So I was looking at hospital lists on Pinterest to get an idea of what to pack my hospital bag. A couple of them said to pack your breast pump. Do you guys think I should bring mine or will I be okay without it?
You’ll be okay without it.
You’ll be okay without it. If you need one they will have them there…
Don’t take it momma. It would just be an extra thing to carry and Be in the way.
Just let babe latch whenever and how ever long babe wants.
It’s not recommended to pump before 6 weeks anyways.
But if you do need a pump for whatever reason, the hospital should have one for you to use.
The hospital I stayed in provided me with one to use in the hospital and even stored my breastmilk for me. I would contact the hospital.
Hospital should supply one to use while your there. Mine did both times
I brought mine and never got it out as I used the hospital one
i wouldn’t take it I only used mine once my milk had come through and that was just a little bit to relieve pressure xx
Chances are your milk won’t even come yet. I’d leave it home. They have them there if you need it
Bring it. My son had problems with breastfeeding and the nurses refused to give me a pump when he was starving. I wish I had it with me
Take it if you don’t know how to use it! The nurses can help you set it up! If you know how to use it then leave it at home!
You don’t need to bring one. If you need to pump, the hospital should have one you can use.
My milk didn’t even come in until I got home.
You won’t need it. Those lists go overboard anyway. Take a few changes of clothes, maybe your own pillow and blanket, own pads in case you don’t like the ones they provide, an extension cord for chargers for phone/tablet, and maybe a book if that’s your thing. For baby some clothes and if you want to bring a few of your own diapers and wipes. You truly don’t need much, they provide everything!
My son never latched and I had to pump/express myself. The hospital provided one but if you are unsure of how to use yours or just want to become comfortable using yours they should help you.
You won’t need it . My baby is 20 weeeks and Iv never usd it
I would bring ur own, when my daughter was born she was to small and had to have surgery on her mouth. So she had to eat through a syringe and I don’t like the thought of someone else’s boobs in my pump idk.
You’ll be fine without it. Your milk takes a couple of days to come on anyways
I had my son at night and the Lactation Consultant was not there so I did not get a hospital pump until the next day. My son went into the NICU. I hand expressed colostrum but also had my pump from home so I was able to pump every 2-3 hrs to get my milk to come in.
Better to be safe than sorry. Besides you can get practice and work any links out.
Hospital should have one available. if you want to be sure, call hospital and ask
I used one from day 1 due to my Bub being premature but if you do need one they supply one.
My milk wasn’t in enough to worry about it…and if yours is in the hospital has them for you…tbh there’s not as much to pack as you think
Leave it at home. Just extra baggage
The hospital I had my kids had pumps available in the hospital upon request (and man those babies could PUMP!) and they sent home a manual handheld pump too.
If you end up needing it some reason I’m sure you can send someone to get it
You should never pump for the first 6 weeks unless you have to go back to work. You will have a huge oversupply and be more uncomfortable and increase your chances of mastisitis If you want to be successful please join clevage club breastfeeding support.
I pumped but I used the hospital pump
I didn’t have my breastpump yet, the nurses gave me a manual one to use
I would take it. The lactation consultant typically comes to help with breastfeeding and maybe they can help you use the pump and give good tips etc
Maybe take it just incase? Hospitals only have so many pumps and if they have a lot of new moms that are bf, you might not get one. Plus, the lactation consultant showed me how to use mine since I had no idea.
Bring it wait till you have a room to bring it up. The one hospital I was at I asked for a breast pump and they looked at me like I was nuts and took FOREVER bringing me one.
My hospital had one that I used.
Our hospital gave me a pump to use there and then one to take home
Pack yours to be safe, but most hospitals should have one in room for you to use while you’re there
I never used mine in the hospital, but never hurts to be over prepared.
Hospital has one, don’t pack it, or you can ask when you do your pre-check in if they’ll have one for you to use
Your milk probably wont come in while you’re at the hospital so odd probably best to leave it at home
I didn’t take mine and didn’t need it while there.
Are you planning on nursing, or pumping exclusively?
I used a hospital pump the first day then the unsurance company delivered my pump by the 2nd day. You shouldn’t reslly pump though for the first several weeks unless you reslly need too. My babe was in the NICU and couldn’t latch so I tried pumping but it didn’t work for me.
Bring yours if you’d like to get used to using it and if you have questions the nurses will help you with yours. If not they have some for you to use! I brought mine so I knew I’d be comfortable using it when I was home by myself with no issues/questions.
I wouldn’t bring it but if you need help using it then it wouldn’t hurt
I would take one. I don’t think the hospital had one for me to use. Didn’t know that was a thing until I read these comments. My baby was born Dec. 28 amd because od the holidays and it was a Sunday I couldn’t get a pump for a few days. I had to use formula and it was stressful because no matter what my baby wouldn’t latch at all. She would for a minute then scream and cry. No one told me it could take time for the milk to come in too which happened to me. I cried as I brought out the formula and wondered what I did wrong. I kept breastfeeding at the hospital and didn’t realize she wasn’t really getting anything near the end. No wet diapers whem we got home. It was stressful. She was so happy when she got formula though. But I continued to pump and give it through a bottle.
I didnt think use of the pump waa reccomended right away…
Usually the hospital provides you with a breast pump while you are there to teach you how to do it and if your insurance will cover it they will give you one
The hospital usually has one for you to use
Hospitals have pumps you can use if you need it.
I didn’t even buy one. I stopped nursing at 3 weeks along thou so I’m glad I didn’t buy it but they say not to pump until 4-5 weeks and introduce a bottle so unless you plan on pumping and giving a bottle and not actually on the breast it’s not needed
Bring yours to get the used to using it.
I never even heard of someone taking it with. It takes like 3 days for your milk to come in. I dont see why you would need it
If you think you may need help learning the best ways to use it then definitely bring it but even if you needed one they’d provide it
I used the hospital grade one!
Only reason I needed mine was to help induce my labor. My hospital would have chargedmy insurance, I brought mine with me.
My lactation cons came in the next morning after I had my little girl and had me start pumping (she was taken to another hospital after she was born) but if you’re breastfeeding then you will start as soon as you have your baby so you shouldn’t need it.
Bring yours
You want to get used to the pump you will actually have at home
Bring yours. You will pump while baby isn’t feeding.
Hospitals usually have one but u can take urs
No you def won’t need it
Our hospital gave me a pump to use there and then one to take home
I didn’t and didn’t need it