What to do for growing pains in kids?

Disclaimer by saying My daughter has a doctor appointment Wednesday.

Have any of y’all had kids that had terrible growing pains? My 2 yo daughter wakes up pig squeal crying at night with her knee. It’s been going on for months. Her previous pediatrician X-rayed her hip, but nothing else. She cries with her knee at night, limps on that leg during the day, and her foot is turning inward. It seems a bit extreme to me, but “growing pains” is the only answer I’ve been getting. The pediatrician told me kids her age are too young to point to a specific area of pain, but she grabs and holds her right knee and tells me it’s her knee. Am I a worry wart or am I justified being concerned?


I’d be worried also. I could be something worse.

You’re justified. Doesn’t sound like growing pains, especially with her foot turning inward. I’d ask to speak with an pediatric orthopedic doctor ASAP.

Justified! Take her to an orthopedic dr. My granddaughter had that. Hers was a benign tumor.

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Justified. Don’t take no for an answer

I’m very tall (5’9) and always had excrutiating growing pains much like you’re describing. My parents used to peddle my legs as if I was riding a bike and rub them but it didn’t give me much relief. It went on for years until I was about 13.

You are 100% justified when they are that little you have to fight for your babies! And always trust your gut my son ended up needing two surgeries for something they said he’s grow out of but I kept pushing because I knew it wasn’t right and wouldn’t ya know it he had a mass behind his sinus cavity that had to be removed…it took them two times to get it all…a mother’s instinct isn’t usually wrong hon

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My brother had a benign tumor in his knee that did that. He was older but yeah, his did the same thing.


Has she been tested for Lyme disease?

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I definitely believe kids can pin point where they’re hurting by 2. That’s crazy. You’re definitely justified. I’d take her to see an orthopedic

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See if you can get her to a pediatric orthopedic many doctors told my mother I had growing pains before being referred to a specialist who admitted to barely catching the problem and saying the others would have not know what to look for I ended up with surgery on both ankles but my pain was referred to my knees

Mine did this but never started turning inward. I insisted on a 2nd opinion and found out he had a virus similar to polio. I was livid.

Sounds like Osgood shlatters, it sucks

Could have torn a ligament rough housing. Suffering from banger cysts myself its worth looking into

Take her to a specialist.Children do not cry for no reason.

My son used to get them bad in his shins when he was little. Warm baths, icy hot and tylonel saved us many of nights

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When our son was little, our pediatrician at the West Penn Neonatal Unit Clinic told us to not let our son sit frog style-on his knees with the lower legs out from under him. Our son had bad growing pains as well but he was also born at 32weeks and his muscles and body were trying to catch up with itself. Hope they can help her… Try warm baths, it helped our son a little bit.

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She needs to see a chiropractor. Also a liquid calcium magnesium supplement and a topical magnesium cream. Rubbing and icing also can help.

A former friends daughter has them. It’s so bad she has a cream and give her Motrin almost daily. :frowning:

Im pigeon toed ( both my feet turn in, like a pigeon lol) and ive always had issues with my knees.

They need to do more tests. I have a friend who had bone cancer diagnosed at 2 and that was her only symptom. I don’t want to freak you out, well… just enough for you to make the docs rule it out.


Do u have a children’s hospital close to you? May want to take her to a pediatric orthopedic specialist

Michelle…Do you remember you used to get leg cramps when you were a little girl and your mom said they were called growing pains

I did that as a child and they never found anything. My Mom had them check me for rheumatoid arthritis and just about every condition that causes nerve pain.

Why did they not xray the knee ?

This happened for years i kept being told growing pains and i was like theres no way its that bad and that constant. Ginally a new pediatrician actually listened and cared and did bloodwork and my son was vitamin d deficient.

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My cousins little girl had knee pain, limping, inflammation and ended up being arthritis due to celiac. That was the only symptom she had. Try eliminating gluten or have her tested if you aren’t getting answers.

Yeah I had the same pains at that age but I never grew out of it… Id say restless leg syndrome. But it was PAINFUL as a kid. I’m so sry.

My daughter is 3 and does the exact same apart from her foot doesn’t turn in but the rest is correct and my daughters doctor has told us she has childhood arthritis


When I was about 5 or so I had what they said was growing pains in my legs. Right in the joints that connect to upper body. It was so bad and painful that I could not walk. Seen drs and all where they would move my legs around which hurt like hell but thats all my mom was told. Sucked cause my bedroom was in my the basement so I would have to somehow get out of my bed and army crawl to the bottom of the stairs and call for my mom to come get me.

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I would definitely take her to a specialist. Gotta advocate for your kid cause unfortunately not all doctors will. Worse case scenario it’s some kinda bone cancer or something.

