So a little bit off topic first I was in the hospital due to preterm labor I’m 23 weeks and 5 days now but I was in there at 22 weeks… well the hospital finally got the labor to stop but I have a short cervix and the baby is very low so they want me to lay around and come in to my ob doctor once a week for awhile they gave me steroids to mature baby’s lungs too…
So I ordered off the Aeroflow Breastpump company so I could have a Breastpump when baby is born … has any of you breastfeeding moms ordered off this company and if so how long did it take for pump to come in and does any of you breastfeeding moms have the Motif Luna double electric breastpump if so is it a good pump for a first time mom
Also would it be a good idea to pack a hospital bag a little early since the ob doctor doesn’t know how long I’ll be able to keep baby in my stomach
And how good did the labor stopping meds work for any of you mamas that had preterm labor, did it stop it till you was full term or did you have the baby a bit early?
Pack your hospital bag soon. It’s always good to be prepared
I got mine 5 or 6 weeks before birth and pack bag always better to be prepared hun
Pack it but I would request a tvc be placed. I wouldn’t trust just waiting and seeing. 24 weeks is viability but you’re so early right now you don’t want to risk the baby coming too early
I went into preterm labor at 28w, I DO NOT recommend ever getting the magnesium drip I had a BAD experience with it my son was born at 34+4
I ordered my pump from aero, it depends on your insurance as to when you will receive it some wait until baby is born
I packed at 26w and I’m glad I did because from 28w-34w I was hospitalized almost weekly.
My son threatened to come at 29+6wks. My cervix went to less then a cm in length and was opening. I got admitted. Labor stopped. Steroids just in case. Then sent home on complete bed rest with home monitoring from a nurse 3-5 times a week.
As long as I stayed off my feet. We were ok. If I was up to much, contractions would pick up.
I kept him in til 37+4 days
Dr released me from bedrest 37+2. I went shopping 37+3(for baby stuff I still needed lol) and he was born 11:33am 37+4.
But I had my bag packed from the moment I got home from being admitted and put on bed rest. Just in case lol
I had a cerclage placed at 12 weeks due to miscarriages (16 and 17 weeks) I’m 20.5 weeks now and am running out of cervix. I’m on makena and vaginal progesterone suppositories. 3 weeks ago my cervix was at a 3.7 last week it dropped to 1.5 and yesterday it dropped some more but not much. They placed a pessary ring in under my stiches and we are hoping for the best. Best of luck to you!
I got my pump through them and it just came yesterday!
They usually send it out about a month before your due date I’ve heard
I went into early labor at 33 weeks and ended up delivering a day short of 39 weeks so I’d say the medicine worked for me. I think when u get the breast pump depends on ur insurance but I got mine a month before my due date
What did your fft come back as? Bc I’m in the same boat and went into labor at 26 weeks 2 weeks later I’m on baby watch and went into labor again yesterday. My cervix on bed rest went from 2.5 cm thick (at 26 weeks) to 1 cm now at 28 weeks and I’m a cm dilated
I second not getting magnesium drip that stuff is horrible
Pack your bag or bags if you pack heavy lol. Better to be prepared than not. If for some reason. The pump doesn’t come in time, the hospital will typically provide a manual pump. If not ask. The body. An be unpredictable so be prepared. have hubby or whoever is around help you so your not over exerting yourself.
I went into preterm labor at 30 weeks and did not deliver till 39 weeks. I also stayed 4 cm for over a month
I had labor stopped with both of my kids. Son stayed cooking until his due date. Daughter came 2 days before her due date.
I went into labor at 26weeks…cervix shortened to 0.7 stopped labor twice and was able to hold them in till 36weeks
Question is: who taught you English?
They’re supposed to send it about a week before your due date, that’s what it told me anyway!
Dorothy Kraeuter Trevelyan I’m just curious where in her post is bad English?
People like dorothy suck. Just ignore any typos and shush. The post was about something other than typos
I ordered mine here and got it two to three weeks before my daughter was born. And id pack your bag now just to be safe and if it’s not needed for 10+ weeks then great. One less thing you’ll need to do. Also I had a electric pump it was a double pump but I only used it for a month because she was wanting more than I could produce so I had to stop. Mine was a medela I believe.
Pack your bags now, you just never no. I had mine packed early as I was deemed high risk for pre term. My boy had been dropped and ready to come for awhile now, and I’ve been dilated for weeks. I’m now 35 weeks and he’s still hanging on
Dorothy Kraeuter Trevelyan I don’t see bad English at all in her post? Maybe you just can’t read
Haley Van Auken rest rest rest!! I was 2.1 cm and am now 1.5 cm, theirs also pills they can give you to stop early labor
I’m on bed rest have been for two weeks yes I get those pills but they still don’t work
Wow really a worried new mom and all you can say is who taught you English. Yes she for got a word but that normal when your brain is moving fast. And your worried about your unborn baby. So instead of being a b***** why not comfort this mom.
And to the mom congratulations on the new edition. I hope for a healthy mom and baby. If your pump dont come in time I would just reach out to wic. There’s place that will lend you one. Also pack a bag just to be safe and have plan ABC ready. Good luck
I went into labour at 33 weeks and had to get the steroid shot. They kept me in over night while I was taking the pill to stop labour every hour for 24 hours as soon as I didn’t get the pill I went into labour and baby was born the day after. I also had a short cervix. I would deffs have a bag ready. Good luck