What would you do if your caught your teen with a vape? I found one when doing laundry…
READ MORE: Things Your Child Should Know About Vaping And Its Dangers
What would you do if your caught your teen with a vape? I found one when doing laundry…
READ MORE: Things Your Child Should Know About Vaping And Its Dangers
Depends in age how they’re responsible respect… my 16 year old is allowed to but my 17 year old isn’t. I’ve never been called for trouble at school he’s had his own parttime job for 6 months he makes smart decisions. He’s respectful to our rules. So I allow him
Well considering it’s illegal for those under 21. What would you do if you found them with a bottle of alcohol? People tend to down play vaping but it’s tobacco and it’s illegal and someone provided it to a minor. Your child. I’d be pissed. The same as I would with alcohol.
I personally would have a sit down conversation with my teen about the effects of vaping and how harmful it is for them. I vape so I know it’s probably going to happen down the line with the example I am setting but I would try everything in my power to prevent it or stop it before it becomes a life long addiction.
Theres a hell of a lot worse they could be doing
I’d be sad but relieved it wasn’t something worse. I’d dispose of it for sure.