What would you do if your 16 year old asked to be put on birth control?

You absolutely put her on bc. She came to you with open honesty. Why would you deny her of that knowing full well she’s gonna do it Regardless

Yes I am glad she. Ask be proud of her

Make the appointment. Talk to her about how 1 type of birth control isn’t enough and the importance of backing up with condoms. Getting pregnant isn’t the only thing sex can give you for life.

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I would be happy that you was trusted enough that your daughter came to you and you should be proud of her she did that and wad ready to tell you she wanted it respect her body and her decision and support her

You have 2 choices put her on birth control and talk to her about being safe beyond her personal birth control or enjoy being a grandma early. Just speak to her about the importance of being consistent and not trusting it as her only means of protection as well as the fact it doesn’t protect against sexual transmitted diseases.
If she’s asking there’s a reason and denying her the option to make a smart adult decision and try to protect herself will likely end in a pregnancy.

You bring her to the doctors and let them educate her on different options and see what would be best for her. Keep in mind, if she gets migraines, she can not take birth control with estrogen in it, or very low estrogen; it will put you at a higher risk of stroke. That’s something I never knew until I was like 30. :woman_facepalming:t4:

You take her to the dr so she and the dr can decide which one will work for her. Birth control is health care. YOU TAKE HER TO THE DR!!!

Put her on birth control at least she came to you and isn’t hiding anything

I’d consider yourself warned and get her on it asap

You put her on bc! If she’s asking, she’s trying to be responsible. Help her be responsible!

It sucks forsure. But I would do it because face it it’s going to happen either way atleast she is being responsible and using protection

I would not only put her on birth control but it would definitely turn very educational. Youre not going to stop it from happening unfortunately. At least protect her from getting pregnant.

Yea of course , she’s 16 :rofl:

Put her on birth control.

I would say let’s make a dr appointment to get all the facts. And be proud that she came to me

Put them on birth control……because they are old enough to make that decision for themselves

Absolutely, my daughters doctor recommended it at 13 just to be safe but you also need to talk to her about having unprotected sex for other reasons

Do you want to be a grandma now or later?

I mean you can ask questions but there’s reasons to go on it. I would "let her"if that’s the right way to say it. So you want her to get pregnant? No! So … What’s the question? Go make that appointment

I would definitely put her on it. That’s awesome that she is coming to you! :blush: My mom put me on it at 16 when she found out I had sex.

Put her on birth control. If she’s requesting it that means she’s either thinking about having sex or already having sex. Be proud she’s being smart about it. There’s a lot of girls getting pregnant at that age instead of asking for birth control. The fact she’s asking means she trusts you enough to be open with you about it. She’s comfortable having those conversations with you. Put her on birth control but at the same time sit her down for a talk about sex and being safe and making sure she is ready for that herself and not just giving into pressure of society saying she should be sexually active. Talk to her about making the right decisions for her. Give her the talk about safe sex and what could happen. Give her the good bad and ugly so she has all the facts so she can decide when she’s ready.

Put her on birth control. She is being responsible and asking for your help to be responsible. As a teen mother, put her on birth control. Please. You should be proud of yourself for raising her to be comfortable with you. Now you just gotta listen to her :heart:

Do it. She came to you. Shes being responsible. Is it uncomfortable? Of course, but she’s being open. Be there for her.

I’d make the appointment. It’s called being responsible. Would you rather she not and you become a grandparentwhen she’s 17??

Birth control or teen mum :man_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

Put her on birth control. It’s not only used for sex. It is also used for periods.

I put my daughter on the pill when she was 15. She had horrible periods and the pill helped a lot. As far as birth control for its intended purpose…. You’d rather your teen didn’t have sex, but if it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen. Much better that they don’t become a teen mom. I’m proud of your daughter for asking. It means she is responsible and she trusts you. You are raising a good girl there mama. Be proud.


Definitely put her on it she’s telling you for a reason be glad she’s coming to you about it instead of hiding it from you… also buy her condoms and have a talk with her on how to properly use them.

Would you rather birthday control or be a grandma? Her body and she’s being responsible.

Put her on bc is what I’d do

I would say ok at least their being smart

You put them on birth control. It’s not that hard to do so since she came to you and asked. You should be proud

I took my daughter when she asked.

