What were your first signs of labor?

What was your first signs labor was near? Like the 24-48 hours before you had to go to the hospital.


Diarrhea like night before/morning of

I nested big time 2 days before

Bleeding and I was 1cm dilated and contracting 6-8 mins apart

Pain - it wasn’t bad so I decided if I went back to sleep it was not it . Needless to say , the pain increased and then I knew it was time .

I had a massive burst of energy the day before

Really bad sciatica pain with my first pregnancy at 40 weeks, had a few small contractions and then water broke in hospital. 2nd one I was on bed rest for preterm labor from 24 weeks to 34 weeks. I started with contractions at 34 weeks and went straight into labor with a placental abruption. Felt like my insides were being ripped apart, and it was the placenta.

I was nesting a lot the previous night. I wasn’t expecting to go into labor tho but my water broke at 230 am. My doctor was surprised too cause he didn’t think I would’ve went into labor when I did cause he had just seen me the previous day and I was 90% effaced and 2 cm dilated. I did tell him tho I would be go into labor before our next appt :joy:.

Both pregnancy’s I leaked fluid. And I went in asap.

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My water broke at 5:30 in the morning.

My first one. I kept having pains that caused me to stop breathing. Had her that night/morning. My 2nd I had pains that stopped me from walking. Had her that night. My 3rd… when I got out of bed I thought I peed myself​:rofl::rofl: and my 4th… my legs and back were burning. And the pain came and gone. So I knew

I lost my plug the night before and it looked weird as fuck. I can’t explain it but it was absolutely massive and streaky with like old blood. Then I woke up contracting.