What worked for you to lose weight?

I’ve never had to lose weight but I never could gain either. Doc said it is because I eat small portions at meal time and snack throughout the day. Apparently it works your metabolism

Get a fitbit as this will really help motivation and help know your body. Good set of scales that connect to your phone and shows percentages. Start with some slow jogging can be on the spot at home.15 mins when you can fit them in. Start getting longer periods of time. Build up what you do slowly as you don’t want to drop to fast and you don’t want to hurt yourself either. Cut out the junk in your diet. Slimming world is meant to work well

I started with a carb/sugar/alcohol 30 day detox. None of the above for 30 straight days, along with a balanced diet of fruit, veggies, good fats and protein. At the end of the 30 days continue to only have carbs, sugar, and alcohol in very small doses if ever. But you’ll find that it becomes very easy after you created those good habits after cutting it all out for 30 days

MyFitnessPal - it’s really all about calories in/calories out. I don’t like restrictions so I stick to 1500 calories per day…add in at least a walk or more strenuous exercise

I got with a nutritionist fitness coach for me its my crossfit gym … they gave me a marco diet … but Keto also works

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I have lost 82 lbs by cutting carbs (no I’m not full Keto) and walking.

Walking more portion control and lots of water has really helped me

Working out with a friend. Having someone else there forces me to be accountable.

Weight Watchers and working out. Down 85 lbs. Good luck.

Well when i found out i was diabetic I got to work. The first 2 weeks were hard but i knew i had to do what i needed to for my health. I cut out all sugars and carbs for 2 weeks. Always kept baby carrots and celery on me to stay “full” and made lots of stir fry’s with meat and lots of veggies (broccoli was the life saver for my A1C) i lost a total 60 pounds but the first 3 months i dropped 30 pounds and my A1C went from 9.9 to 6.0

21 Day Portion Control Container… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XWNN2LB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

These are helping keep me in check with my portion sizes. I’m also doing keto. I’ve lost 5lbs within the last month.

Screw the doctor. The BMI is not accurate any way. The thing is to be healthy and happy. If the doctor is pressuring you to loose the weight and you dont feel the need, get a new doctor. Remember the doctor works for you, you can fire him.


I did a HealthyWage bet, lost 40 pounds in 6 months and won money from it. It’s legit. Cause who wants to lose money, no one. I did keep track of my calories though, about 1200 a day and drank about 100 ounces of water a day. I only walk about 30 minutes a day but on the weekends when there is more time I go for a run

Optavia is kinda expensive (like $400 a month) but it’s all you eat except one “lean and green” meal a day. It’s packed with vitamins and really works. Drink half your body weight in water.

1200 calories a day. It’s hard at first but you’ll find foods that fill you up. Once you lose the weight you can go back to your 1800/2000 calorie a day and maintain your weight.

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I counted my calories. Using an app. 1500 a day for age and height. Lost 13kg this year also I don’t exercise much. So most has been lost from better eating.

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Intermittent fasting. HIIT training. Lifting weights. Cutting out processed foods. Dont weigh yourself takes measurements instead. Small portion sizes. Carb cycling and a high protein diet. Protein keeps you fuller longer and revs up your metabolism. Watch your sugar and carb intake.

Low carb, exercising, healthier eating, and protein shakes. I got my shakes from Herbalife

Stop drinking Pepsi coke and other sweet drinks. Drink water only! It’s hard to get off of soda, but it’s a start!


Less than 1200 calories a day. The first 3 days suck, but I dropped an average of 1-2 lbs a day

Low carb high fat. My son has lost nearly 100kg by doing this and said he never feels hungry.

Low carb, inches come off fairly quick too

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Arbonne! I can help anyone :heart:

Cut out CRAP:
Carbonated drinks
Refined sugars
Processed foods - junk food

Only eat CRAP in moderation.

Move your body for 30 minutes a day. Could be a walk, yoga or running around at the park with the kids.

Try to have your meals frequently to avoid hormone and energy spikes and crashes throughout the day.

Lots of veggies and fruit. Eat the rainbow :rainbow:

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Look at interment fasting.

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Idk about diets, but I will say the BMI chart is some outdated bullshit… Good luck though!


