What was your labor and delivery like with your second?

First child 8 hrs.
Second child under 5 hrs.
Third 12 hrs.
Forth I was induced. 13 hrs.

My first was 20 some hours from plug coming out and baby coming out. 2nd, i was eating dinner peacefuly then had to rush to the hospital, baby was our in less than two hra

My son was here in 8 hours from the time they started pitocin until he was out.
My daughter took about 11 hours from pitocin to her being out.

Iā€™m in the same boat as you. My first was 4 hrs from start to finish. We live about an hour away from hospital now. As our local hospital isnā€™t doing deliveries anymore. Iā€™m currently.pregnant with baby #2 and thinking the same !

None of mine were faster than the last!! Iā€™m on baby number 5ā€¦ none of them broke my water, hospital broke my water, I couldnā€™t dilate on my own either, nurses helped with that and couldnā€™t get my contractions close enough to start pushing, had to get hooked up to meds for that too!! I went in the hospital one day and had them the next dayā€¦ it all depends on your body and baby!! Good luck!

I was induced at 39 weeks with my second. I was in labor for 7 hours, water had to be broken and it was time to push 20 minutes later. He was a bigger baby than my first, and he was out in 7 minutes.

Both my babies were about 5 hours from start to finish, my second I was induced for. Good luck mama!

My first was about 14 hours. Iā€™m due in January with my second so weā€™ll see for that!

My second was about 2 hours shorter. 10 hours with my first and 8 with my second.

Both of my kids were about 5 hours start to finish

Mine got faster and faster. My first was 13 hrs of labor. My second was like 2-3 hours. My third was 1 hour.

My first was 12 hours my second 3.5 hoursā€¦ Pregnant with number 3 and about 45 minutes from the hospital so im nervous about that

First one was over 32 hours. Second was about 4 hours. 3rd about 8 hours

My first was 45 minutes second was six hours both were a month early ,they say you deliver like your mom not true my 45 minute one was my daughter and she was in labor for 12 hours with her first hurried to the hospital thinking I was going to miss it ended up waiting a whilešŸ˜

1st was about 3 hours my second was 23 hours. Every labor and delivery is different.

Second one came soo much faster. First one was about 8 hours and the second was 3 hours from first contractions to delivery.

My 2nd was pretty much walking out as I got to the hospital. Less than 6 hours of active labor and finally deciding to go to the hospital.

Month early and most painful of 3

Mine got longer each timeā€¦
1st 1.75hrs (9lbs)
2nd 3.5 hrs (8.5lbs)
3rd 7hrs (9lbs)

my first walked out i walked in to the hospital around 5 am to come out 4 hrs and 50 minutes later. my 2nd i was induced at 7 pm do a few laps come back to my room water breaking everyone leaving me to deliver 4 hrs and 55 minutes later and 2 weeks over due to be induced. my 3rd a week over due so induced she was my longest induced in afternoon to be delivered next morning at 1 am my longest two 7 pounders and 8 ponder was my 2nd.

2nd born at home on accident because I didnā€™t plan on him coming so quickly. I slept up until 6 minutes before giving birth.

Both of my labors were inducedā€¦However after the hospital broke my water the first time around, my son was here less then 3 hours later.
With my second pregnancy, when the hospital broke my water, my daughter was here maybe an hour 1/2 later. It went much faster. Barely had enough time to get the epidural.
Broke my water, and within minutes was in terrible pain, the anesthesiologist came in maybe 10 mins later. After he finished, they checked me and I was ready to go.

My 1st 18 hours. My second 24 hours,.3rd 8 hours. 4th 8 hours

I was in prodromal labor for a week before it would progress enough to become active labor. Not Braxton Hicks, not false labor. Just very painful very slowly progressing labor, and because I was only 36-37 +3 when I had her they wouldnā€™t help it progress unless the baby went into distress. Thankfully she didnā€™t but nothing helped me

My 1st was Induced due to preeclampsia. So canā€™t really compare. The whole process was 9 1/2-10 hours. My 2nd I went on my own and was about the same amount of hours laboring. Pushing was alot faster. #1 I pushed for 1 hour 40 mins and #2 pushed for 15 mins. Then #3 was induced, pushed for 20 mins. #4 went into labor (water broke ONLY pregnancy it broke on its own) pushed for 10 mins. #5 went on my own, pushed for 30 mins. All my labors were 9-10 hours.

