What were your experiences with being induced?

1st baby had pitocin to move things along because I wasnt dilating but water had already broken. Contractions were horrible, got epidural which for me was the worst decision because the combination made me sick and both mine and babys heart rate plummeted 3 times below 20 bpm so emergency csection it was after 12 hours of labor.

Nine and a half hours of hard contractions every two to three minutes…it was greaaattttt let me tell you🙄 lol

I was induced at 7 am, had baby 12:17 pm! Dr told me I’d have her by 1:00 and I didn’t believe her

I have nothing positive to say about being induced. It was horrible! BUT it’s so totally worth it in the end so just go with the glow & good luck!

I was induced. My labor progressed very quickly, and I was thisclose to pushing with no epidural. And you want that epidural, trust me.

Other than that, try to stay calm, and take everything in stride. Things like this rarely work out the way you think they will.

I was induced , the pain is worse , ended up needing an emergency c section because I didn’t get any opening after 14 hours

I was induced with my second child for pregnancy hypertension. I went to hospital at 5 pm or there abouts… was given a tablet inserted to thin cervix and they said we will monitor and start Pitocin tomorrow morning. My daughter was born at just over midnight and born still in her bag of water that didn’t rupture until she was delivered. Healthy and all in all very fast and not gonna lie painful delivery. It progressed rather quickly with no time for epidural.

Your going to be given meds to keep your contractions strong…don’t tense up with them. The more you tense up the more it will just close your cervix back up… Breathe breathe breathe thru them. Get something to focus on during contractions…i used a small stuffed animal. If you haven’t taken a Lamaze class I strongly suggest you do…Don’t be afraid to ask for meds…this is the 21st century, no one has to be in pain…this doesn’t mean an automatic epidural…there are other lower level pain meds you can receive. When it comes time to push…push like you gotta poop.

I was induced at 37 weeks because of preeclampsia. I was hooked up to a pitocin drip to induce labor, and a magnesium drip to lower my blood pressure. I was told that my baby would be born that night.
Unfortunately I did not progress, I was stuck at 7cm dilation for around 12-14 hours. My daughter’s heart rate dropped and they had to break my water and put a monitor on her head. I did have the epidural, so there wasn’t really pain, just a lot of pressure, I was very loopy, and I did vomit multiple times. After I hit 36 hours with no further dilation I was given an emergency C-section due to the risks of infection for my daughter and I.
She was born healthy by C-section but had to be in the NICU for a couple days because of the prolonged exposure to magnesium. (Made her lethargic)
One more note, the nurse (idiot) was lowering my pitocin and raising my magnesium without the Drs consent, so that could be why I had a tough time. It was also my first baby at 20 years old, if you’re older and/or healthier, you should not have the same problems. And if the nurse starts messing with your IVs, don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s your body and your baby they’re messing with.

I was induced twice with my babies because i was done being pregnant and those contractions hurt really bad so i got the epi. It was not that bad

I have had four babies, and 3 I was induced. The contractions were a bit harder than going into natural labor on my own, but other than discomfort and a bit of pain, it wasnt all that bad, considering giving birth is hard but amazing. Just try to relax and enjoy that soon you will be holding your little gift from God. Momma you got this, just try to be as relaxed as you can be considering your having a baby. Congratulations!

When I got induced, they put some patocin in my IV, it started the contractions in a progressive manner. I was in labor for 13 hours after injection. The induction is no big deal, considering what you’re there doing. Lol

My son is almost two months old. He is my first baby. My water broke on its own and I had to be induced. We had plans to put the balloon in but my body decided it was time. I went into my local clinic the day my water broke and told my doctor. He sent me straight over the hospital to be induced. They started the pitocin and it really sucked. I didn’t want to get the epidural but I wasn’t dilating at all so finally after 12 hours I got the epidural. It was such a relief. I slept for most of that day. They kept having to turn off the pitocin due to my baby’s heart rate dropping when they upped it more. After 36+ hours I was finally taken in for a c-section. His little hand got stuck in the birth canal by his head. Be prepared for anything. A long labor, a short labor and a c-section. Also trust your momma instincts. I kept telling my nurse there was something wrong and she did not listen. If your doctor isn’t in the room with you at all times make sure you voice your concerns. And if they don’t listen insist on seeing your doctor. If my nurse wasn’t such a brat I wouldn’t have had to have a c-section. The epidural helped me immensely until I had to go in for the c-section. It had worn off by then and the spinal block they gave me didn’t work but because I didn’t feel the initial first cut they couldn’t put me under. Labor was an amazing experience but also a very painful one. 