My son did that limped around for months he had xrays and they found nothing

You and your child know pain. Some doctors are irresponsible with young child’s pain. Second opinion. Will be necessary.

See a Specialist, Not trying to scare you but my friends little girl had Cancer In hers. Was told it was growing pains. The right Doc might could have save her Leg if they had caught it early.


Take her to a different Doctor, a childrens children’s orthoped if you can find one otherwise a regular orthopedic physician. If your insurance requires a referral INSIST that your regular doctor makes one. It might be growing pains, but they usually come and go and do not involve the foot twisting and constant limping, just occasional. You would be devestated if she has something seriously wrong and you made her suffer needlessly or she ended up with a permanent deformity because you did not get that expert opinion.


My daughter now 14yrs old, has always had growing pains. Even to this day. We was told to give her iron pills because her body uses up its nutritional stuff far quicker than she makes/eats daily. If that makes senses. So get her on vitamins plus extra iron.

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Also we did the lavender lotion before bedtime, rub her legs down and massage them.


My daughter had the same issue. I would just give her ibuorophen.

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Id see an oncologist. I may be a worry wart but I’d test for bone cancer. If it’s as simple as vitamin D they’ll know. Meanwhile cut out gluten.


You are justified I think. I would try a different doctor.


Make your own appointment with an orthopedic specialist! If it’s something that may impact how she walks she needs help immediately!


My nephew had these problems, it was growing pains and they lasted a while, I think he was a little bit older tho … caffeine makes it worse.

I’d always get a stronger opinion. A friend of mine had her son going through something similar and come to find out he had a form of leukemia.

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2nd opinion for sure, never know

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Take her to a chiropractor.


I would be concerned since ongoing. I would also change docs

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She could have tightening in her hip adductor muscles(inner thigh) causing stress on the knee joint and causing her foot to turn in wards.

My son did the same thing at that age. He finally stopped once he got older. I had it x rayed and all I heard was that it was growing pains. They even tested him for Juvenile arthritis.

Applying pressure to the area for a lil while, and ibuprofen should take the pain away. In Spanish, we call them “Ruemas”. I believe it’s a form of rheumatoid arthritis. I had them often as a kid, and mostly just the legs but, sometimes my arms too. My dr said they were growing pains but, I’m a full grown adult now, and I still get them.

My son did the same. Took him to a north & flat foot- arch supports in shows helped. Till age 8.

The pains tend to be worse in the knee but I would be concerned about the foot turning inward

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My son screamed in pain all time from when he was 3 all way till now . He legs hurt all time . I was told growing pains too. I usually give ibuprofen and rub his legs and he takes a bath in warm water to help. Since he is 10 now its has got less with pain but still happens.

My 19 year old did this from the time she was 2 till she was about 4. Mostly during the night and it was always her knees. She would just scream with it. And…it was growing pains. We did have her ped check her out though.

My oldest son use to get them at night, he would wake up crying :sob: and Dr said it was growing pains. They eventually went away and he’s now retired from Air Force after serving 20 years. So don’t worry because they will eventually go away. He’s now 56 years old. :heart:

My knee did that when I was little unfortunately it still does it make sure that they see what’s causing it cause it’ll get worse in the future trust me

My daughter used to complain about her legs hurting. Nothing they could do :woman_shrugging:t2: good news is she did grow out of it

Get a second opinion now


Find another doctor ?


I would definitely get a 2nd opinion


I would be concerned too. You need the opinion of another doctor. Maybe an orthopedic doctor.


It does sound like growing pains… I never had them that I remember but my bonus kids get them regularly and their dad said he did too. Waking up in the middle of the night bawling holding their leg, knee, foot, whatever… I would ask what hurts even if they were holding it, sometimes they say just their whole leg sometimes it’s somewhere specific. They wake up and don’t even remember half the time. It sucks, but I always just tell them it’s cause they are getting big and strong.

Get another DOCTOR!!!

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If her leg is turning there is something wrong. Take her back to the doctor and insist that they do more test

My son is 22 and still has horrible knee pain. Cat scan and x ray show nothing.:cry:

Just like everyone else has mentioned. Id be getting a second opinion, but while waiting find some kids magnesium for her to take

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I had 5 children, numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. None of them has ever had growing pains or cried or had a foot turn in. I think something is wrong

My son still crys about his legs and he’s 9.

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Get another doctor… If she has physical things that can be identified.i.e. Her leg/foot turning in… Take a video of her at night and when she wakes up crying… Show it to the doctor…she is not crying for nothing… Believe her… JMHO…Good Luck…

Message me please… I had bad growing pains turns out they were growing pains, there a few other symptoms I want to ask about?

Crap doctor. Get a different opinion

Not growing pains u need to see an orthopedic doctor