My first was 8 hours of Labor in about an hour and a half of pushing and I will say this the smallest of the babies. My second was 18 hours and literally 6 pushes but the largest of my babiesā€¦ they were lucky to catch her she came out so quick. Both times completely natural on Pitocin.

My first 34 hour labor Rome water then emergency c section. My 2nd planned c section went beautifully.

16 hours of labor with both kids. 20 mins pushing my first, pushed 3 times with my second. Helps that I have small babies lol

Both of mine were 8 hours. My first, my water broke. My second I was induced.

My first, I was in labor 22 hours. My secondā€¦they induced me and she came into the world 5 hours later. My 3rd was out in 3 hours.

All 3 of my kids came a week to 2 weeks early and within 6 hrs of the first contraction

I went from 8pm to 2am with my first and 8am to 2pm with my second. I had to be induced with my second at 40+1.

My first was 8hrs with induction my second was 6hrs she came on her own 3 weeks early and my 3rd wasted no time to slide out of there as i woke up that morning with contractions less than 2 mins apart. My hubby rushed me to the hospital bout 25 mins away made it there in like 10mins thanks to the police officer in front of us who i guess could tell something was goin on as i was screaming in the car lol made it to the hospital while in emergency room my water broke within 2 mins of being questioned all over the ER floor. They rushed me up to the ward, get to a room they tell me to take my pants off and im screaming heā€™s coming heā€™s coming the doctor told me no honey we have plenty of time(same thing the ER nurse said right before my water broke) i said no he is coming so i get on the bed spread my legs and doc says oh shit he is comingā€¦šŸ¤¦ like i know thats what i said lol his head was crowning and out he came. Goodluck love babies are unpredictable.

My first was fast, 57 min. My second was 3 hours.

My 1st son I was induced at 6 am. It was a scheduled induction. Wasnā€™t medically necessary. He was born at 9pm that night. I knew w/ my 2nd I didnā€™t want to be induced. My labor starter w/ my 2nd around 7am and he was born around 3:45pm that same day. Much easier labor for me. Iā€™m hoping the 3rd goes the same way.

27 hrs ended in csection

No labour for #2. Had a scheduled Cesarean. Other then having to wait all day(3pm) he was a healthy 7 lbs 8oz

1st, I was induced. Started picotin at 8am, after throwing up at 4.5 cm dilated, it took 30 min to fully dilate. Pushed for 17 minutes, had her at 317pm. Labor was easy peasy.

My first was 6/7 hours total with pitocin, and my second started naturally with very faint contractions around 1 pm the previous day, by 5 a.m the next morning they woke me up, and by 8 p.m. they were between 5 to 8 minutes apart, and very painful. I had my baby around 1 in the morning.

I knew I was laboring, even when I barely felt the contractions, because they were consistent. The Braxton Hicks I would experience previously would make my tummy tight for about a minute and then go away for several hours, sometimes the rest of the day.

You know your body better than anyone, so youā€™ll probably know when things are for real.

I had 4 and all of them were 3 hours from first contraction to deliveryā€¦well except the last one she was turned the wrong way so spent an hour trying to get to to turn

4 kids here. I, too, have precipitous births. 15 MINUTES, 9 MINUTES, ETC. One born at home because it went fast. Be prepared for an unexpected home birth. My last one was induced because they all came so fast. I donā€™t feel contractions. I can only tell if my water breaks or they are coming out.

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My first was 5 and half hours and my second I was induced early. They broke my waters and I had her an hour and half later

1st -2 and 1/2 hours
2nd - 40 minutes
Prepare for the after pains! I actually needed a paracetamol for them, I had nothing for labour :joy:

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1st 4 hrs
2nd 22 mins

My first was 3 days and was back to back and 2nd was 5 hours and hurt way more xx

I was induced with both of my kids. My first, I went in the night before and they tried softening the cervix. Nothing. They started pitocin around 630isham, I had her at 4:19pm. My second, they started pitocin at around 7isham and I had him at 5:23pm. I used epidurals for both. With my first, it wore off because I got it too soon. My second I felt nothing. I tore with my first a little and not with my second.

First was absolutly god damn ages :rofl: but the 2and one was less than an hour. Waters broke at 12.02 and was born at 12.57 x

1st one was 12 hours.
2nd one was 2.5hours

1st labour was 16 hours
2nd was 14 hours
3rd was 6 hours
4th was 2 days because I was induced