Hello sorry for the long post
I have a small child and am currently 5 months pregnant. I have an extreme case of morning sickness. Which unfortunately, is not exclusive to only the morning time. All day long I am weak, have chills, can barely get off the couch and i throw up anything and everything I try to eat. I’ll eat 1 cracker or drink some water and within 5 minutes it’s all coming back up. Everyday I am just trying to make it through the day and take care of my child until my husband gets home. Basically I’m just trying to survive at this point. Nausea pills the doctors have prescribed haven’t worked and I’m hesitant to take these things after doing more research. Anyways, my husband has been incredible. He grocery shops for us after work, sends me encouraging text messages telling me how strong I am and this will all be over in a few months. He never gets on me if the laundry isn’t done or the house isn’t perfect. He helps me with the baby when he gets home. He is so understanding… all he says is he wants me to be ok and hopefully be in a good mood when he gets home. I try so so SO hard to be a little peppy when he gets home or at least make him feel loved but it’s so hard when all I can think about is me feeling like im gonna die. On top of that having hardly any food or water just makes me feel so weak. He’s amazing but I can’t expect him to keep giving and giving and doing all of this stuff for me with nothing in return. Most days I struggle just brushing my hair and putting a little bit of make up on so I look decent when gets home. My friends and family have full time jobs too and work pretty much the same hours as him. People come help me when they can but it’s rare since they are busy too. I need some advice or encouragement. I am really emotional right now. I don’t want this hard time to have a lasting negative impact on my relationship or push him away. 40 weeks of hard times, a cranky wife and non stop work is a long time and would be hard on anyone. Even a great man like him! I’m crying as I write this because I’m so lost and just want to do good for my family. I dont want to push him away. If I felt halfway decent then I could push through and fake it til I make it but this has been impossible. I really need some encouragement.
I was the same way with my second and my husband was the same way as yours. If he’s truly understanding then he’s not going to let this ruin your relationship together. My husband and I actually grew stronger I believe through it all. I was in and out of the hospital, throwing up, had severe back pain where I couldn’t move, days where I could only sit on the couch barely able to get up to help feed my 2 year old at the time and go to the bathroom. He cleaned my puke bucket, helped me bathe when I was too weak and did so much and more while working graveyard shift. He’s understanding and I bet you that this will make things so much better for the two of you and when you are finally able to get moving and about (even if it’s after birth) you can do something special for him.
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I’m sorry it’s going so rough. I think since you don’t have the energy to be peppy and stuff. You could maybe write him a note about how much you appreciate what he has done and how he has helped you. Just remember it won’t always be like this.
Give yourself some grace. It’s hard growing a baby. You are giving him another addition to his family. Another child. A life. He seems to know this and you have to trust that he does. He should be doing these things and stepping up because he is your partner. Just as if for some reason he couldn’t “do his part”for a time, you would step up
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Girl, you are growing a life and that’s HARD work, especially when you’re that sick. Your hubby promised to love you in sickness and health, that’s exactly what he’s doing. I’m sure if the roles were reversed, you’d do the same for him.
Time will fly by and it’s only a small portion of your life.
I’m sorry you are going through this all but just think your new little baby will be here very soon
I threw up all day my entire pregnancy. Breakfast lunch and dinner. Water doesn’t help. I drank a lot of watered down Gatorade and sprite. My doctor said anything was better than nothing. And actually eating will make you feel better even if you throw it all back up. You have to eat anyway. I wouldn’t even make it through meals. I’d eat half, throw up and then try to eat more.
Been there threw it up, had morning,noon and night sickness for 9 months with all my 4 kids. Freezies were a God send.
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I lived on watermelon for 16 weeks of my first pregnancy. My husband sat by me in the bathroom every time, everyday and held my hair while I cried and thew up. After the roughest labour , emergency csection and surgery our couple life was non existent for about 10 months and here we are 3 years later loving each other even more. You are doing your best and he knows it. Dont worry about house work or dinner. He is proud of you and you should be too you’re an amazing mum .
I had hyperemesis starting at 6 weeks. I did start one medication and it did nothing. I was in and out of Er every few days for dehydration. I was given Zofran. I was excited that water stayed down and than finally food stayed down. I was over weight and I took the medicine till my 8 mos. I lost 40 lbs but I could handle it. Your dr will help you along. My husband did the same and all I could do was sit back and allow him too. Cranky or not he wants you and the baby to be safe and healthy.
I was in the same boat with this pregnancy, the doctor prescribed Vitamin B-6, more folic acid, Zofran and something else. It helped so much, I was able to take care of my toddler and the house. I still can’t have anything with lemon, ketchup or tomatoes but I’m functioning😂
Hoping u feel better soon! Sending you well wishes an positive thought that this Nausea goes away!!
I got this ginger tea from walmart, and made 1 tea bag into a 20 oz glass of iced tea. It was the only thing that I could keep down at all during my morning sickness times. Hang in there Mama, you WILL get through this!!
