Just wondering how you guys would react if you found glitter in the passenger seat of your husband’s car, a pink and purple lighter in the glove compartment that you’ve never seen before, and now hes deciding to do laundry at 1am across town.
If you’re asking us, you already know the answer
Confront him & based on what he says is on what you truly decide trust your instincts!!!
He would be my ex husband….
I’d have his stuff packed up and ready to collect covered in glitter just so he could revisit the laundrette since he wants to be there at 1am! All jokes aside tho…
Trust your gut!
Better to ask him he might have secret that he scared to tell you or he could be hiding something
Maybe he turns into Trixie at 1am.
He’s hiding something or someone or both… but you know that.
You know the answer already. Getting random strangers to agree with you won’t make it hurt any less.
Husband’s do laundy?!?!? Say whaaaaaaa! That’s definitely a major
especially at 1 in the morning.
I think you know the answer to that question
Hes fcn arnd with a new babe
- He’s either a dragueen in hiding ( seen that few times)
- He’s had some strippers in his car.
My husband said gay guys buy pink and purple lighters not chics.
unless you have a little girl who loves sparkly items such as princess dress, there’s no reason glitter should be in his car.
What husband does laundry?
I’d throw all his stuff in bags and then I’d go buy all the glitter i could find and dump it in everything he owns. His clothes. His car, his shoes, everywhere. Then for my final trick, i would have his divorce papers served to him in the most embarrassing place possible for him and I’d go hard on spousal support and child support.
That’s booty call hours lol
Ask him outright. Screams cheating
What man does laundry at 1 am.
Best to leave
What is your gut feeling saying 9 out of 10 times its right. Having or finding things to justify doesn’t help.
You know the answer already. Very fishy behaviour
I think you already know. I’m sorry
Driving across town to the “laundromat”
Sandralissia Arce or Bob
Do you not have a washing machine? Cuz that’s sus as
Girl, you already know the answer. He’s cheating. There’s no other reason for him to start doing his laundry outside of the house.
Boy bye…I would pack his shit and put it outside while he was gone
Will getting answers from us reduce your pain?
You know better than anyone else. One thing I’ve truly learned along the way is TRUST THAT GUT OF YOURS! I’d definitely be seeing where this “laundry mat” is at also:eyes:
I think you already know what you [should] do & your gut is going against your heart right now.
Listen to your gut Stay strong!
It’s obvious what it means. Don’t let him fool you.
Let it go. It’s glitter not a condom and who cares if he does laundry some where else… leave if you don’t trust him ffs.
Could be a perfect explanation, Ask him . Doesn’t mean his cheating
He’s cheating. when my ex-husband cheated on me with my half-sister I took a 15 lb splitting maul and beat the s*** out of his truck
He is probably on drugs and all you are saying he is cheating haha.
Ask him. Trust your gut. Don’t jump the gun just yet. If things start to get even more suspicious, I’d leave. Not because he is doing weird stuff but because if he isn’t gonna tell you then you deserve better than worrying about it at 1 am. You’ll always be on your toes, watching. You deserve a peace of mind. Either way, trust your gut. If it’s telling you something is up, mostly likely, it is…
Thank him for helping with the chores.
Follow him. Look into it. Become his best friend. You doing laundry ok babe let’s go do laundry together. You got a pink lighter what we smokin babe. You got glitter I got it too. What we doing babe bc I’m doing my research. Find out who and make sure you got all your information so he can’t deny it.
The whole situation is “Sus”
I would follow him but thats just me
Really, young one. What does your gut say? You know - what’s what - tell him to kick rocks down the road or get your ducks in a role and get out. It is what it is - the trust is gone, so is this relationship. You deserve better
I’d follow him first to see where he’s going. Take pictures, video, etc. Then, if it continues, confront him about it. That way you have proof, and he can’t try to gaslight you.
Girl, you already know what he’s doing. Leave em
I would follow him at his 1am laundry.
Strip club? Holidays just passed so there’s always glitter? Idk none of us can help unless you want us to be a PI for you. Also lighters are lighters as long as they flame up.
I have glitter all over my Jeep from Christmas gifts
Does anyone else know how hard it is to follow someone for an hour without being seen!
I like the transvestite/ cross dressing theory because it ties all 3 things together. Glitter, pink lighter and washing clothes far away from home where nobody you know will see you.
Hire someone to follow him to his 1 am laundry days.
I’d ask him. Don’t assume because assuming never gets you anywhere. Trust your gut and ask for the truth.
Flakes of glitter could be that he got something like a card or stocking for Christmas. My husbands favorite color is purple, so he buys purple lighters alot, not usually pink though so thats odd I’m sure. However the laundry at 1 am is weird if it’s out of character for him. Some people are night owls. My husband is, so I might not worry about the 1 AM part, but the laundry part would throw me a red flag…he doesn’t do it lol. Bottom line, talk to your husband first or hire a PI. You know your husband better than any of us. If it seems off it probably is, but honestly it could be anything and each issue alone is not necessarily a huge issue, but together seems suspect, especiallyif out of characterfor him. As I stated before you know him better than us. Talk to him, then decide. Good luck.
He’s doing laundry at his other girlfriends house.
