What would you do in this situation

Im married for 9 years this year. I love my husband alot, but i dont know what to really do.
I dont do wrong and dont intend to do so, but he is always accusing me. If he see a male contact on Facebook then automatically im having something to do with that person. I had a pic of me and some work friends from 1999/2000. Was post as a memory. Now he saw that an is acussing me with this guy, sombody i haven’t seen in years.

I love him too much, i asked him for us to get councelling maybe that will help, he says me no he is not mental. I even considered divorcing him but my heart wont let me go further and he says me he will not divorce me.
Currently we are separated for 3 month. I have a little gal thats getting neglected cause of his imature behavior.
He don’t want me to work, then he fights and behaves like this and dont want to provide for the child saying im doing wrong and making it difficult for the child. Please can sombody help me with going forward. Im a total emotional wreck at the moment.
I havent spoken to him over a week now.