I STRUGGLED like this the first trimester and some of 2nd. Like had to stop working. I slept almost all day and when I wasn’t sleeping I was either throwing up or in the tub (it was the only thing that helped oddly enough!) but I will say once I got my hands on medication, it helped for 70% or it. Then it slowly just went away and was replaced with unbelievable hunger. My bf was a god send too. Would sit in the bathroom with me EVERY TIME I was sick. Would have water on standby, or would just hold my hand. It was rough. But better days are coming.
If he’s actually helping with the baby and being encouraging, HE’S NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! Men like that are RARE. You have a good one. He’s understanding and seems to get what it means to be growing a human. Just hang in there mama. I know its tough. I stayed sick with my daughter, but she was my only baby. Nonetheless it was hard when my daughter’s daddy wasn’t that supportive at first. You’re a strong woman. Just hang on!
Second pregnancy here and its looking like once again ill be on zofran my entire pregnancy. My first son ended up being born with severe acid reflux issues and puked all the time. Just hope this second baby doesnt have it. Nothing has helped me but the zofran. I have to take it immediately when i wake up. Or puke and then take it and lay down waiting for it to kick in.
Talk to the doctors about meds. It’s literally the only thing that got my through the beginning of this pregnancy so I could take care of my children and myself. I was so sick it was stressing the babies out. I’ve finally made it past that
This is how I felt with my first pregnancy, lost 80 pounds cause of it. The only thing I could really keep down, was taco bells quesadillas. Which was weird af to me.
But just keep trying to find what you can eat/keep down. This pregnancy I lived on watermelon and grapes for a month and a half.
Your doing great so far, and I’m sure he knows you are thankful for his help. You can always do something for him for his help after baby is here.
If you were in my area I would help, being 36 weeks pregnant nobody’s gonna hire me till after my baby is here, so I got free time. And I plan on breastfeeding so I wanna wait till hes atleast 2 months old to work to get some frozen.
Try B6 and see if your doctor can/will give you zofran, that helped greatly for me in my last trimester with my first.
Us mother’s go through the worst of the worst sooo don’t be so hard on your self. This is the easy for them compared to what we go through
Your husband is wonderful you are wonderful don’t let the male humans down don’t insult them all he is caring for you as he loves you and his family you are not letting him down say thank you appreciate what he is doing but you deserve to be taken care of your having another baby you no doubt would show him the same care regardless I hope it gets easier for you to manage do as much or what little you can for now and love your husband xx
Zofran and a proper diagnosis of hyper emisis gravidarum will help you greatly
Sure hope this passes soon, you
husband know who you were and who you want and will be .
Thank God you have each either.
Have the drs diagnosed you with HG. If so they need to put you on bedrest.
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Hire someone to clean your house twice a week. Vacuum do laundry and pick up while you rest or have someone babysit for 1/2 the day so you can rest.
Keep telling him how much you appreciate him.
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It’s called HG, and your could be sitting in the hospital with organ failure.
I went through it most of this year. I was lucky and it stopped around month 7. There isn’t much you can do, and it completely feels like death.
All you can do is continue to try to keep your self hydrated, and take all the help you can get. This is just a temporary phase, and it is pretty traumatic.
Consider a post partum doula. Once it all stops, you may find yourself over stimulated for a while. A paid professional can help you through it.
I truly hope you get better quickly. No one deserves such a hard pregnancy <3
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sounds like you have a great husband maybe ask doctors for something different mama
Have you tried Ginger chews? Worked amazing for me!
I don’t think he’s going anywhere. You are doing something in return. You are creating your child. Just try to focus on the little things. Don’t worry about wearing make up. I guarantee your husband loves you for being you not for what you put on your face or just how you look. He sounds like a very caring and understanding person. Talk to the doctor about the meds. Some of them may have risks but they usually only prescribe them of they think the benefit outweighs the risk.
See if the doctor can put you on a pump… it’s only in extreme cases, so make sure you really try to meds they prescribed first.
So your brain cant distinguish the difference between sickness and sour. Try sour candy. When i was pregnant everything i ate i threw up then i finally figured out that i could eat bread mainly little ceasars pizza and would just scrape off the cheese and eat the bread and the bread sticks also they have pregger pops (i never tried those) but i did use the lozenges and they helps quite a bit.
I understand on the meds girl. I would try pedlight or ensure even Gatorade something to put electric lights back into your body. Also orange juice.
You need more tests done get a different doctor
I had the same. Mine was like that for about 5 months. Dr put me on Zofer and it really helped. I still wasnt perfect but i could atleast keep food down.
When I had my first child I vomit the whole nine month. I was even vomiting when I went into labor.no medicine help at all.
I know exactly what you are going through. I was sick as a dog when I was pregnant with my son. For like 5 months all I did was upchuck. Morning, noon and night, but it got better and be grateful that you have someone to help you. If he loves you and sees what you’re going through, then it should work out. Just push through and when you have your baby, try to do something special for him
For nausea I chew peppermint gum or jolly ranchers… and nibble on ritz crackers and sip Gatorade hope it helps.
