What would you do?

She done messed up her life by having ANY kind of relations with a underage person. Why are you gonna enable this? She has a HUSBAND. I would have packed the furniture back up and took the kids while called the cops. Be part of a solution. Do not be apart of the problem.


Turn her in he 15 he still minor like what does he have to offer a grown woman let that boy finish school

I never understood what REAL women see in a “boy”? To have to teach him things,to play mommy…WHAT?

Found out how old he is… If he 15 tell her if she having sex with him she could go to jail

He’s a child, she’s an adult.
Please. Please. Please. Have her arrested. A pedophile isn’t only a term for men. She is absolutely one as well.


She is a sexual predator…If this was a 24 year old guy and a 15 year old girl, this wouldn’t even be a question. If you have proof she is sexual abusing a minor, she needs to be turned in.


Who cares what he has to offer her? She’s a sex offender turn her in. He’s probably a run away too.

Turn her in. Take the kids now


Her father needs to tell her that what she’s doing is wrong

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15 and 24 that’s horrible about the boy’s mom where is she.


You already know the answer! This is the time you have to step up and do what’s difficult and turn her in. You witnessed this. Don’t be apart of that big problem. Be part of the fix and turn her in so she gets help.


This is wrong on so many levels.
She’s also putting her babies at risk…. That boy could be all sorts of messed up…
Also, yes it would be considered statutory rape.
She needs to sort herself out. Or the husband needs custody of the babies.
If she wasn’t ready to be a mother, she should’ve used protection.

He’s a child!
If you don’t report you are part of the problem.


She’s not just cheating on her husband. She’s sexually abusing a child, and needs to be put in jail :rage::rage::rage:


This woman could be helping the lad out? Doesn’t mean they’re actually in a relationship? Do you have proof he’s actually 15?
I wouldn’t go straight to the police there could be so many reasons why he’s there…
also she’s got children you could ruin hers and her childrens lives!


Yes, it would make her a pedophile. Legally, she’d go to prison. That is not okay.


Just ew. Send the authorities.


You need to report her to the police. And ring the dad of those kids to go get them before something happens to them.
I’d also advice you tell him to get them to the Dr’s to be checked out to make sure nothings happened to them

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Turn her butt in! That is most definitely sexual assault, he is a child!!

Yes the boy is not lawfully old enough to consent.she knows,better. He can’t even work

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Yes, she would be considered a sex offender!

Is she having sex with him?

Call the police, that’s illegal, and extremely inappropriate for someone her age.

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First of all you have to prove that they’re having sex together second of all you have to prove that he’s 15 just because he’s living there doesn’t mean anything my girlfriend and I take hockey players in for extra money throughout the season we have a 16-year-old and two 17 year-olds living here

Also, why is he lying in bed with her kids??? Report her


I would say take the kids to daddy and in the prosses of traveling to daddies call the police and let them know what’s going on and call social services for the 15 yr old. But get the children out of the house first. Offer to take them out to eat or shopping in reality take them to their father. So the kids do not see what is going to happen . Protect the children at all cost.do not tell the father till you are their with the children. Cause things could get so much worse if he has to go get them.


Call police . My children would not be subjected to that. She could go to jail! Doesn’t he have a home with parents. He’s under 18!

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This is not okay but social media has made the dating “milfs” super big and the 15 year old probably things he’s super cool getting with a hot older mom. 15 year olds are curious. They just want sex. You and your daughters dad need to sit them down and have a huge talk about all of it and how a 15 year old and a 24 year old have no business being together and tell the 15 year old his parents need to be informed on this situation and make it clear to your daughter about how she’s putting losing her kids at risk. Probably even losing the whole family. Once the boy’s parents are aware it’s pretty much in their hands.

She is a sex offender

Turn this in to authorities

And u need to call proper authority

16 years is the age of consent I believe. Yes turn her in.

You know damn well if the roles were reversed and it was a 24yr old man and a 15yr old girl, you would have called already

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Turn her in. That is absolutely disgusting


I would do some more investigating and make sure she’s actually having sex with him. Maybe he was kicked out of home :woman_shrugging:. Was he naked in bed with the kids? Ffs he’s a kids himself, calm down!!! It could actually be innocent. If she’s having sex with him yes report her.

She’s definitely a pedophile. I’d call the cops on her.


Do it! Turn her in!
She’s a disgusting sexual offender, with no morals or respect.


Fuck yes she’s a sex offender

Wtf!!? Noooooo that is not right! That is not normal!!

