What to feed a picky eater?

In need of some help, my little one will be 2 in a few weeks and he has decided he doesn’t want to eat anything except yogurt, bananas and breakfast bars. Occasionally I can get him to eat a good dinner but only if it’s spaghetti or pizza lol. Is this just a thing he is going thru or what can I do? On a side note when we changed to whole milk at 1 he has completely refused milk since, we have tried everything to get him to drink milk and he just refuses it. I guess I’m just worried he isn’t getting enough nutrients. Thanks in advance :blue_heart::blue_heart:


It’s perfectly Normal. My four year old is currently living off Mac and cheese, hot dogs, ramen noodles, cheese puffs, apple sauce, and the toppings off of pizza. :woman_facepalming: his doctor said as long as he’s eating let him eat whatever but keep trying to introduce certain foods.


They do go through stages were their taste buds change…both of my children went through the same stages. And probably will a few more times. If you’re concerned about them not getting enough nutrients, you can try pedi-sure shakes ? I did that with my daughter for awhile and it seemed to help her gain a little weight as well.

Also try smoothies! That’s one thing my son likes here and there. It’s hit and miss with him though. :joy::joy:

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It’s a phase my daughter is going through too and she’s barely 20 months

Make sure hes getting the nutrients he needs try pedisure and smoothies

Mine went through a phase of literally bologna for every meal then hot dogs for every meal then ramen noodles. He will grow out of it


4 yrs old, only eats rice, weenies, pancakes and eggs. Hates regular milk. But I do make banana, avocado, almond milk smoothies. Sometimes I add spinach.

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It’s normal I too was concerned about my son all he ate was hot dogs and crackers Dr told me as long as he’s eating it’s fine. He’s now 18 and weighs around 275ish lbs lol as he got older he would only eat ramen noodles and now he only eats chicken so pallets change and alot of times it’s just texture. But if ur concerned try the ensures or boost drinks

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My nephew (2.5) lives off of cereal, pasta and chicken nuggets and crackers. He isn’t a big eater. He just picks and picks. My other nephew went through the same thing (now 8 )
He lived off of crackers, poptarts and mac n cheese when he was 2. Although, he does love his food now and isn’t all that picky (not a big meat eater though)
I believe it’s just a normal thing. They will eventually go out of it

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It’s a stage. My 4 yr old did this a little after turning 2. Try getting the pediasure shakes.


My son doesn’t drink milk either. Lactose intolerant. His gastrointestinal prescribed boost breeze for him and he loves it

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so go back to a toddler formula… our 20 month old is still on formula cause she isn’t a great eater either

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As long as the baby is eating and a healthy weight I wouldn’t worry. All kids are different.


Your the mom and choose what you serve. The class I used to be in had a three bite rule (real bites not nibbles) add some requirements of what was served before extras

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normal lol gahhhh childrens

My daughter went through this too then she turned three and it was like a switch flipped andshe bacame less picky! She is still picky but not as bad!


Normal behavior and give him a multi vitamin

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My now 3 yr old wouldn’t eat veggies for almost a year even offered them every night just wouldnt eat but a bite some nights now all of a sudden he scarfs them down…kids are just crazy lol

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It’s a normal phase that kids go through. When you take him to the pediatrician for check ups, just talk about what your child is eating. offer the food that you have made, and leave it it for them. If they don’t want to eat it right away that’s fine, but if they get hungry, they have to eat what you’ve given them.

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PediaSure drinks and gummy daily vitamins to cover what he might be missing but honestly, it’s a phase. Our toddler is 29 months next week (2y5m) and has JUST starting eating foods as opposed to snacks and yogurts and milk in her cup. Like, last week. Don’t stress unless your doctor seems concerned, kids are always growing and changing and it’s just gonna get worse lol

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All my kid wants to easy is bread and chewy bars at the moment…

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When my son was that age the doctor said how well he was growing and I said thank you milk and animal crackers and she laughed. I said no I’m serious if it wasn’t for that I dont think he’d be functioning lmao.

It’s just a phase. Feed him what he’ll eat while also getting him to try new stuff.

My 3 yr old daughter is only eating a handful of foods.

My youngest liked soy milk better. I’d get him the vanilla one occasionally

Give him pedasure or vitamins and dont give in to what hes used to he gets hungry he will eat

It is just a phase. Don’t make it a power struggle but instead involve him in preparing meals. You can Google what activities for meal prep that he can do safely. Make it fun, ask lots of questions and enjoy being with him. Also when you make pizza or spaghetti you can sneak some finely diced or pureed veggies into the sauce for some added nutrition.