What would you do if your kid was struggling in school with their grades? i have taken things, grounded her and nothing is changing
I guess it would depend firstly how old are they? Also are they getting bad grades because they aren’t trying or because they aren’t understanding the material. If they need extra help that would be something to talk to the teacher about.
Are they struggling and need extra help ? I would get a tutor. Talk to their teacher. Try and help them in any way I could. Are they just not doing their work ? Not studying when they should be ? Not paying attention in class? We would have a serious talk together and I would be on them every night making sure they do homework and study for tests. I would ground them or take their phone until they put in effort. As long as they are trying their best, that’s all that matters.
I would find out the reason first and go from there . A tutor may help.
If she’s studying and trying, I would NOT punish her. You can get her into tutoring to help her catch up and understand what she’s struggling to learn
I’d help them instead of punishing them… tf?
Teacher are there to teach during the day, parents should help after. Find out if they need extra help that you cant provide. If they are trying dont punish, help them.
Have you talked to her teacher? Have you talked to her? Have you helped her? Is she just not doing the work? Does she have missing assignments? Maybe get a tutor? I’m not understanding all the grounding without getting to the root cause. That’s why grounding is working, because you are punishing her before you took the time to have a conversation and find the root cause of the issue.
Tutoring. What kind of study habits have you taught them? Are you taking an active role in their learning or just telling them to do better and punishing them?
Have you had her checked for various learning disabilities? ADHD? It presents very differently in girls. Or how about dyslexia? Are you a perfectionist? That may make her reluctant to try anything for fear of failure, which just gets reinforced.
Almost no one sets out to do poorly, so she’s likely not getting bad grades on purpose thus punishment won’t help anything. Find out where the trouble is and then figure out a solution. Praise her for her efforts and help (and get help for her) any way you can.
What I would do would depend on her age, it would depend on if she is doing all her work and struggling or not doing her work and struggling.
I don’t punish for bad grades as long as they are trying there best and doing what they are supposed to. If they need help they tend to ask for it and if I can’t help I can get someone that can. Now if it’s bad grades cuz there messing around, not doing homework, or something of that sort then we take away something they like until it comes back up
STOP punishing her for grades. By punishing her you’re telling her she’s not good enough for you. You don’t love her because she has difficulty learning. You take away her self worth. If she hasn’t already she will give up trying to learn. After all she gets punished either way.
Email the principal requesting an evaluation. They have so many days to complete it depending on state. Talk to her Dr about testing outside of school.
You may have already emotionally beaten her down by punishing her for things she can’t control. She may not come back from this. Punishing your child might make you feel powerful but you’re actually hurting your child.
Get involved. I had regular emails and phone calls with each teacher, so I could know what all they were doing and what was assigned. Then I would sit and do the homework with my son every night. We would study together for tests and everything. She also has to read every single day for 30 minutes min. Read with her. Let her read to you, so you can help her along if she gets stuck on a word.
The first thing you should do is to request a meeting with her teacher/ teachers to see what issues/ problems she is having… lack of attention, not able to finish her work , not doing homework, not understanding the work , shy to ask for help , etc ……
You should not grounded her until that meeting ( imagine that she has a learning disability and you are grounded her for something she can’t control , understand)
If everything is fine you can try tutoring, after school programs that can help her with the assignments she is having trouble ,rewards works for some kids .
And also we ( parents ) needs to understand that not every kid is going to have A/100 grades , and grades don’t determine the intelligence of a kid
Don’t punish poor grades. It only beats kids down. Talk to the teacher. Set aside time to sit with them and help. Get a tutor. Figure out what kind of learner they are. Positive actions that help build their confidence, concentration and abilities
Meh, it’s public school. If she’s failing by their standards she’s probably too smart and isn’t afraid to buck the system. All good things in my world.