What to do for kids with anxiety?

My oldest son has anxiety and panic attacks. Should I get one of our cats certified as an ESA for him?


Just depends on if you need to I mean you can but unless there’s a reason like to allow the pet in a rented home then I don’t really see the point bc he can cuddle and calm him all the same

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Does he have a doctor? Is he on meds? To many questions.

I have a service animal for my daughter. There is a MAJOR difference in service and emotional support animals. Most people do not know and do it anyway which makes it he’s on us with real service animals. But, YOU CAN NOT TAKE ESA JUST ANYWHERE!!!
Please READ UP!!!


Oh nice, some jerk laughed.

Esa is different from service animal. And while there is NO SUCH THING AS A CERTIFICATION for service animals, there is extensive training that they need to go through.

I think the cat could be a great help at home, but cat allergies are a major issue with many people. And esa cant be taken just anywhere, if you truly want a service animal to help your son, look into different dog breeds, and look into local training groups, or find training videos online(my PSA is self trained)there is a lot of work that goes into an ESA or service animal.

I got my son a cat. It’s not an ESA or service animal of any kind. He doesn’t take her to school or out and about. She loves him immensely and has given him something to care for and cuddle when he’s having a rough time. So many people have already explained the differences in service animals so to answer your question, I think that cats are great emotional support animals. Our cat waits by the door for my son to get home. He immediately scoops her up and they cuddle. She meows for him at the window when he goes outside so we put a harness on her and took her out. She’s helped him be more calm, kept him grounded in anxious situations, and is a joy for all of us. If your family and finances can handle a cat then you should absolutely get one. Not everyone is a cat person, me included, but seeing those two together changed my feelings completely.

If therapy is a joke- you have the wrong therapist.