What vitamins can I take for energy?

What are some vitamins/supplements that I can take that gives energy? Wakes me up? I’m only 26 and im always exhausted I mean tired I work 7a-3p 5 days a week and by the time I get home from work im beat im so tired and just have no energy to do things like cook and clean . Most of the time I cook only because I have to for the kids but the food is so rushed it’s not that good. Even tho I work full time I want to be like those moms who work come home and deep clean and cook and hang with the kids and make it all look so easy but for me it’s really not. . I wake up 6am for work each morning and by 4pm im cranky and have an attitude and all I want is to lay down. I told my doctor and she really didn’t suggest anything . So I wanna know if you all can help me in anyway?


I’m the exact same way and soooo over it! I wanna be better for my babies!

Do you snore? Fall asleep if you sit down? There are other symptoms as well, but I was like that, exhausted all the time. It was sleep apnea. I started using a cpap and once I was used to the cpap I was amazed how much better I felt!

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I would set up an appointment with your doctor and get your blood work done, check to see if your anemic, have thyroid disorders and or vitamin D deficiency.

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B12, vitamin D, increase your water, get your iron checked, make sure you’re eating - even if it’s small meals or snacks with some fruits and carbs for energy


Plexus. It’s pricey but so well worth it!

Take Vitamin B complex ( all the B’s ) and Vitamin D. Speak to Dr too. Good Luck :+1:


Get blood work done. I presented the same issue to my doctor, and off hand she suggested any B vitamins. But once the results came back, the root of the problem was vitamin D deficiency.


Definitely see a different doctor to be sure, or tell your current one you need blood work done. Taking vitamins you don’t need can cause other issues. I understand being tired after a days work, but if you have zero energy like that, it could be something else like a hormonal imbalance, thyroid issue or even sleep apnea.
And Just a heads up, since a lot of people are saying to take vitamin b12.

Check your diet. What you eat has alot to do with how you feel. Fresh veggies and fruit and less processed foods.


Ancestral Supplements liver capsules

Liquid B-12 you can get it on Amazon. Also make sure you’re getting enough protein and low sugar foods

I suggest you get your blood work done. Could be something deeper than just a vitamin


you need a new doctor and a naturopath is better if you can afford it. usually body is depleted of vitamins but could be caused by many things, hormones, medications, health conditions etc.

Check to see if you need iron pills
Do blood work
Check your thyroids too
Hope this will work for you
It worked for me because my 40% Haemoglobin was only 40% We are supposed to have 140% blood
But I also had to have 2 pints of blood on top of the iron pills good luck

Maybe get some iron pills

All that B vitamin hoorah didn’t work for me

I wanna say cocaine but really just take your b vitamins


Make sure you are getting a lot of protein. Make sure you’re getting probiotics. When you feel like cooking make a double batch and freeze it.

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Ugh, this is so me! So i did go see my doctor and got blood work done. My vitamin D is low and cholesterol is a bit elavated. So i have to take vitamins and eat a low card diet. :unamused: Hope you get feeling better!

Have you had your thyroid checked?

Dark red fruits and any veggies with iron

Sweetie the only way for you to find out what’s going on with you is to go see a doctor and most definitely you need blood work done and please request them to also have your thyroid check good luck and God bless you :pray: :blush:

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Vitamin b12 liquid it has helped me

Get your thyroid checked.

Try eating foods that are higher in iron. I notice that when I have more iron I’m more energetic.

Do you snore when sleeping? It may be sleep apnea and that can definitely cause you to be exhausted. It took me falling asleep at the wheel despite drinking 4 monster energy drinks a day to get a doctor’s attention.

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I’m 40, with a 5 yr old and 19 yr old, 3 cats, a dog, a blue macaw, tortoise and fish, I work 4 10 hr days, hubby works till 9 4 of the days so I clean and cook most nights…nothing is easy…if you found a miracle cure let me know! I could totally use it!

I know it’s not a vitamin, but 30 minutes of weight lifting or some light cardio early in the morning and you’ll notice a huge difference after a month or so of consistency

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Has anyone tried the one on tv? Natural balance

Have your thyroid checked too

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Vitamin c! I replaced coffee with high dose vitamin c powder

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Get bloods done to check your vitamin levels but get into the habit of doing a bit each day. Do 1 room at a time and on your day off, meal plan and batch cook as much as you can for the week ahead

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B-12 helps with fatigue. Also, could you be battling depression? Maybe postpartum, I’m not sure how old your youngest is? Sometimes depression shows up as being cranky and very low energy. Also, those moms that look like they work all day then come home to deep clean, cook and spend time with the kids are only a on social media! It’s okay to make easy dinners and rest. Sit outside and just be present while the kids play. That’s much better for everyone than deep cleaning.


These little things you put in your water from Walmart work wonders for me

I’ve started taking a vitamin b complex vitamin and it’s really be helpful to me. More Than Moms

Tyrosine… but nobody can do it all…

This is similar to how I discovered my autoimmune disease. Extreme exhaustion at all times, day or night. I also didn’t realize I was in constant pain - it was the norm for me and didn’t even register. It wasn’t until my doctor was like hey uh you shouldn’t feel achy on the regular where I recognized something was wrong.


B12 ,D3 with k, iron and c

Check with your Dr, your vitamin B12 and D is probably low!

B12… I would have some tests done. Your fatigue could be caused by numerous things such as hormones imbalance, thyroid issues, poor diet, ect.

Take a multi magnesium vitamin, d3! Not d2 and pair with a vitamin k, caffeine is a neurotixin so stop it. Make sure your nourishing your thyroid with what it needs, inflammation can be exhausting so thyme, turmeric and ginger are helpful. Make a tea. Use only organic, do not boil but hot water for about 7 minutes, do not use sugar it’s a neurotoxin. Find a local bee keeper

Instead of asking people who are not qualified go see your dr