Heather is spot on, my body progressed with out pitocin the second time. I’m a big fan of epidural for sure. Originally I didn’t want one but I couldn’t get my self to fully relax enough to actually dilate so I finally decided to get one and after that it was a dream. So with baby#2 I just get one right away and I personally wish I had the first time. I was able to enjoy her with out being as exhausted. And it went even smoother with my body.

Key thing is, remember this is your journey and your body. It could be the same as some of us and it could be completely different. Everyone’s pregnancy and birth is unique in that was and absolutely beautiful. Have open discussion with your support team (nurses, doctors, family/friends) whenever you have chosen to be involved. They are there for you :slight_smile:
Good luck momma we will be praying for a healthy birth for both of you :slight_smile:

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I was induced at 38 weeks because my doctor was worried about my gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced hypertension. When you get there they’ll insert a pill in your cervix to try and get things started before going to pitocin. I had 2 pills and was 5cm dilated before they finally talked me into getting an epidural, the minute they stuck the needle in my back my water broke and things went quickly after that. I never ended up needing pitocin. Total I was in labor for 14 hours but once I started pushing I pushed 10 times and my daughter was born perfectly healthy at 7lbs 8oz (they were telling me she would be over 10 lbs :roll_eyes:.) I’m 8 months pregnant now and I’m opting for induction again!

My opinion is don’t listen to a single horror story everything’s going to be great just relax and pray for a safe healthy delivery

I just had my first baby in August and I was induced also. I went in not wanting an epidural…but I was not dialating past a 6 for hours on end and I finally decided to try it. I went from a 6 to pushing within an hour, my body was not relaxing without it. I hated being confined to the bed for so long, try moving around as much as you can while you can. But once they up that pitocin…be prepared lol

With my first baby my water broke but no contractions. They induced me. After,20 hours of labor still had to have a c-section.

I was induced with my first baby. I was 8 days overdue carrying a large baby. They broke my water and induced me at 8:00am and my baby was born almost 13 hrs. later. Not really anything to expect with my experience other than it starting your contractions.

My first induction was terrible. Everyone is different though. Was due August 7 and had her the 23.Went in to be induced and my daughter had gone breech. They literally turned her in my belly pushing on either side. That was the worst pain I ever had in my life and I have a very high pain tolerance. They then gave me the medicine to induce me and sent me home. My water didn’t break till the next morning. I got admitted and sat for 3 days with no progression. They finally decided to do an emergency c section due to no progress. But like I said, every one is different, doesn’t mean you’ll have any of those issues. Good luck!!!

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I was induced with my first, and I was only offered either gas & air or an epidural for pain relief - so as I was against having an epidural, I did the whole thing on gas & air. It’s not pretty. I was induced for 5 hours; with the hormone dosage increasing at each hour interval. With each contraction I had the intense urge to want to push even though i was not supposed to yet. Each contraction feels excruciating painful, but I kept thinking to myself that by this time tomorrow I will be holding the baby in my arms - and that mentality literally helped me through it. I wish you a good experience with yours. Once it’s over you do forget all about the pain.

I got induced with my first they stuck the pill up inside me was stuck at 3-4 cm then done the pitocin and nothing changed Dr came and checked still the same so she broke my water they gave me a ball to put between my legs and had to be put on oxygen nothing happened so I ended up having to have emergency C-section due to his heart rate dropping

My honest opinion is it’s a lot of pressure and it’s not pleasant. Get an epidural, you’ll be happy you did. I was induced with my second daughter and it was the worst experience I’ve ever had. She was 9lbs.