Journal your meals cut carbs and unnecessary sugar. Add more fiber and water

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Beachbody accountability groups and workouts

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Walking stairs worked for me


Cut out pop. An easy 10lbs if you drink it regularly

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Low carb keto friendly
Nothing from a bag box or can
Low/no sugar, use stevia or Monk Fruit
Drink half your body weight in ounces of water or a gallon, which ever is more. I lost 70 pounds in 8 months!
All I did was walk 30 minutes minimum a day.

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I drink reds and greens and stick to a stick diet, they seem to be really detoxing for me … I was taking a pill to help but I switched they are good

Increase your activity (the walking suggestions here are great)! Decrease your portion sizes, I used my measuring cups to get an accurate visual of proper sizes. Only have one helping per meal, do not go back for seconds. Drink at least 8 ounces (preferably more) of water 15 yo 30 minutes before each meal, it helps you feel fuller. Allow yourself a “cheat” once a week! Do not expect immediate results, and good luck!

To drop my baby weight I did CrossFit. It was only for 1 hour 3 times a week. It was really tough at first , but the workouts were more “fun” then just going to the gym so I was able to stick with it.

Contact a rep from TOPS , a great way to go , good luck

Weight watchers is what saved me. 25 pounds and counting.

Walk, ride a bike, get your body active. Drink superfood smoothies. Eat fruit, not cake, avoid fried foods, fast food, candy, processed sugars. Get ready to change your eating habits.

When grocery shopping stay on the outside isles. Water water n walk walk
Portion control

What worked for me was walking 3-4 times a week and cutting out soda to 1 day a week. I lost about 30 pounds that way until I got pregnant again. Then gained all the way back :disappointed:

My sister Tami Byrd has lost over 200 pounds in last year & half she will talk to u bout it. I know low carbs & high protein is biggest change she made.

Yes I lost 55 lbs. When my doctor told me I was on the verge of being diabetic. Stay away from pasta, sugar, bread,rice, eat half of what you’re eating now. Be sure to add lots of vegetables when you eat. Make sure you eat 3 meals a day with lite snacks like almonds half an apple and so on. Stay away from surgery drinks. Instead drink plenty of water or iced tea with no sugar. It sounds terrible I know. But you will get used to it. And the weight will fall right off as long as you keep it up.

Drink at least half your body weight in water everyday. Move more. Plan all meals and snacks in advance of the day. Make healthy choices for food.

Just eat wholefoods . Vegan baby

Intermittent fasting! I eat after 7am and don’t eat after 7pm. I also run or walk at night. Helped me lose weight I had gained over the holidays when I wasn’t doing much outside… Also portion control, talking to a nutritionist etc

I lost 50 in 7 months on Ideal Protein and kept it over for over a year then became pregnant. Program is strict but so worth it.

Yep, good old fashioned portion control. I started with sharing 1/2 portions with my daughter and now my stomach is so small I can’t eat much and I’m seldom hungry even at mealtime. Unfortunately cut out as many sweets as possible, but when you share you can still enjoy some but it makes moderation easier. If you don’t have someone to share with just wrap half your plate for another meal. 20lbs down now in 2 months and it feels effortless now!


Riding a bike 3 times a week. Its fun, and its not as intense as other forms of exercise.

I cut out added sugar completely and lost 20 pounds in a month. I now eat it ounce in a while but the weight stayed off.

Do you have any health issues exacerbated by your weight? Do you have any weight related health issues? Can you walk up a flight of stairs without fainting? If the answer to the first 2 questions is no and the third yes, then tell your doctor to stick it, BMI is a ridiculous standard, my kids doctor used it to call my daughter fat. My daughter can do a ful split with ease, can probably run circles around the doctor, does karate and never sits still, doctors need to shut up about BMI

Highly recommend the free couch to 5K app. I had never ran in my life. With this and eating right I lost 50lbs. I stopped both and of course gained it all back. I actually just ordered a new pair of running shoes and plan to start back next week. Happy to discuss further.


Try my fitness pal! It’s a free app that lets you track your caloric intake (among other things). You just have to be honest with yourself-it’s hard, but you can do it!

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Doesnt help I’m diabetic but cutting carbs/sugars etc helped alot. I also drink protein shakes 1 breakfast on my way to work an 1 on my first break. Than I have veggies and half sandwich or decent salad for my lunch also drinking lots of water when I can. And a sensible dinner. And also trying to workout when I can or taking a walk when I can.

weight watchers has always worked for me.