He can get a DNA test ordered by a judge and get parental rights if the test proves he is the father.
You choose the last name. You can even completely change it to something else.
I’m pretty sure there’s penalties if u know who the father is and don’t aff them on the birth certificate
As soon as he proves paternity with DNA he gets rights. Period.
First off… You need to grow up. Stop listening to your mother. That is the child’s father point blank. You spund bitter. Even if he’s not on the birth certificate, he can still get rights. Also, you have no say who he is with, and who he can bring around the child when they are with him.
I’d put him on the birth certificate he’s the father whether you like the fact or not.
Don’t do it. He can always be added later
Put his name on the birth certificate.
Uhhh…he can still take you to court, get a DNA test done and guess what? They’ll add him to the birth certificate and make you let him have the kid
With or without your consent he can legally be named as father. For legal purposes why not add him. You don’t have to use his last name but if anything ever happens to him you can legally be entitled.to benefits.
Ummmm, it’s his child. He should be on the birth certificate. And it’s the child’s father.
It his child to, so he is entitled to rights to his child until he is deemed unfit by a court.
If he is the Father, he should be on the birth certificate.
Your Mom needs to mind her business.
You sound selfish tbh. If he wants to be in your childs life He should be on the birth certificate also your mom needs to mind her own business.
Why do moms think they can control whether a father is in his own child’s life??? Fathers have the same amount of rights as mothers
He has rights anyway. Lol you should really look up how the law works. All he has to do is prove he’s the baby father by DNA and take you to court.
Being vindictive cause he is with someone else… ouch also that’s just gross
He didn’t sign my baby’s birth certificate and she doesn’t have his last name and my life has been so peaceful without him and his drama. I absolutely love my life minus him. I cried so much when he didn’t want to sign her birth certificate he laughed and hung up in my face and I’m so happy he did.
Did your mother get you pregnant? I’m guessing no. So this isn’t between you and your mother.
If he can prove he is the father he will have certain legal rights
He can get rights no matter what. A name on there doesn’t mean shit. He can go around you and have his name put on there. You are not God here. You don’t get the final say. You should be ashamed and disgusted with yourself for tryna do something like this cause you are jealous. If you acted like this while y’all were together, it’s no wonder he chose someone else. He better go for custody. You are already showing you’re not stable to coparent and raise that baby.
Ummm he should have rights to his baby. Good grief. Are you for real? You can chose whatever name you want. But he should have rights. Seriously are you joking?
He can still file to have it added and get parental rights, stop being selfish.
your making plans to keep him from his child before the baby is born - you sound like the true definition of a woman scorned! all this man will have to do it take u to court take a dna test and then he has rights & visitation. and let me tell you unless u can prove he and she is a danger to this child whivh it sounds like u can’t and it’s more personal wit u that woman is going to be around as long as they are together so buckle up buttercup and get over it .
Courts are 50/50 now just because you had the baby doesn’t make the baby more yours
either way on or off the birth certificate he has rights. court, dna test and they add him.
If you feel he or people he’s around are a danger to your child leave him off the birth certificate. Move & don’t inform him baby is born. Just cut off contact completely.
If he can locate you. He can take you to court claiming the baby. The judge will order a paternity test. When it proves him as the father he will be the legal father. He will also be given visitation or custody rights & be ordered to pay child support.
In reality he’s not going to go to through the work & expense to find you, file a court petition, pay for a paternity text etc to be ordered to pay child support. He wants you to make it easy on him.
You can’t be punished for not putting him on the bc. You’re not together. He’s moved on you simply went on without him. The only negative thing is you won’t be able to apply for assistance.
Yep he can take you to court an get his name on it and get his rights to said child after DNA TEST IS DONE and if he really wants to he can take the baby from you. You’re a toxic, controlling and a shitty person for this it don’t matter what you want or comfortable with he is the child’s father and you shouldn’t try to take his rights away because he don’t want you anymore. And some parent you’re for wanting to hurt your child in this manner by not allowing her father his rights the said child.
He has the right as the father being on the birth certificate wether you are together or not. As for not wanting another girl around you’re child, how would you feel if it was vice versa and you were in his shoes people need to get over the fact the other parent is going to have a new relationship when no longer together
First of all your mother needs to stay out of it. He’s the father, why not add him? You don’t have to give the baby his last name.
