What was it like getting your tubes tied?

So I have 5 kids just had my twins going on 3 weeks tomorrow and thinking about getting my tubes removed However anyone that had that done does it keep You down? After the procedure Because if it does I rather just choose birth control for 5 to 10 years before I go permanent. Anyone that has done permanent birth control tell me Your experiences. I don’t wanna regret any decision I make.


I never had an issues. My periods are a little heavier but that’s it. Go get it done before the choice is gone!


I had mine tied 43 years ago. I’d forgotten I’d had it done until I saw the report of an MRI scan

Completely wrecked my body been on birth controls and hormone replacements plus 2 biopsies, very very heavy long periods do your research


Had mine done 15 years ago. Hardly any discomfort (took advil day of) was back to normal things in 3 days. Always had heavier periods so no change there. No regrets!

Worth it! Some pain for like 2 days, but that was 42 yrs ago and mine were stapled.

I had my last one in January got fixed the very next morning and walked out of the hospital at 8:30pm the night I got fixed. I have 4 kids including my infant. My worst pain was trying to move cause dr messed my incision up it was suppose to be microscopic in my belly button it’s at the bottom of my belly button and alot bigger than the microscopic it’s suppose to be.

I had mine done 30 years ago never had a problem,I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago,come to find out they never tied my tubes,instead,they put a plastic clamp around my tubes,when they were doing my hysterectomy they were finding all kinds of plastic pieces all over inside of me and removing them.I was horrified when the dr told me in recovery.I don’t know how long this had happened, could you imagine getting pregnant and not knowing, how,why
Be very mindful of your procedure and do some homework about the person doing it on you.

I had mine done 23 years.
Right after my son was born. The best way do it it. Right after birth.

I got mine removed 3 yrs ago, my last baby was 3 months old at the time. My recovery went very smoothly. I rested and took it easy for about 2 days by day 3 I was back to myself and didn’t even need the pain meds… my periods never really changed either the first one after was little heavier than normal but now they are not bad at all… everyone is different but no regrets for me! Good luck with your decision.

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I just did it a couple years ago about 2 years after my 4th baby……it kicked my ass for about 5-6 days. They did laparoscopically so no big incisions but that wasn’t what kicked my ass……so when they do larapro surgery they still have to stick the wands through muscle and tissue it get to the female parts that is what took so long to feel better the torn ripped muscles in my abdomen and on my sides. I also don’t take narcotic pain meds so it was Tylenol ibuprofen and ice I laid on the couch in tears the first 2 days after that it was another few days before I could stand let alone stand straight I would not recommend with babies unless u have someone who will be u for a good week.

I had my tubal 3 months after I had my twins. Dr wouldn’t do it with my C-section so I had to do back. They went in through naval. She only clamped mine. Holding strong after 12 years but I made my husband get a vasectomy
Also bc I did not want any percent chance of getting pregnant then or down the road. Best decision!! My periods are normal and don’t have many period symptoms. Worth it!

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My daughter is now 5, I had mine cut and burned when she was a few weeks old. Have had nothing but issues. Major bleeding during periods, more cramping and abdominal pain than ever before. If I could go back and change it, I would. The only recommendation my doctor had was to take birth control to help with my periods. It’s terrible.

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i am a mom of 4 when i had my tubes and in less than year gave birth to my daughter. she is a sister to her four brothers

I had mine tied 12 years ago and guess what??? They need to be tied again. The clamps came off and are floating around. Next month round 2, 12 years later

I didn’t have any issues except really heavy periods. Maybe a little cramping too. But not too bad. I had it done shortly after I gave birth to my second son, while I was still in the hospital after having him.

I had mine removed when I had my last son…couldn’t tell a difference in anything

Had my tubes removed on Friday and was back at work Monday. No issues, just some bruises.

I had my tubes tied the morning after giving birth to my last baby. The Dr wanted to do it at the same time as I was giving birth, but since she was born at 2:00 am he waited until 9:00 am. It was just a small incision below my belly button. I was a little sore for a few days but I’m really glad I did it.

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Sore for a few days for me gas pains were worst part but had 5 kids didn’t want any more

Never any issues. Had mine removed when my son was 3 months old. Never kept me down and that’s after a c section.

I begged for mine after my last baby but they absolutely refused and said I was too young & I had no chance. I’ve been on the depo injection and it’s completely stopped my periods, no cramps, no nothing tbh. I’d recommend it.

I had a tubal first and it really wasn’t that bad I was a little sore for about 2 days but I was up taking care of four kids and cleaning house the day after surgery so. 2 years later I had my tubes removed and same thing actually I think it was easier than my actual tubal and it pretty much did away with my cycle so there’s that

I had my tube’s removed 6weeks after birth and 2 weeks before returning to work I was sore for a few days but up and taking care of baby just fine. Had a hysterectomy a year later that knocked me down for a week solid week 2 I was able to go back to almost normal activities was working that week but extremely light duty like still couldn’t sweep mop and vacuum yet. Men has about 2 weeks of healing for a vasectomy and that’s in office not surgery.

I just had a hysterectomy and the only thing that hurt was the gas pains for a couple days. I was up and doing everything normally in a couple days.

I had mine out two months after I after my 4th child. Recovery wasn’t that bad. You will need assistance with some things but overall it wasn’t bad.

I have worse periods when they were removed but I don’t mind not get getting pregnant.

It’s like a vasectomy, not a big deal at all.

I got mine removed July 2019 after a c-section so I can’t tell you how the pain is, however, it caused horrible painful heavy periods. I lost so much blood that my body couldn’t keep up anymore and I ended up having to get a hysterectomy this past February

I had a great experience getting them cut and removed. 3 days of “rest”

I had my tubes removed. And other then bloating I had nothing, no bleeding, no spotting, no pain. I came back home doing everything as normal just not lifting anything heavy.

I just had mine clamped last Monday and I am SO happy!! When I woke up from being put out, I had the worst pain like 10 cm contraction pain. The first 3-4 days were rough but I’m slowly coming back to being fine. They sliced inside my belly button and above my vagina and glued it shut. Best choice I’ve ever made and I’m glad to say I will never worry about getting pregnant again :heartpulse:

I was sore for a couple days due to the traped Gas hot packs help alot. No issues now except a heavier period. I would definitely recommend.

I was told by my OB when I got mine done last year now they remove the tubes a tubal ligation vs just cutting and burning the ends.(tying) as it reduces the chance they reattach and reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.

I had two kiddos and got it done in 2021 after My daughter it was easy yes periods were different after. Hardly a scar two small holes on each side of the belly the cut and removed part of mine

Had my tube’s tied after my 4th son, battled with weight gain, then 5 yrs later almost 6 yrs, I had a hysterectomy and I do not regret it at all. I feel so much better. No more bloating and cramping, no more severe mood swings, I feel like me. It’s been wonderful.

I had my done, in and out of the hospital the same day. Bit of a harder recovery ery the first 3 says or so because you are sore from surgery then after that not too bad to get around. My periods since have been like before I stated birth control and had kids and all that jazz def not a bad decision at all