I’m more concerned you left your grandkids there


As a mama of an almost 15 year old boy all I can say is… TURN HER IN, before he ends up becoming a 16 year old father. Also, thank you for being concerned for him. I don’t know his background or story but the fact that he’s living there, is concerning. Where are his parents? Do they know? Do they care? Maybe he has no parental influence, in which case you can the voice he doesn’t know he needs.


she is a pedophile turn her ass in

Some people turn the other way when it’s a boy who is the one underage not realizing that boys also get groomed, molested, and rape by both men and women. This 24 year old is all of that because that is an underage child and needs to be punished for it. What if it was a 24 year old man leaving his wife for a teenager?? Still wrong!!! If the kid is underage then it’s wrong and should be punished for it.

Ok, I feel like I’m missing loads of the story here?? Was he naked? Being in appropriate? Just chilling watching a movie?!
Is he 15 or are you guessing he is? She could be helping him out? The reason she wasn’t bothered about your reaction maybe? I’d 100% find out what’s going on before you ruin a lot of peoples lives. I understand your thought process totally, but don’t jump the gun like so many people do. This is something potentially serious and shouldn’t not be looked into


She’s a 24 year old WOMAN and she moved a 15 year old BOY in with her? She has no business in a sexual relationship with a child. That’s disgusting.

Oh boy, family or not, she’s wrong and I think you should notify the authorities. Yikes!! So sorry, but go with your gut and be prepared for the backlash! Some will likely consider you the bad guy for calling it in, but it’s the right thing to do!


Turn her in. She’s a predator.


Are you sure he is in a sequel relationship with her? Maybe just a babysitter or something? I’d make sure you are correct and if so then as someone else said don’t say anything. Ask to take kids somewhere, and call the police. She is an adult much over 18. And he is a child. It’s not ok


How is that even a question? :flushed:

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You better report it asap!

Shes considered a child molester yes which will result in any rights to her kids gone because who knows whats happening with her kids if she’s sick enough to be involved with a child. Do what you think is right but think about if that was your children at 15 with a 24 year old

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Call the police on her! That is sick! Wow!

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you can’t go posting stuff like this on social media. This is the juiciest T I’ve seen all day


Are they friends are you sure its sexual are you sure she wasn t worried because he was just another kid however if you think she is seducing the lad or coaching him then by all means call the social workers and anyone else that protects a childs well being.

If you don’t turn her in right now! Like call the police, do whatever you gotta do but that is a child. Period!!

Yes she is a sex offender. Same as a teacher and a high school student. It makes me sick. Where are his parents?

Turn her in. Where is the boys parents?

Talk to her and just ask. Hes chillin on the bed w the kids watching a movie or ? How do you know HE is the one shes having sexual relations with? Do you know he is 15 or just looks young? I wouldn’t run to the police until you talk to her even the boy and her father.


Ummmm. How do u KNOW he is 15? Are you sure he isn’t her new bf son? Maybe her bf is older n had a child young? Is he is high school. This seems bizarre.


You need to call cps and let them investigate. He is a minor and if it is found out that you knew about it and didn’t say anything, I’m afraid you could be in trouble for failure to report child molestation. Because lets face it…he’s not there in her bed to babysit even if he is a will participant. It’s still considered a crime. CYOA cover your own ass in this situation. And your Grandbabies don’t need to be exposed to that. If she is sick enough to carry on with a 15 year old child, she is not fit enough to take care of her own kids. Sorry to be so blunt, but you honestly don’t know what the little ones are being exposed to physically, mentally or morally. Call CPS now !!!

Who the fuck is writing into this page? Most of this shit has to be made up! I swear I have never seen so many backwoods questions ever!

If they are having sexual relations and you don’t report it could come back on you as well for not reporting it and for knowing it’s happening


If what you say is factual, then yes she is a pedophile and should be turned in yesterday.


I’ve always believed age is just a number but as long as they are both over legal age which is 16, then it’s just wrong

my step daughter was seeing a 21yr old when she was 15 and we reported it straight away they looked into it straight away but as she wouldn’t admit they did anything illegal, and there was no proof they had had sex they couldn’t do anything but we hadn’t found him in the bedroom,

You NEED to report this ASAP this is Illegal and if you don’t report this your be in just as much trouble.

I don’t care if it’s sexual or not witch it is is rape. What bothers me more a 15 year old has no bussiness being in bed with her kids, report it.