Grow up and let that man take care of his child!
Just put him on it save dramas…time will pass and u won’t be hurt by his new supply anymore lol Ur best interest should be Ur child u won’t feel like this in years to come then Ur child will be asking questions also
You can’t even put him on the birth certificate if he’s not there.
Well he can fight for paternity and be on it anyways
uhm u need to grow up n let this dad see the kid. he can take u to court and establish paternity and get the custody he wants, and probably us ethe ‘i DoNt WaNt YoUr NeW GiRl ArOuNd mY bAbY’ bullshit in court n make u look bad.
and hell have all the rights he would have if u did put him on it after he takes u for shared custody lol .
also he can on bc and baby not have his last name.
grow up. u can not control who he has around your child when the baby is qith him. dont be a bitter baby mom.
Honestly who he has around the child is not your concern unless she has drug abuse or known for harming children.
He’s going to have rights no matter what. It’s his child too
You women that think if a man don’t want you he can’t have his child make me sick grow up it’s his child not a puppy
Your a dumb*** he is the father and has a right being there for his child. I hope he takes your selfish a** to court and gets rights and gets on the bc and his last name. He has that right as a father especially if he wants to be there… Stop being a bitter *** b**** and grow up. This is about your daughter having her father not about your petty ass feelings. Grow up
He could go to court and ask for a DNA test. But You do not have to put his name on the birth certificate
You’re keeping your child from a father who WANTS to be there because you don’t like his girlfriend?!
Grow the fuck up
He has no rights meaning he dont have to pay child support til DNA proves he’s the father. He can’t take the baby or its kid napping pretty much u have no help
Nothing. If you can show good cause, courts won’t order it.
It makes international travel easier with out
Well if ur not married and he makes more it’s smart bc putting my man’s name on our kids screwed them out of free health care.
So theres this thing called a DNA test
If you keep the kid from him intentionally and don’t add him, just out of spite, there’s a big possibility of him taking you to court, getting a DNA test, putting himself on the birth certificate, and fighting (and winning) custody. Don’t be a bitch, karma already is
He could go to court to get a DNA test and be added anyway. You don’t have to give your baby a last name you don’t want to.
First of all…EWW
You AND your mom are gross
Secondly regardless of your feelings HE IS THE FATHER AND HAS RIGHTS
Thirdly I feel bad for the child and the child’s father for your pettiness
Wow ! I feel sorry for your kid .
Don’t be a bitch because you don’t like who he’s with. It is his child to. Grow up
Without him you wouldn’t even have the baby! Just because its you that grows and carries the baby don’t mean that baby is your possession the baby is 50% your blood 50% his! Who are you to take his rights away? Some women need to try put themselves in the dads position
Put the dad on the birth certificate!
You can certainly give baby your last name
YOU HAD A BABY AND YOUR MOTHER IS STILL MAKING MAJOR DECISIONS IN YOUR LIFE WHEN IT’S NONE OF HER BUSINESS! Unless you’re the Virgin Mary, and conceived by immaculate conception, like Morey Povich used to say on TV, HE IS THE FATHER!
You sound petty and jealous.
You sound bitter and jealous
It’s his kid! You don’t get to keep him away because you don’t like his girlfriend TF?!
Your momma a whole other mess!
You’re being incredibly selfish and controlling and childish and emotional. Cut it out.
This is so dumb. You don’t want him to be a father because you don’t like the girl he’s dating. Another petty woman
How selfish you are. All because of jealousy. It’s his child too
Your child deserves to know where they come from.
Grow up. You not liking a particular woman your ex is with is NOT a reason to deny your child their family history and a complete birth cert.
Newsflash if he is her bio father he has rights and can fight for the them irregardless of your immature self
Putting someone on your birth certificate as a parent does not give them legal rights if this child is born outside of wedlock
Nothing happens its your choice…
How terrible. Taking rights away from a father because you don’t like his girlfriend…
If you put him on it and signs, he’s responsible for child support and shared custody. If you don’t, he will go through lawyers and the court to prove paternity and get it anyway. You can recover more before from the state without a father on the certificate. I was not with my child father and put him on it, but have her my name. Good luck. It’s not an easy thing.
