What was your earliest pregnancy symptom?

What was your earliest pregnancy sign/symptom? What estimated week did it happen in?


Just knew nauseated a little! And two weeks!

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A gut feeling at like 8 DPO.

My breaststroke were ridiculously sore for both pregnancy. That started about weeks 3. Both times I found out before my missed period bc I took the test bc I was so sore.

Pressure in my underbelly like the beginning of a period pain… that never came…

Burning boobs! Around 5 weeks.

I was at the bus stop heading to work one morning and they were just on FIRE. Googled it and bought a test on my way home :melting_face:

Nauseous and I never get nausea. Extreme fatigue, food aversions. 5-6 weeks

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I had implantation bleeding at 12 dpo. Then smelling booze made me wanna throw up

My boobs hurt and I could smell like crazy. Found out at 6 weeks

All three of my pregnancies I would pass out randomly. No other symptoms to start with but I’d just be standing one minute, drop to the floor the next minute. It was startling the first pregnancy, but by the third pregnancy I figured out I was pregnant because I passed out. I was about 5-7 weeks pregnant for all three pregnancies when it would happen. Then by about 9 weeks all the other symptoms would show up.

My boobs started hurting badly lol

For both of my pregnancies it was really sore breasts, both around 4 to 5 weeks


Nothing. I quit the pill and 2 1/2 months later I asked the doc for a shot to start my cycle. (I had done this before) let’s just check first, he said. I was sure I wasn’t. But yep I was.

Sore boobs and nausea… 5 days before my period.

Immediately missing my period and really bad indigestion and heart burn.

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Change in tastebuds from as early as week two. I notice it particularly with coffee, which tasted yuck despite usually loving it and I got a craving for olives which I hated before my first pregnancy.

Apple cravings and morning sickness

My first symptom with my first i was Really really tired and sore af boobs and gassy i was Around 4/5 weeks im guessing i didn’t find out till 6 + weeks, with my twins very sensitive to smell sore boobs and morning sickness i was around 4/5 weeks as well. With my son i had lil to no symptoms at all just felt like i was starving all the time

about 5 weeks, I drank a coke and threw up. … with both of my pregnancies

Both times it was temperature, first one was I was always too cold, with a side of morning sickness bad for 3 months and craving chicken nuggets.Tests had come back negative until the 3rd month. The second one I was always too hot, felt nauseous but never got sick, and craving chicken nuggets lol. Found out earlier the second time around.

Nausea at about at 4 weeks. I knew I was pregnant before I even did a test with all of them.

Brest hurt with all three

Hungry as a horse with my last and sore boobs! All 5 pregnancies sore boobs! 4 weeks with all.