What to pack in hospital bag?

Fan question

Seeking advice on what to pack in a hospital bag

I’m a soon to be FTM and due in early December. I am wondering what to pack in my hospital bag? It may or may not snow where I live but will definitely be cold. I don’t know if I’m going to have a vaginal or c section. I’m a natural over-packer and am trying to only pack the essentials. I plan on breastfeeding. Thanks in advance :blush:


Bring extra clothes just in case baby pukes. And bring comfy clothes.

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Your own toiletries. The hospital will provide this stuff if you forget but it’s so nice having a shower with stuff you like. Also take all the adult diapers, giant pads, tucks wipes and dermaplast you can get home with you


Comfy clothes, slippers, long cell phone charger, your own toiletries and different size baby clothes.

My saving grace was my tank tops and loose pajama pants. I also took maxi pads cause the hospital only had 2 of the mesh underwear per patient and the pads I had were better than the hospital ones. I also had my own blanket and pillow because hospital pillows suck


Comfortable clothes for u…several diff outfit options for baby…charger, slippers, toothpaste ,toothbrush, pillow, blanket, face wash, brush, Tylenol. :slight_smile:

Bring lots of swaddle blankets! They are small and can be used for anything. Burping, swaddling, but also rolled up as car seat cushions. And you can layer them on as blankets in the car seat if it’s cold


The best thing I packed was a robe. I lived in it.

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Snacks!!! My hospital cafeteria didn’t have much on the menu in terms of food choices so I was literally begging my husband to bring me snacks & drinks. Plus it closed at 11:00pm-7am and you were SOL for food late at night during the feedings. I was unlucky and had my son at 1:33am Tuesday morning so I ended up staying Monday night and Tuesday night and was discharged on Wednesday lunch time

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We brought our own germ x for family to use before touching our baby also! She was born in November, so it was cold season!! Footed sleepers for baby, hats, mitts. Blankets. And wipes. If your hospital is like ours, the wipes are AWFUL.

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Comfy and loose clothing.
Extra clothing and in a few sizes for baby.
Bring your own pillow!!
Bathroom stuff, chargers.
If you have dry skin (like me) lotion and chap stick are a necessity.
Take the stuff they give you in the hospital.
I took the baby blankets, a diaper or 2, the disposable undies and pads.
My nurse was amazing and gave me a handful of nipple ointment. The ointment works well for other things as well!


I second the snack, I have never been as hungry as I was after delivering my babies! Chapstick, handlotion, hair ties and brush. Clothes for you to go home in. I actually preferred the hospital gown because I don’t have to wash them :sweat_smile: slippers socks and I packed some make up just because it made me feel a little better. Phone charger is also very important!

I brought hardly anything. Hospital has lots and some people act like they are moving in. Chapstick. Dress Incase I had a c section which I did so thankfully I brought one. Granny panties. Mini fan. Socks. Nursing bra. Hair ties. Dry shampoo. Travel sized toiletries. Baby leaving the hospital outfit. Diaper bag. Car seat. The font recommend even pumping till 6 weeks and most places have a pump if you want to end up doing that then.

Hospitals sometimes have breast pumps but no guarentee they will have one on hand sometimes babies dont want to latch on and that ok i bought my breast pump with me and use it. The have diapers already there maybe a passy clothes warm blankets

One thing I wish someone had told me when I had my first was to bring my own shampoo/conditioner. Hospital soap is awful! The first shower after birth is so much better when you have your own products.

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Make sure to try and leave some extra space in your hospital bag or leave an empty bag in the car for all the things the hospital might give you too like diapers and wipes

CHAPSTICK and a extra ponytail !!! I forgot the chapstick both times and I REGRET it … my lips was soooo dry!

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I brought my boppy pillow and it made learning to breastfeed so much easier, lip balm, deodorant, lotion, phone charger, mints, snacks, slippers, an empty bag to bring home all the extra stuff you get from the hospital, hair ties, and a take home outfit.

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Bring your own shower stuff! And a couple sets of pjs & robe. Something to go home in. Bring snacks, maybe something for your husband to make a meal from (like pbj fixings & chips), because they’re only obligated to feed you for those days, not him. Slippers, shower shoes, cozy socks. 0-3 and nb clothes. Hair stuff or a hat. Make up, if that’s your thing. Carseat with a cover (in winter), adjusted to nb size! Basically everything you’d bring to an overnight in a hotel, except the only sights you’re gonna see will be baby’s sweet face and a whoooole lot of bodily fluids. Good luck mama!

some hard candy or suckers

Wipes!!! The wipes they gave me for my now 4 year old? Dry af. So, I had fiance get wipes. I plan on doing the same for this one. Slipper socks a must, hygiene products for shower, snacks (hungry as heck after), extra hair ties, comfy clothes (yoga pants for me), pads.

3 shirts
3 comfy pants
newborn outfit
0-3month oufit
hygiene necessities
snacks (but my hospital made sure that moms that had babies after kitchen hours still had a plate of food, basic choice I think it was a sandwich)
You can get a breastpump from the hospital… Blanket
Med that you may need
Carseat base in the car.

Wow. We only got 24 hours after vaginal birth in the hospital, so don’t even remember getting a shower. I just brought something big & comfy to go home in, and 2 sizes of outfits for baby to go home in. Wore hospital gowns—easy & you just get another if bodily fluids get on ‘em. My hospital provided socks w treads, they could fix a sandwich after kitchen closed & had a room full of snacks open 24/7.

Your hospital should give you a tour & classes in what to expect & you can ask then what they provide & what you should bring.

We took all the diapers, wipes, formula, pitcher, etc. home—you’re paying for it all!

The hospital had these pads where you shake them & they get cold. LOVED those as I had a big baby & was really sore. Had to beg for them after the first one, though. If they’re not available, big incontinence panties might be more comfy than the weird mesh panties (some people love them though) & pads they give you.

Good luck & congrats!

Congrats!.. I never got to pack a hospital bag because my babies were preterm babies. Both were unexpected. I wish I had my own hygiene stuff and chapstick. Be sure to have going home outfit for baby and you.

For sure bring a warm blanket, babies normaly like to be in a cold room, at least mine did, and also now a days they sell covers for the car seats for the winter times bring the essentials, a onesie, for the ride home a blanket, chapstick for sure even though they give you ice to suck on your lips do go really dry, make sure you have lots of pads you’ll need them. And a change of clothes for yourself. Good luck and best wishes for your new little angel.