If you decide on the epidural, let the nurse know early. I dont know about now but my daughter in law had to have the epidural by the time she was 3 cm.

An induction is a faster way to get labor started . usually it begins with a pit drip (pitocin) is introduced via iv which will bring on labor. The contractions will be sharper and faster. You will be monitored as will the baby to make sure baby is tolerating well .a first. Birth can be un nerving because it is all unknown . having a baby is quite natural . it helps alot if you have a good coach to be with you . o and congratulations

I was induced twice and had 2 others w out induction. All my kids were born w in n hour of being admitted or given the pitocin. No pain, no difference w any of them. Fast and simple w all. Not usually the story I hear about it

Avoid foley bulb catheter, get an epidural if your body won’t dilate.

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I was induced ( doc broke my water sac ) and went into immediate hard labor. Only 4 hours long tho.

I was and it wasn’t bad at all. But I also got an epidural

Easyest thing in the world. I was induced and it was great everyone joking cutting up having a good time

Totally agree with Heather pitocin is the worst.

My only child, i went two weeks past my due date and had to be induced. I went to the hospital at 8AM, they hooked me up to an IV (apparently with medication to induce labor) and I waited there for about 9 hours, playing cards, watching TV and not really in any kind of pain. Just a little uncomfortable from the bed. They wouldn’t let me eat which was kind of hard but the nurse came in every hour or so to check to see if I was more dilated than the 3 when I came in. I did ask for pain medication later when I was close and they agreed BUT. Around 5Pm the nurse came in and said Oops you’re dilated to 10 so it’s too late for medication and you’re having a baby now. Doctor came in and broke my water and I would say the contraction pain after the water breaking was easily 3x more painful. I had him in 35 minutes without pain medication and he was 10.5 lbs. So it can be done and it really wasn’t as bad as everyone told me it would be. It seemed to go quickly. I have to add the worst part of the entire thing for me was, afterwards going to the bathroom with the stitches from my tear. But, you’ll do good and just try and be as calm as you can. Good luck and congradulations.

I was induced twice. First labor was 33 hours. I went in at noon to get all the paperwork started. They started pitocin at 2 pm. My body did not respond to it. They kept increasing it every half hour until I was getting the maximum dose but still could not feel contractions and was not dilating. We went through 16 hours of that and at 6 am the next morning they basically told me “we can break your water or we can send you hole, what do you want to do?” I chose to have my water broken at 8 am. Which was done pre epidural and was mildly uncomfortable. The constant cervix checks were more uncomfortable than the actual labor itself. About halfway through I went for the epidural and it was everything I hoped for - they just didn’t tell me I could self administer small doses for break through pain so I just toughed it out. At 7:30 pm I began pushing, but could not get her out. After three hours, my doc recommended using forceps because her head was turned. Because my doctor had 30 years experience, and is one of the highest recommended in the north Phoenix area, I trusted him completely. Plus I was exhausted and starving. So I had a 4th degree episiotomy, and he used forceps to help turn her head and she came out easily. Recovery was an absolute nightmare. Second induction was so much easier. Went in at midnight, all the paperwork was done and pitocin was started by 12:45. Felt contractions immediately. By 6 am I was getting the epidural and it was lovely knowing I could press the button whenever I wanted lol. At 1:30 pm I was talking to my brother when I stopped suddenly mid sentence and told him I needed a nurse ASAP. Baby had dropped down into the canal and was ready to come out. I had gone from 7 cm to 10 in about 25 minutes. They called my doctor and I had to hold on until he got there and I couldn’t self administer meds because they were afraid I wouldn’t be able to push. He pretty much walked in, washed hands, put on a gown and gloves and sat down to catch her lol it was like four pushes. Wayyyyyyy easier! My third was a naturally started labor and the contractions were so much easier, and didn’t start off as like a 8. They were like a rolling three-four for about half of it and I only got the epidural when I did because they were starting to get busy and I didn’t want to NEED it later and have to wait for it lol. I could’ve held out longer. The epidural felt like a pinch in your back and then kind of burns as they inject the test fluid into it. But after it’s in and takes effects, it’s the greatest.