Better her come to you and ask for birth control because she trusts you then her just going out and getting pregnant at an extremely young age because she feels like she cant ask you. Teenagers are going to be teenagers and the most you can really do without having her sneak off and do things behind your back and getting herself into dangerous situations, is be there for her. Put her on birth control, at least shes being safe and she trusts you enough to ask you about it. Talk to her about safe sex and remind her that condoms with birth control are a must. Shes going to do what she thinks shes ready for regardless of your approval, at least she wants to be safe about it.

I’d rather get her birth control than to have her pregnant

I have a 16 year old daughter and if she asked me to put her on birth control I absolutely would. I would also remind her that birth control prevents unwanted pregnancies, but does not prevent diseases and to use condoms as well.

Coming from someone that had to hide all of that from a parent that would absolutely lose it if asked about anything even remotely similar, just take her. Tell her you will be here to help her any time with any questions or anything. Tell her you’re glad she came to you and she can come to you any time. You can also talk to her about safe sex. These conversations can be uncomfortable but the repercussions of not having them can get far worse. I felt isolated and lost having to rely on my friends or my friend’s parents for info because mine was way too angry about the possibility of me having sex to even help. You got this.

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your feelings aren’t a part of this, this is her body & her request…

All of these comments about pregnancy. Birth control is for more than just preventing pregnancy and you can still get pregnant on birth control! Maybe she has really bad periods and irregular periods and she wants birth control to help her with that. It’s used for more than just preventing pregnancy.

I’m gonna be the odd man out here and say talk to her about condoms.
Just because condoms don’t prevent STDs, and birth control is terrible for your body.
But if she is persistent she has to have birth control I’d let her make the final decision.

I would take her to the Drs to be on birth control. We would also remind her of yhe portance of condoms for std and aids protection. I would make sure we discussed the importance of being in a sexual relationship and how she shoud never do anything out of fear of loosing a relationship. Her body, her temple.

Uhhh put her on birth control

I wouldn’t be happy about it so to say but the fact is if my daughter came to me with that we sit down and have a talk about the importance of condoms still due to STDS and also have the OBGYN explain that importance as well.

I would put her on birth control! If you don’t she is still going to be sexually active and may come up pregnant. Be happy she felt safe to come ask you.

Put her on birth control unless you want to be grandparent.

Take her, at least she was responsible and asked. I never had the opportunity and was 16 and pregnant.

Let them be on birth control because most will say it’s to help periods or hormones but it’s usually because they’re having sex. So unless you want to be a grandparent I do suggest you letting them on it. As a mom to an almost 16 year old son if my son asks for condoms I’m going to get some because I rather have him ask and be embarrassed than me being a grandparent at 36 :woman_shrugging:. Here’s the thing teens are going to have sex rather we try and stop them or not they’ll just be secretive about it if they get yelled at or punished for it etc.

Her body her choice just give her the information about finding the right birth control for her and that birth control doesn’t stop babies and that she still needs to make sure that whoever she has secular relations with needs to wear protection.

Also go over Plan B and that if a guy refuses to wear a condom for any reason then, he isn’t the one and if he removes it during sex without asking her first that it is sexual assault in most places.

yes because she prob already sexually active and I want to know she’s at least trying to be safe

It’s irrelevant how you feel about it. I’d 1000% put any of our girls on birth control if asked, and have.
Also make sure you’re well versed in safe sex so you’re able to educate her on it. I won’t add any more advice, as I’ve read a lot of other good advice in the comment section.

None of mine have asked
I just done it
Around 13-14 yrs old

I would have a nice long talk about it and take her to a obgyn

Put her on birth control. Her asking is very responsible. If you don’t, she’s still going to have sex. Help her avoid pregnancy

Don’t be mad be glad you ain’t a grandma yet congrats on ur daughter’s honesty

Are you ready to be a grandparent or her a mother? If u say no to birth control will that stop her from having sex, if that is the reason she wants it?

Are you ready to be a grandma/pt time mom? Lol not funny but reality of the situation if you don’t get her on something

At least she came to you. Take her, talk to her.

How badly do you want to become a grandmother? Talk about STDs, condoms, consent, respect. But get her on the BC talk about the different options, pill, patch, ring, IUD, implant… Talk about potential side effects and varying severity… Talk but get her on birth control!

I would ask court

I would escort her to the doctor… she is asking for a reason.

I would really do all of the research you can. Aside from her reasoning, it’s horrible for your body and there are such risks. I wish I’d done my research before ever taking it.