100% give the baby your last name because that is your choice I wish I would’ve given my kids my last name because now their dad won’t sign papers to change it but he is the dad don’t punish the child from having a father because you don’t want the baby around his gf. Honestly you’re lucky the dad wants to be involved and once the baby is here and you see the expenses of a child you can’t file for child support if he’s not on her birth certificate
I think you should consider the future. Say if something happens to you, his name not being on there is going to be a mess. He may end up in foster care even if it’s temporary until they determine he’s the father. I’d put his name on it. Go to court and work on custody… but by not, it’s just creating more work for everyone.
He can sue you to establish paternity and to have support and visitation ironed out. I think you need to sit down with a lawyer and therapist instead of letting someone who is biased chirp in your ear. This is the start to your coparenting relationship… how do you envision the rest of your child’s life? A positive experience for everyone bc your both doing what’s best for kiddo or a dramatic fight bc one or both of you are only thinking of yourselves.
Do not lie down with a man even protected that you would not want to share a child with! Unless he forced himself on you it is always a possibility that you could make a baby with him and you did. He is stepping up as a father . Your child is 50 percent his like it or not. Unless the child would be in danger with him he has every right to act as a father financially and emotionally. Keep in mind you can impress on a child that they are less by impressing on them that their father was not good enough in your opinion to share in her life. Explain that when she is a teen! Give the child the right to two parents that love her and want her. If she would be in danger around his girlfriend address that with the court system.
Yeah he can legally get an order for a paternity test. If hes the father hell be added anyway.
And frankly…if the ONLY reason you dont want him to have rights is cuz of the person hes with, then youre completely in the wrong.
If he wouldn’t harm that baby, then you should not be keeping them from him.
You actually dont get a say who the other parent brings around the child.
And if he can prove that you did this maliciously just because of his spouse, i wouldnt put it past the court to give him custody.
Id be careful.
Theyre favoring dads more and more.
Do not withhold a child from a loving parent. It will look so bad on you when he takes you to court
If he’s the dad he goes on the birth certificate. It doesn’t matter how u feel about anything. And theres nothing you can do. Because he has rights too.
Ignore the “you should grow up” comments and the “your petty” comments. That doesn’t matter right now. Right now you need to focus on you and your baby that’s going to be here soon (I’m assuming). Maybe contact a lawyer. Family lawyers will do a consultation for a flat price typically. Take THEIR advice. Hang in there
You do not have to give your child their fathers last name if you are not married. And you don’t have to add him to the birth certificate. But he can go to the court and get parentage through DNA test, and he can initiate a parenting plan. He also can petition the courts for a name change or name hyphenation (most of the times they would hyphenate). So if you have evidence as to why his gf makes you uncomfortable then you should collect that for if/when that bomb is ever dropped.
You can not put him on without his signature and other legal items. You can name baby anything ( within reason) that you want. Any last name ,first name ,middle name,etc. You are the one filling out form. If he can prove he is father( dna test) he will have both legal rights and responsibilties.
It is his baby. He deserves to be listed. Your issues are not the baby’s fault.
He can get rights anyways. You can’t control who he is with. Please let him be there for his child. He doesn’t have to have the same last name.
The courts can not put his name on the birth certificate.He will do a DNA test then he will have to adopt his own child so the child will have his last name
Just remember, it cost money for courts and dna
If he wants to fork out money, thats his decision
Kid isn’t even here yet and you’re being petty and possessive. Poor baby. I hope there’s a very good reason you don’t like the girlfriend
He moved on. Get over it. All he’s gotta do is take you to court and he will win 50/50. Stop being a jealous hag an let that man have his baby……
So , you want to keep this man away from your child just because he move on and you clearly NOT .
Stop acting as a jealous woman and act like a mother .
Your kid deserves to have a father and he deserves to be a father to his kid .
I hope he takes you to court for a dna test, get his name on the birth certificate and get to spend time with his child .
The only reason a woman should keep a kid away from their father should be for safety and protection nothing else
He can’t force you but you might talk to a lawyer in your state .
You can’t do anything! He is the father don’t be a coward!
Another selfish female… I’m sure you will want child support though…lol