I am getting induced next week and still haven’t packed my hospital bag…what are some things you didnt bring that you wish you would have?
don’t forget a portible fan - or a small one y ou can plug and clip.
I was so HOT after labor but the baby needed heat bc she was born early. I was so glad I remembered my fan. I was sweating lol
I brought 2 outfits, shower items, brush,some snacks, water bottle,my pillow and a couch blanket it was amazing for sleeping. Also baby bag
Pillows from home. I had to have someone bring them to me!
Your own shampoo, your lotions, deodorant, a pair of comfy clothing to put wen you leave .
I’ve taken for both labors; phone charger (try and bring a long one if you have one lol), my own pillow/s for comfort, comfy clothes to go home in, at least 2 baby outfits (in newborn and 0-3), easy snacks to pack away and warm blanket to put over baby when going home. Anything baby needed (diapers, wipes, receiving blanket) was provided by the hospital so I didn’t take extras.
Fruit, bubble bath (if they have baths but being induced can get quite painful and a warm bath is wonderful in the early stages), shaving gel (I ended up having a C-section and needing shaving), baby wipes for freshening up, dry shampoo.
Hard candy to suck on…tennis balls for rubbing over lower back…cards…phone charger…