What to do for swollen mosquito bites?

My 2 yr old gets mosquitoe bites and they swell up bad what is good to put on her without the strong chemicals


The Johnson and Johnson green lotion! Works wonders for littles!

Tea tree oil. Dries them out & isn’t harmful

My mom always used meat tenderizer and a dab of water and put generously on my bites.Look it up

I use lavender essential oil and the purification blend as well. My kid gets bit and it swells like she was slammed with a softball. Within 3hrs the swelling is gone.

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You can get at walmart

Put a dryer sheet in their pocket if you don’t wanna use bug spray
Tea tree oil is good for bug bites

Mix a bit of baking soda with a tiny bit of water until it’s thick like toothpaste
Put a bit on the bites and cover with a bandaid (make sure it’s covered on all sides so when it dries it doesn’t crumble everywhere) leave it over night. It draws out the poisons.

Papaya cut thin like a piece of cheese places on a bite over night (I use a paper towel taped on all sides) draws out poisons.

Johnson and Johnson lotion in the green tube is a mosquito repellent and smells good

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Celery. Eating it, a makes your body secret a smell that mosquitos hate

I use this an it works good for me an my kiddos

Put original dawn dish soap on the bite. Takes redness and swelling down immediately.

My 3 year old is allergic and this really helps

This stuff cools the bite down, reducing itching and swelling. Bonus, it has loads of peppermint in it so bugs don’t like it.

Caladryl works .but if you’re looking for … natural…try rubbing alcohol and blow on it ?

This is going to sound really weird. Wet one’s wipes. I used to live in Ohio and went to Coney island and was constantly attacked by biting flies and mosquitoes. Discovered the wipes worked as a repellant by accident

Listerine original spra bottle spray the child

I swear a tiny bit of coconut oil cures many ailments!

Put spoon in freezer let it get REALLY cold and put it on it

Also just plain alcohol on bug bites does the trick!

So I used Vick’s on mozzie bites, also repels them

baking soda and mix with warm water take a wash rag dip in the water mix and rub on bug bites wrks for me and stops the itching

A dose of Benadryl every day will take care of it. My youngest had that problem, they’d swell up to the size of a quarter and be as hard as rocks. :disappointed:

Tea tree oil. Works wonders.

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Well to repel the blood suckers use skin so soft by avon


As far as bug spray goes I bought Hello Bello’s new stuff. Haven’t tried it yet though


witch hazel, but just watch it to make sure it doesn’t become infected.
also try using hello bellos organic bug spray. it works great!

I use lavender essential oil for my guy and he has yet to be bitten

I’ve heard Avon’s skin so soft is a good repellent


I use Avon’s skin so soft on my youngest, and it seems to repel them pretty well.

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Cant remember name but its from Avon. Great.

Idk what to put on the bites but I do know that you should try skin so soft by Avon to prevent it from happening.

TerraShield Essential Oil! I use this all the time for my son who is also allergic to mosquito bites. I had a bad scare the other day where his forehead was pretty bad and after applying this, the swelling went down pretty quickly. It’s a bit on the pricey side but well worth it!

It smells lovely too and you don’t have to scrub it off before bed.


Ammonia stops the itch.

Aloe, real aloe.
Buy a plant

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I use those bracelet things on my 2 yr old but I put them around her feet so she don’t mess with it.

Put rubbing alcohol on the bites so they don’t itch and we use babyganics for repellent

You should get her tested for a allergy if they are swelling more then normal

She’s probably allergic to them

Mix baking soda and water into a paste and let dry then just.flake it off. Works with nearly all insect and some arachnid bites and great for.poison ivy/oak

Downey fabric softener, rub it on her and put the sheet in her pocket

I’m allergic…the only thing that really helps me is to get in a shower and was with antibacterial soap. If I can get washed pretty quick the swelling goes down and usually doesn’t leave a mark. Also while I’m outside I try to keep a thermacell close by. You can get them at Walmart

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My granddaughters (2) swells up from mosquitoes also and they are allergic to them so they have both been on Cingular since they were babies. I like the skin so soft from Avon.

Witch hazel works great, my daughter is allergic to mosquitos, and the witch hazel clears them up over night…

Skin So Soft from Avon

Epsom salt bath,my grandson does the same and this works

Honestly when i was a new mom i tried all sorts of “natural” remedies candles and non chemical things… It wasnt effective. The big spray off! Has a family type of spray that less toxic and works.

And keep the bites clean. Put aloe lotion on after cleaned it will heal them and wont itch

You can use lavender to keep them away before they even bite!

Put Equate Aloe & Peppermint on or near her, to keep bugs away.

This is really good so is Arnica

Avon Skin So Soft
*For bites, use facial astringent on a cotton ball. Rub the area ONCE IT’S ITCHING before it swells. You have an HR or so for it to work. But, it dries them right out. I grab my Ziploc bag every time we hike or play outside. :slight_smile:

Benadryl ointments and calamine …my daughters allergic to mosquito bits and they look like blisters…any anti ich cream cause mine would scratch hers till they bleed…she has bad scars from picking…hope this helps…ohh ua…buy alot of off spray too

Baking soda toothpaste before a warm bath.My kids discovered this to work for the itch and swelling. If it doesn’t, then she could be allergic.

Benadryl Gel. Its in a bottle or pen looking thing. Thats what I used for all my kids. They get bite and there arms and legs would swelled up like grapefruit. No smell to it. No nasty residue. I love it. My kids are now 17,15,10,9 and I still use it

She’s allergic. I know because I have been my whole life. The allergy gets worse as you get older. Find a bug spray that works and stick with it. Don’t try to change it. Because she’ll just be miserable. Benadryl works. Cold compress. Not heat! It can hurt! Calamine lotion. Honestly you have to find the right thing that works for her. Not you. I understand wanting to keep things simple but that’s not always best. Those simple things like bracelets and candles just don’t work for someone allergic. We have a stronger reaction. Keep an eye out. She also might not know she’s been bit. That’s one of my side effects is I can’t feel them. Be careful.

Benadryl makes a spray that is amazing for bug bite itch

If she swells up bad she’s probably allergic. My kiddos are. They take either benadryl or zyrtec before they play outside.

My 2 year old same thing witch hazel dries them out quickly and stops the itching.

Paste made with unseasoned meat tenderizer and a little water.

Vick’s vapour rub on the ankles and wrists

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To get the itch and bump down use white toothpaste will be gone by morning

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Just ice 20 minutes it’s gone

Benadryl cream works wonders. My oldest daughter gets like that and that’s what I use and helps her alot

Skin So Soft! We use this on our girls and my nieces and it works!

Tea tree essential no oils that’s mixed with a carrier oil

Cold spoon out of the freezer it helps my little is allergic as well

I have the same problem with sensitive skin as well. Just make sure to use a moisturizer after.

Liquid bandaid dries very quickly, and seals it up so the itching stops

Lavender lotion helped us last year. I have reactions to OFF, as does my kiddo.

I was the same way when I was younger, benedryl cream is awesome and benedryl meds at night if they are really bad. We lived across the road from a farm and every year when they’d cut the hay I looked like I was beaten. I’d get them everywhere, and god forbid they got near my eye, it’d swell shut.