I’ve had 7 kids… some with an epidural and some without. Yes I can totally give birth without an epidural but do I really like to? No. Some women say it makes them feel powerful… I just thought… why did I do that?!? The difference to me between natural and an epidural is huge. One is like having a birthday party and the other is horrible. I have my babies fast too :woman_shrugging:t2: I’d rather be present and excited. I’ve only been induced twice. I’d rather not be but the one good thing is you get to plan. Every single labor was different but one thing… Once you have to push just push right through the pain and it’s so much faster.

I was induced at 34 weeks because of severe preeclampsia. I was only in labor for 10 hours only pushed for like 12 mins. That part was easy. What sucked was 1.) Having to be on magnesium. That shit. Is. Rough. 2.) Not being able to see my baby for about 36 hours after she was born except for about 30sec after she came out because she had to be in nicu and I had to stay in bed for 24 hours🙄 and 3.) Just the overall recovery was hard I think because of the magnesium.

My labor was fine I really dont remember it cuz it all happened so fast. I dont know your situation but I know everybody is different. Just try to eat beforehand and not stress about it. In the end it’s worth it when you get to hold your sweet baby. Good luck!

Oh and another thing… take a blanket, and pillows and your favorite panties and pads you use on your period. You’ll want it, and over packing your clothes bag is never a bad idea! I packed light and ended up in the hospital because of my daughters sugar for a week.

I’ve had 7 kids, 4 induced, last 3 natural. Induction labors took way longer (makes sense since the body isn’t ready or you wouldn’t me inducing), the recovery time was also longer for me. The contractions were more severe so I had epidurals with the inductions (last 3 were natural), the babies were less interested in nursing and more lethargic I’m assuming because of the epidural. The nice thing about induction is you’re already at the hospital so if anything heads left you have a team on hand :woman_shrugging:t2:

I have to be induced. I make sure to eat and use the bathroom before I get to the hospital. Also I have my doctor break my water as early as possible. You will get an epidural before before induced more than likely. It is not bad and it is safe. Stay calm and try to relax. My longest labor was 5 hours with being induced. Best of luck and congratulations.

Get the epidural. It’s a long process and you’ll want it. People try to act like supermoms and are so proud of themselves for being “all natural”…don’t fall for it. Inductions are completely different from normal labor and delivery.

Don’t freak out, you’ll forget everything that happen up until you hold that little bundle for the first time. All the pain, the mess, the stress… it’s not even an after thought from the first cry :heart:

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I never had the medicine for induction. They accidentally broke my water within 30 minutes of being admitted when putting in the folly bulb. Then 8 hours later I had my little girl. I’d say the folly bulb is the most uncomfortable thing to be honest with you. If they break your water go ahead and tell them to have IV pain medicine ordered for you so soon as you want it you get it(it takes forever to get the order in), and ask about a slow drip epidural when pain gets bad, that way your medicine lasts longer. EAT BEFORE YOU GO IN, AND SLEEP THE WHOLE DAY BEFORE. I cannot stress that. You will not be able to do either if you’re in pain especially for hours and hours. Good luck!!

I was admitted the night before and they waited until 8am to break my water, had pitocin among other drugs and finally asked for the epidural around 11 and baby boy was here at 2:10. It was a very easy labor! I also just used the ice pads that they give you non stop so I never felt the healing process and I can honestly say if every labor was like that one I would do it a million times!

I’ve had three kids and each labor was different. I was induced with the first one and didn’t do pain meds and it took hours and hours. Second one was all natural and progressed so quickly I couldn’t get pain meds. By the third one I wised up and got an epidural. Didn’t feel a thing.

I’ve had 5 kids and each delivery was different. That said, I’ve been induced twice and I have to say that the contractions are way stronger being induced. I had a bad experience with epidural with my first born, knowing that I was going to be induced this time, I chose to have an epidural again because I didn’t think I would be able to handle the pain.