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I was the same first trimester I had all the symptoms you had. I was diagnosed with hypermeses. Had to check in the ER 3 times to put IV fluids in me. On top of that I had a 3 year old toddler also to take care of. I was a mess! I lost weight, the medicines the doctor had given didn’t work either until one doctor told me that I was taking it wrong. So she told me that as soon as I was discharged from the ER in which I felt a little better because of the IV, before I start feeling sick again to cut the pill in half take it, eat something small and when it’s time to take it again take the other half. And it worked for me. It worked until after my first trimester when the sickness slowly started to go away and I didn’t need the pills anymore. I was prescribed ondansetron and metoclopramide. I’d switch it off. I too never wanted to take them at first because I was scared what if it does something to my baby. But the sickness was unbearable. My apt was a mess I couldn’t even clean , cook. Thank God for my fiancé he did all that , we ordered out most of my first trimester. When my neighbors would cook I could smell it and it would make me sick. But after the first trimester the sickness subsided and I slowly started eating more and gaining weigh. Now I have 5 days left before my due date and my daughter is doing pretty good. It will go away. Just hang in there. Try to take the meds your doctor prescribe you. I’m praying for you!
Stop feeling guilty. Your husband obviously gets it. And it shouldnt do any harm to your relationship
Before you lift your head off your pillow, put a mint in your mouth and suck on it a few times. It will help
Ask your doctor for promethazine that is what my wife had to take so she could even eat the zofran was making her sicker
I do believe your husband loves you dearly, and in that precious love will keep on doing the loving work. The morning sickness will end soon and then you can make up to him by sharing, sharing, sharing your love in return to strengthen the foundation that your love is built on!
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God be with you. I’m praying for you:pray:
Sounds like ypu need to see your doc again. My sis in law was admitted to hospital when lregnant with her 2 babies. She has severe morning sickness, could not keep anything down etc an had to go in on a drip. I really recommend you go see your doc or midwife again. Not keeping anything down is worriein not only for yourself but for the baby your carrting aswell. Xxxx
Hey love! I’m currently going through the same. I am 26 weeks pregnant about to be 27 weeks.
You are doing amazing pregnancy is rough and I know how you feel but I promise you that he won’t leave you or get upset. If you really want bonding time try finding a tv show to watch together or a card game something small you can do while laying down.
I was the same way for my entire pregnancy. I was so sick that my “nesting” instinct never kicked in so my sisters came and set up the nusery and cleaned the house for me. Popsicles and Hot Peppermint Tea saved me most days. It also wouldn’t hurt to talk to Dr about HG as a lot of others have suggested. I also used CBD products in 3rd trimester, per my Dr, and they helped a lot too.
I was like that with my 2nd son. I didn’t stop puking until I gave birth. I would have to go to the er 2x a week got at least 2 bags of fluid if not more. It would make me feel somewhat better for a couple days. I also worked full time. No meds helped either. I looked like shit for 10 months. That was 14 years ago and hubby is still just as awesome now as he was then. I promise your husband sees it. He knows it’s hard and I’m sure he doesn’t like seeing you so sick all the time. Take care of yourself. That is the best thing you can do right now.
When pregnant with both of my girls i was in your shoes, not so much with my son. My last pregnancy, 1 yr ago was by far the worst. Everything your describing is to a T me .
My sickness was so bad and weight gain was so little my dr put me on a home catheter of reglan for nausea and vomiting. I had to remove and replace the catheter every 2-3 days along with refilling my pump in order to survive. At least that’s how I felt. After 3 mo of having the catheter inserted (placed in my stomach lower left of naval) I gained weight, ate more and had more energy. I removed it at that point to see if i was ready to go without it and after a few hiccups here and there… I did it. Still I give my hubs all the credit, he was so gentle and kind in everything he did for us (me and baby). We’ve talked about having two children but my experience with this last pregnancy scares me to death. Thinking over and over, I’d do it again for my husband justvas he would sit through all my shit again. Go give your husband a kiss and keep loving him. You got this momma.
Vitamin b12 and unison. Take 2x a day is what the doctor told me
Ima be real honest with you. Smoke some weed (if it’s legal in your state)
The meds never worked for me. It got so bad me and my daughter almost died from not being able to keep anything down. So my doctor told me to try marijuana
Blueberries, peppermint oil pills Kroger’s will order, ginger ale, or ginger tea. Dry toast and prayer. Call doctor if your are that sick you may get to dehydrated. Honey if he Loves you which it sounds like he does you will not push him away Unless you are trying to. You can be sick and Choice to put a smile on your face fake it if you have to. You will find it will soon not be Fake. GOD will never give you more than you can handle, your baby is letting your boby know they are on their way. Be blessed. This to will pass.
try emetrol(not sure of spelling) it is an over the counter liquid that gets rid of nauseau. i had extreme nausea my doctor had me take this after 8 months of throwing up they finally told me to try this and it worked wonderfully. looks like a bottle of cough syrup but it is not. works great though.