Call. The. Police and CPS. IMMEDIATELY.


Well She is a pedophile… and she must be reported.


Yes she’s a sex offender.

Umm start with asking her? Shew. People really don’t know how to communicate. How would you feel, if he is in fact, 15, and that was your son? Do the right thing. Difficult conversations are necessary.


If he’s under age if you know it turn I’m in, seriously. That’s sad, the whole situation is I’m sorry.


How tf is this even a question? If the genders and ages were reversed and this was your 15yo daughter shacking up with a 24yo man, would you hesitate to call the authorities then??? Not only that, when she does get in trouble and its just a matter of time…you could too for knowing about it and not doing anything. Or at the very least your character could be called into question when deciding if you have visitation with your grandchildren after this.


If he’s 15 and she’s in a relationship with him then yes she is a sex offender. If he’s just living with them and helping out with the kids and they’re only friends then there is nothing to worry about. Only way you can find out the truth is if you ask her. You want to protect those little babies…

This post makes me angry. She’s disgusting. Where are his parents? Are they allowing this? Or is this an abduction/run away situation? I’d have to call the cops. If tell her husband too. He can take the kids from her they have equal rights. In this situation he needs to take his kids. She’s sexually abusing a child. Her children are involved. Please call the cops.


Why is this even a question?
If it were your daughter at 15 in an apartment with a 24 year old man; how would you react? Would it even be a question as to what the next step would be?


Id confirm firm then call

If you know for sure that she is having sex with him than yes turn her in

Whatttt?! You’re in this group because you’re a mom I’m guessing. So flip this around… if that 15 year old was the one that was yours, what would you do, or expect others to do to protect your child? Don’t let this slide to avoid confrontation.

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Turn her in. This should not even be a question.


I have 3 boys one being 15. There is no way in hell I would let your step daughter get away Scott free. Just because she is a woman does not mean she is not a child rapist. Please turn her in, you can do it anonymously. This makes me sick to my stomach


Following cause I’m nosey but concerned :worried:


Turn her in .! For the safety of your grandchildren she is clearly not in the right headspace

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If you are certain they’re in a sexual relationship, TURN HER IN. That is statutory rape. He’s not old enough to legally give consent.

Turn her in its the best thing for her

#1 if he’s a minor then she is a pedophile and #2 no man needs to be laying in bed with kids so at least call for their safety


Questions….so many questions! First, who is this kid? Second, who is he to her? Is he “living” with her or did she take him in due to whatever reasons? Where are is parents? If you know for a fact that she’s sleeping with a 15 year old, why the f**k is this even a question? Call the goddamn police, DFS, and his parents if you can! :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: I swear common sense is lacking everywhere!


Wait…you didn’t call child services and the police???

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While I’m all for turning her in, I do think you have to confirm what is actually happening. He could just look young, he could be the son of the actual older boyfriend, he could even be the son of a friend who is crashing there while his parents are out of town. There’s a whirlwind of possible explanations so I really think you have to get the facts first… But on the other hand, there’s always the great possibility that predators will lie to cover it up, and victims may not even realize they’re a victim yet (I was one). I’d definitely keep an eye and ear on everything, try to find the boys parents, talk to her ex-husband, anything you can think of first …but also be careful not to wait too long.


Wtf turn her in, she’s a grown women he is still a child! She clearly does not have her babies best interest at heart with this backstory :rage: find out the whole story, but if she gets defensive or mad then obviously it’s true and that’s sickening

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Is this for real? And you’re seriously asking whether you should report an adult with a minor or not? Your whole family is delusional and disgusting. Yes report it and get her kids away from that toxicity. Gosh I hope someone calls cps on her

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Turn her in!! That’s some Mary kay letourneau shit right there

Turn her in, if you can look at an underage child and see something sexual there’s something wrong


I have a 15 year old son. If the boy is in fact 15 you need to turn her in.


Yes it’s a sex crime !!
If they can do it to men they can do it to her !!!

She’s a child predator, a pedophile. There’s no sugar coating it. She is disgusting.


Let the cops know and make sure your son is ready for the kids.

Yea that’s wrong he might think it’s so cool but he is too young to understand that kind of role he can’t be a man for a woman or for children when he is a child his dam self still

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Sounds like she wants to be 15 again :woman_facepalming:t2:


She’s definitely a pedo🤷‍♀️. She’s an adult and he is not.


Please make another post and update us


Pedophile is what she is. Get that kid before it happens

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