It may not always go as you planned!!! So just be prepared for anything I was induced for gestational hypertension. I labored for 28 hours. Pushed for 2 hours a minute apart. Then they realized baby was face up and stuck!! So I had to have a C-section!!! Just remember no matter what the end result is your sweet baby!!

I had to be induced with my son an I hated it !Like it brings on Labor pretty fast an your contractions are harder and more painful. Everyone is different though .I have 5 kids and each pregnancy, Labor and delivery was different .

I was induced with my first and although it was very painful it went very fast! Try not to fight the contractions even though its damn near impossible not to lol for me anyways… I stood the whole time also not sure if gravity helped baby come out any faster or not… I had bad back labor so laying in the bed was actually very uncomfortable for me I had to be hunched over so I was out of the bed for the most part until I got the epidrual and then had to start pushing immediately. Good luck!

I was induced at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia and I was only in labor for 21 hours before he was born. I got my epidural at 6 cm dilated. It did slow my labor down just a little but definitely worth it. Don’t get discouraged If you sit at so many cm dilated for awhile. I sat at 6 cm dilated for 8 hours. I used a peanut ball to help dilation and I loved it.

I’ve been induced for all four pregnancies, first three I was overdue, but last one was due to high blood pressure. Worst part I found is the waiting for the I duction to work, took two if then and 21 hrs on my last one before labor started

Honestly, I wish I would of read up on all the different options they give you to induce. Like, I was completely caught off guard when my doctor asked me what I wanted. I chose pitocin… but there is a few more options.

Eat a BIG meal before you have to fast and drink as much water as possible the day before! You can only have a few ice chips during the process and mine took from 9AM to 11 that night before I was dilated enough to push. Get the Epidural too! Good Luck!

I was induced a week early and after 14 hours of waiting the doctor came in and decided i had to have a c-section…

I was induced with my last because she kept stopping and starting my labour. Nothing to it. The baby’s safe with monitoring constantly and you will be comfortable. Good luck with your baby.:gift_heart:

Induced both kids, loved it
First was all natural second epidural
Jus note: personally would never have another kid natural again lmfao
Glad my in laws talked me into cuz damn I still rmbr 18 years ago oh natural friggin hurt my vagina :joy:

I went in at 4am for a c section to find out my baby girl was turned the right way. I was able to eat breakfast that same morning and was able to eat lunch. But was on a diet on lunch tho. About 2pm they came in hooked me up to a lot of medicine and I never did take the epidural as I did the iv meds that didn’t even work. And well I had my baby before 12am that same night. My nurse had to catch the baby as my doctor was not there. Contractions did take a bit to start but I was happy and was hooked up to iv water as I wasn’t allowed to drink in case I may have to go for a c section still. But I had her naturally. The only thing I wished I knew was for 3 days how bad it would to hold move or do anything with my daughter. I couldn’t move without hurting. And well I refused the pain meds as I hate taking any medicine and well take them even when you get home

Induced all 3 of mine. First one was 41 weeks, second one was high blood pressure at 38 weeks. 3rd one was 40 weeks. It went by really fast for all 3. Last one was really fast. Each one was different.

Get plenty of rest before you even get to the hospital

I went into labor but still had to be induced with Petocin it was very simple and got the baby where he needed to be after 15 hrs of labor on my own.

I had to be induced both times. I wasn’t able to eat before either time. Had no problems either time

They do no come with instructions is not easy as it says make sure you make time for yourself even just a little bit 20 minutes 30 minutes make sure you do it. Also stalk up on daiper and whipes get thing a formula to just in case breastfeeding doesn’t go good for you . Also lots of sleepers and diaper shirt and spit up blankets there most spitting up first couple months . And most of all try to have fun beging a momma there be time where u think can’t do it and will want to give up cause your exhausted mentally physically and every way possible . But just don’t cause your little one will always love you even after a rough hard day everyone has them and no one will be prefect keep that in mind too

Dont eat the night before. I was induced and from start to finish it was 8 hours.