100% do it. Why risk her getting pregnant?
I told my 15 year old son ifs he’d embarrassed to buy confoms I’ll buy for him.
Do we want him to wait ? Yes. But I’m not gonna let him gets stds or get soem girl pregnant

I would talk to her about the responsibilities that come with sex and express that I wished she would wait but then I would take her to get on birth control.

Ah yes the biological imperative, your chance of preventing her from acting on it are statistically remote no matter what you try, so get over the shock and then help her to keep from altering her life before she’s ready

Honestly, I would first thank her for coming to you. Be grateful she felt safe enough to go to you instead of going behind your back to get it. Sit down with her, lay out all the options and explain the % of effectiveness and find what’s best for her. Talk about the reason she wants it. Birth control doesn’t necessarily mean sex. This is one of those times where you need to be open and have a sit down conversation so you’re both on the same page. That way you know what she’s doing so you can help her and she knows she can come to you if there’s a problem. This moment allows you to build trust so depending on how you handle this, the relationship could be affected. I promise you if you’re closed off about it she’ll go behind your back to get it. Then she’ll start going behind your back for other things. Just be open and gentle, 16 is a rough time trying to figure things out. Let her explore and be a teenager but help her be safe. Most importantly, let her know you’re always there to guide and help.

I’d let her. I did the same thing at her age and because of that I didn’t have any young or unplanned babies. I was 27 when I stopped birth control and got pregnant for the 1st time. I wasn’t even having sex at the time but I was prepared when it did happen!!!

As a child who asked their mom for bc at 16 due to horrendous periods, not to go out and sleep with the world, only to be looked at like the latter is all I wanted…please do your child the service of listening to them. I still hold some resentment that I was forced to suffer needlessly because my mom thought her virgin daughter just wanted an excuse to be promiscuous.

She’s 16, ask her if she’s having sex, or if she plans to. Tell her not to let ANYBODY pressure her into it. Then tell her she’s old enough to be responsible and get a job and pay for it, or use condoms, or tell her…NO… the choice is yours.

I would put her on birth control.

You either want to be a grandmother, or not?

Would you rather her get pregnant at 16? That is the question you should be asking yourself

I took my girls to the OB immediately and bought a box of condoms and put them in the entertainment center for them and all they friends to have access to. Birth control won’t stop you from catching something ajax won’t wash off.

If your child comes to you and asks to start birth control, you schedule her an appointment and take her to get birth control because if she isn’t already sexually active, she’s considering becoming sexually active.

You make the appointment and you open clear lines of communication with your child about safe sex, consent, and the responsibility that comes with the decision that she’s making.

Kids find a way to do what they want and the fact that she’s coming to you to talk about it, means she trusts you. Don’t blow that trust by trying to make this choice for her.

I’d much rather my children come to me about birth control than come to me about teen pregnancy.

You put them on birth control and talk about stds

Put her on bc… because obviously she doesnt want to have an unplanned pregnancy.
I would feel proud that they asked instead of winding up pregnant at a young age. My mom wasnt a great mom, but she made damn sure that when I lost my v card I came to her to get put on bc. And that’s one of the biggest reasons I wasnt like so many others in my high school with a kid young.

I would bring her to an OBGYN and talk about the best birth control options for a 16 year old

Do it. Just attended gender reveal for a sixteen year old… A child having a child :cry::cry:

I would say “ok I’ll make the appointment and take the day off to bring you to the doctor” If she is comfortable enough to ask you about it, don’t fuck up her her trust in you.

I’d get her on birth control. Teenagers have sex.

That means she’s having sex or thinking about it and is trying to be responsible… How would you feel about a baby?!? Weigh your options and it’s a no brainer for me… P.s. she’s brave AF for coming to you and asking! Go her!!!

Put her on birth control and at same time tell her her about condoms because a std e way much problematic than a pregnancy

Wtf. You call the gyno and make her an appointment ASAP. There is no question

Well BC has a crap ton of side affects so I would really think long and hard about it. Depending on what she wants it for there are other options that are non hormonal also. Copper IUD etc

Put her ass on birth control

Let her go on birth control
It’s good she came to you
Good on her for being responsible for her body
No man including her father
Has the right to tell she can’t
Better that she be on birth control rather then face the consequences of having an unwanted pregnancy (if she is wanting to have sex)
A lot of young girls/women
Have trouble with their periods
Also teach her how to use a condom to guard against STDS
As that would be so much worse then a teen pregnancy
Good on you for supporting her decision