What week did you find out you were having twins?

What week did you find out you were having twins ?


18 weeks first ultrasound showed one only heard one heart beat up until then. The ultrasound tech put the thing on my stomach and she wasn’t looking. I looked at the screen and saw 2 heads and asked her is there twins? she said no do you want twins? I said not really but I don’t have a say now. She looked around and said congrats twins. My mom was with me she started crying, she had lost a set of twins to miscarriage about 20 years before. My grandpa who past 7 years before came to her in a dream and told her it was twins. All my coworkers teased me I was having twins. My cousin had a dream I had twins. So everybody knew before me. They are now almost 15 1/2 and my son is named after my grandpa.

9 weeks MCDA. Scan earlier around 7.5 weeks due to a heavy bleed and we were worried as the pregnancy before was a miscarriage and saw one. So went in couple weeks later and found two. Happy healthy 3.5 year olds

6 weeks because I was having sharp pains really bad went to the ER I knew I was pregnant I was worried about tubal pregnancy. It took 5 hrs in the ER to tell me I’m having twins that’s why I was having so much pain. Now they’re 11 years old.

My daughter found out on a check up heart beats then they did blood to make sure then the first Sono

About 8.5 weeks. They showed up clearly on our first scan

6 weeks and they are 31 now

Not me, but when my mom was 4 months they told her it was twins because they could hear two heart beats. Then when she went back at 5-6months for an ultrasound and they could only see one baby but heard two. So they prepared her for the worst…finally around the 8th month they figured it out…the ultrasound was also picking up my mother’s heart as well as mine making it sound like two babies…she was so thrilled it wasn’t twins…then dropped me as her child when I was 8yrs old