The glitter is iffy! I’ve had glitter in my car from Christmas items, the lighter he could have found , or if you need a lighter and your only option is a pink/purple one , it still does the job. Ik many of ppl who have a habit of stealing ppls lighters too lol so Idk. The laundry thing is weird if he’s never gone and done it at that time. A little investigating wouldn’t hurt. But, I would def try talking to him. Always trust your gut. Good luck
Put an AirTag in his car. If he went to the laundry mat, follow him there to see if he’s meeting someone.
Leave and have your own fun.
Does he have a sister that he possibly picked up and she may have forgotten her lighter? If not then yeah tough pickle right there man. The sudden urge to do laundry at 1am across town doesn’t make sense, something ain’t right. Trust the gut! Slam that s*** in front of him and demand an explanation or he can keep walking.
Between my best friends, my sister, and myself… we make amazing detectives.
That’s who I’d be calling
Pink and purple lighter I wouldn’t be concerned about. I mean maybe he lost his lighter and someone gave him one, the glitter could literally be from anything Christmas or new years related, but the laundry across town at 1 am that’s messed up. I would just confront him. You’ll either get lied to or find out the truth. Either way you’ll know.
Was it from Christmas wrap or a dancer?
I wouldn’t say a word just yet watch and learn you know the signs. If you say anything he will be on alert.and do a better job at hiding it
If you think he Is stepping out the marriage you need to talk to him. If he avoids it etc guilty . But you need to speak with him.
So follow him and see what he’s doing? You and I both know something ain’t right and assumption isn’t accepted in divorce court. Take pics find out the the truth and then decided if you wanna be with a laundry man or a husband.
Follow him dont say anything yet to let him know you are onto him gather the proof you need hire a lawyer put some money aside and start making your exit plan. You know deep down whats going on trust your intuition. Im so sorry you are going through this.
You already know the answer
Have you even asked him for an explanation? I’d have been all over that at first sight. He may lie, and you will know it, but at least he’ll know that you’re aware of his shenanigans. If you’re afraid to even bring it up, then yes, your marriage is in serious trouble because there is a lack of communication.
I would show up at the laundry mat lmao
Ok, I’m gonna go across the grain here, what if he’s doing Uber and doesn’t want to tell you because he may not want you to know there is a small financial struggle? Or do you have a bday coming up? I would hope if you guys are married, you would confront him about his sus behavior. Idk I’m playing devils advocate here. Just talk to him about it.
Sounds like he’s a drag queen. Slay!
I would understand that my " boyfriend " may not be ready for a monogamous relationship. Ask him about it. And carry on.
Sorry but I think you know the answer to that question! Don’t let him make a fool out of you
Girl go get him. Glitter? She probably did that on purpose. Dude isn’t even trying to hide it it seems.
Not a thing. I would be quiet. Write down everything. Gather all the evidence. Throw down divorce papers and Alimony papers and move on with my life. I love myself to much to tolerate a liar and a cheater. I am not going through anything. One and done. It’s over.
I would be worried about getting a washer and dryer bc I’m not gonna worry about no man.
Get your ducks in a row before you do anything- even confronting him. Financial, kids, accounts- then consult an attorney. Only then are you ready to address him.
Throw the whole man awayyyyyytt
Uhm. Yall have a washer and dryer at home correct? If so there is absolutely no reason to be going at 1 Am to a public laundry mat.
I honestly think you know what’s happening. I wish you the best.
He may be a cross dresser by night.
He would be gone. There is absolutely NO reason a spouse would be “doing laundry” at 1am across town alone.
I mean the glitter alone in the car after Christmas could of easily been from a gift bag, but his reaction to doing laundry across town at 1am
Glitter could be from a card or gift bag or something of the sort. A lighter is a lighter if your husband smokes I don’t think it’s something to be suspicious of because of the color. 1 am laundry is the only thing that seems suspicious to me
Might be cross dressing you never know!
Realize… " wow I make a mess… " I make tumblers and other things and use a crap ton of glitter… but if you aren’t like me… idk.i would not jump the gun… I would gather all evidence before you confront … im sorry
I would turn into jigsaw real quick because we’d be playing a game when he got back. 
Doing laundry across town , the glitter idk that’s odd … is he a possible cross dresser. These days you just cant dismiss it from the possibilities
Investigate. I dont ask bc im always lied to. Glitter can be on anything stupid. But laundry at 1am if thats not normal thing for you then its sus to me.
Honestly : if you are asking a bunch of strangers on the internet… you already know the answer and just need validation. Sorry: but it’s time to track him. All the signs can’t be ignored. And if he is cheating. Bringing it up is just going to make him more careful to hide it.
I’d follow him and confront him. Sounds like something is going on.
Nothing… because if there is no trust between us there is no relationship. Let his actions speak for themselves and do why you need to do
Say nothing, watch his every move… private eye if you will…
cause only the truth will set you free… and katt Williams said 2024 was the year of truth lmao
I would drive across town and see
Y’all are all unhinged
Pack his azz out the door.
Oh no, my inner private investigator would be out in full force
He’s planning you a surprise party obviously.
Girl just be single
I’d put a tracker on his car. Then follow him, and see if he’s up to no good.
So I was thinking maybe a car pool situation ( only because Mt husband is in one for work) but the doing laundry at 1 am especially across town is sketchy
You already know what’s going on. Set yourself up for a good life and decide your next steps.
I would definitely show up at the laundry but he probably not there. I’d ask him.
We need an update. This has bothered me all night. Do I need to come
his tires?? Because I will.
Confront him. See what he says. How he acts. And decide from there.
He is a drag queen doing a 1am show
Put an air tag in his car