What vaginal discharge isn't normal?

:warning:TMI Warning :warning:


I have a question about my discharge… I just noticed tonight that it is white, clumpy, thick and there’s a lot. I’ve never had this kind before. There’s no smell to it, no itching or anything. I’ve always had a little more than normal amount of discharge, but nothing ever like this. Honestly, my boyfriend and I have been having a lot of sex. Usually every day and every now and again we take a break for a day or two (he has a VERY HIGH sex drive.) but, I’ve notice from his hair rubbing me down there, I’ve gotten raw. But, no other symptoms. I do have a picture of the test and my discharge. I just don’t want to post the discharge, Incase it’s TMI and unless it’s necessary. I did get a VERY faint pregnancy test on Wednesday. I had to get my boyfriend to check to make sure I wasn’t crazy. I also took a digital test and it said, “Not pregnant.”
I made the mistake of searching Google and have seen so many different answer to what it is. Early pregnancy, before or after ovulation, yeast infection(which I don’t have any other symptoms of, except the discharge) and STD’s(which is 100% no.) I’m not sure on the ovulation, because my periods are seriously irregular and we’ve been trying to get pregnant, with no luck for almost 6 months now.
I’m really sorry for the long post, just wanted to make sure y’all had all the information. Thank you in advance!!!


You have two symptoms…the discharge and the raw feeling…it sounds like a yeast infection…also that you might be pregnant if you had a faint positive…test again with the first pee in the morning …but sometimes yeast infections dont itch. They hurt …they feel raw …go to the dr


If you’re getting a feint pregnancy line you’re most likely pregnant. You’ve also got an increase in the amount of discharge and that is a for sure sign of being pregnant along with the positive test result…that test wouldn’t come out with a line unless there were pregnancy hormones in your pee!


My whole pregnancy iv had that white discharge. Sometimes its thick and sometimes it liquidity. Very normal and healthy during pregnancy. You may also become more sensitive in your private areas. I had to stop using a certain toilet paper that iv used for years because all of the sudden it started to give me a rash and make me feel raw after I would wipe with it. Sounds like you are pregers to me!! Congrats :slight_smile:

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Ovulating? My first ovulation after my first was born got more intense and thicker

Go see your ob have them test for STDs and pregnancy. You never know about STDs

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