formula. That helps to go. :green_heart:

My baby was breastfed only for 13 months and had this problem throughout but it was more like five days, always good to be cautious but my doctor also said it was fine and it ended up being fine

My doctor told me to let my baby have half prune juice and half distilled water or dip a q tip in vaseline and insert it in her bum not far just a tiny bit their reflex is to push when you do that. Or rub in circles on the belly or start at thr top amd push down wards bicycle legs push legs up to chest. All kinds of things you can do if you feel she is in pain from this.

Wjat formula r they on

Normal breastfeed babies absorb all nutrients so normally have nothing to poo

If my son didn’t poo by day 3 karo syrup in his water bottle so he could works great

It is normal however might make her belly hurt. A little dark Karo in her milk will help.

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Try doing the bicycle motion with her legs. A nurse also told me to stimulate the outside of my daughters rear with a wipe.

Usually if they are on just formula the 3 day rule applies, but having breastmilk too means it can be a bit longer then that, if he is farting, burping, has wet nappies, and not screaming in pain constantly, doctors will tell you it’s fine, long story short, I told my doctor something was seriously wrong and I needed something to soften it up, he refused, two days later we were rushed to emergency because he couldnt go and he started breathing erratically and going really pale, turns out I was right and they had to put stuff up there to force it out, if you feel there is something wrong, be demanding, I wish I had been, he now needs medicine to help keep him regular, you know your baby best.

My baby is 7 months and literally didn’t poop on her own for the last month or so. She’s recently just started doing it once every other day or so.

Maybe try giving her some milocon ? Maybe that will help her. Helped my twins.

Put some Karo syrup in her bottle

Breastfed babies can go days without pooping totally normal. Please don’t add Karl syrup or other stuff. If she’s not in pain then it’s no worry

Yes it’s normal… why are you questioning the dr

It’s normal for babies to go a week without pooping. After a week I’d be concerned.

My kids would go 6-8 days between poops until they were 1. Doctor and health nurses said it was normal.

I had the same issue when my son was a baby and was told by his doctor that as long as he pooped at least once a week, it was normal. Unfortunately they do get fussy because it makes their tummy hurt. His doctor told me to give him a teaspoon of molasses mixed with 4oz of water and give it to him throughout the day.

Normal, hun. Their tummy is just adjusting to the formula.

I thought the same exact with mine, the dr said it.takes a couple of weeks to get adjusted to formula etc.

Formula can be constipating

Breastfed babies can go up to a week without bowel movements and it isnt considered constipation. With the formula added in, I would say 4-5 if baby seems fussy and no burping, farting, and less wet diapers then I would try bicycling legs, and I would call your doctor and ask if adding karo syrup to babys bottle would be recommended. If baby seems fine I would wait. My daughter had SEVERE constipation until she was 6 months old, due to soy formula (the doctor wanted us to keep her on it for 3 months to make see of it would work itself out). We had to add karo syrup to all her bottles, and all the tummy rubs and bicycling, even had to do suppositories a few times. Just give it a few days and see what happens, its normal.

It’s actually common for breast fed babies to go for as long as a week between poops

Breastfed babies can go up to 2 weeks actually. My son went 10 days and When I called his dr they said to give a tiny amount of prunes and use a qtip withh vaseline to help them poop

I only breastfed no formula so not sure if it’s different but I was told up to seven days no poop was normal for newborn. Definitely had many times I had to give our LO prune juice mixed with breast milk to get a poop to come

Normal my Dr said if they go over a week without poop that’s when to be concerned usually it’s diet

Put just a little bit of Karo syrup in her bottle and it will clear her up. I used it for both my babies and it works miracles. You only need like a teaspoon.

My daughter went 10 days without a bowel movement.

At 6 weeks breastfed babies stop going everyday. My son went 16 days. Then it changed to once every 8 days. It was normal.

Yes. But be ready. The next poop is going tp be one of those up the back kind of poops! That’s what happened with my son anyway.

My daughter is 6months now, they told me she could go up to 10 days without pooping, I think that’s insane! I switched from Similac to nutramigen and she’s doing great, poops every day, no digestive issues!
Who the hell can go 10 days without pooping and not be irritated!? :woman_shrugging:

It’s not “normal”, but when you change up their diet at anytime it’s “normal” for them to be constipated and withhold pooping for a day or two.