What was your pumping schedule while breastfeeding?

How did everyone pump while exclusive breast feeding? I want to pump just to keep my supply up, but I still want to only breast feed. My girl is 3 months old, I still feed on demand so we’re not in a schedule

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I ended up breastfeeding for 3 years. You don’t have to pump to keep to your supply, exclusively breastfed. The first year my letdown was strong, so I used the Haakaa to catch it while breastfeeding from the other boob. He never wanted it in a bottle though so had to donate it to another mama and used some for milk baths, rashes, etc. Due next month and plan to exclusively bf again til at least 2.

I never pumped. Baby to breast is the best way to keep milk coming. I decided to wean him at (almost) 18months. He was in daycare/nursery from 7 months while I worked. He at food there drank water etc then had breastmilk at home