What would you do?

REPORT!! She’s a sex offender.

If she was a man & he had a 15 year old girl in his bed would you think this is acceptable? No,same thing weather she is a man or woman! She is a peado :face_vomiting: report her


Call the police!! Why is this even a question!? She’s a predator

He’s a child… Yes, call.

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Sounds bad already. What is there to talk about, because she’s your daughter?

First call and report her; contact her ex husband and explain that he needs to go get his children. Then the person I am would do some digging. How can a 15 year old live there? Where are his parents? Did you get his name? Find him on social media and contact his family. What a mess!!! Oh and have her ex get a lawyer now!


just imagine if it were a 24-year-old man and your 15-year-old daughter was laying out on the bed and living with him… do the right thing


Definitely turn her in. If it were the other way around, this sadly wouldn’t be a question thought about twice.


You need to call the police and cold services she is a sex offender. Her children are in danger. So is this boy she has there. All the children, including this boy need to be taken into protective custody.

And y’all the grandparents get them kids please


She is a predator and needs to be reported


Also, at 24, my parents would have still kicked my ass for being ignorant

On this note, I’m definitely gonna figure out how to exit 2022, because people seem to get slightly more ignorant every year. Your daughter is sleeping with a minor, statutory rape, turn her ass in! It’s really very simple.

She should be turned in. She is a predator and or he could be grooming your grandkids. I pray you told the authorities.


I don’t care who she is. Call the police!!! The day I saw that I would have called while at the apartment.


Depends on the age of consent :woman_shrugging:t3: now a days most places it’s either 15 or 16. I was 16 with a 25 year old 💁 doesn’t make her a sex offender like Jesus Christ people

Honestly do you know she is even having sex with this 15 year old? Or is she trying to help this child out in a bad situation? I would honestly be asking her question like why is there a 15 year old living in your household or why is there a 15 year old laying in the bed with the kids if there is honestly something going on between both of them then she definitely needs to be reported in ASAP and definitely need to find out who are the boys parents. And honestly I feel like her personal life like with her marriage before isn’t really your place to jump on her and post about yes it was wrong for her to cheat on her husband I totally do not agree with it at all I believe in staying :100: faithful in marriage/ relationship.

Definitely considered a sex offender she’s 10 years older than him a girl I went to school with was 25/26 and had a baby with a 15 year old and I have no idea why the hospital never questioned it

She’s sick in the damn head

Uh yea she’s a sex offender if she’s sleeping with him, oh my gosh, report her don’t be an accessory to her crime, good grief.

Call the police and save those grandchildren from her.

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Yes she’s a sex offender. Report her. I think its worse because boys mature slower than girls but regardless she is over 18 by 6 years and that boy is a baby.

Depends on state laws but that’s not good. I’d even contact a family lawyer first and get a consult. My 20 year old niece did something sort of similar and it’s been a life changing disaster after disaster. But ya things need to happen.

Oh god :see_no_evil: some stuff i read though. If it had been the other way round and your step daughter was male with a young girl in his bed would you be only considering turning him in? Get a grip woman and get that woman to the police station and that boy back his parents. Your step daughter is not only a sex offender but worst type there is, a peadophile :see_no_evil:.

Yes and my other question is why is he laying in be with them babies! The whole situation is wrong!!

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Yes she is a sex offender if she’shaving sexual relations with a 15yo boy. Report it.

You dont want your grandchildren thinking that it’s ok to be 15 yrs old laid up with someone in their 20’s. Which is what they will think if that behavior continues around them. Turn her in and tell your son in law to get custody ASAP.


Hmmmm I believe the answer to your question would be a definite Hell yes! She’s no better than the men that you read about and people condemn same thing just a different sex.

Yes she could be considered a sexual predator…husband needs to file for immediate custody!!! And get those kids away from some random teen!

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Ehh she is a peado no if buts about it I’d report her she shouldn’t have kids around this situation at all

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Take ur grandkids and call the police

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Your stepdaughter is a pedo and the children’s dad needs to take his kids and apply for emergency custody and not let her see the kids unsupervised she’s a danger to those kids


Turn her in. If it were your 15 year old son you’d want her reported


Turn her in. If you don’t. You can go to jail too.

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You are going to ruin your daughter life. I would talk with her first and an attorney. But I wouldn’t turn her in, at least not yet.


Wow. That’s terrible.

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The father needs to have children in his care … Yes she is a predator he is underage and she is AN ADULT IF she can do it to a teenager could always do it to her children (not jst men)
U need to go to the police period


In Australia the legal age is 16 anything under that is rape, consensual or not.

Rumors or not do the right thing, maybe his parents don’t even know his whereabouts, God forbid something happens to your grandchildren. All I know is i’d want peace of mind and a clear conscious.

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Turn her in. Your grand babies deserve better. A 15 year old boy is not mature enough to realize just how wrong this is. You and your husband have to do that for him. There are laws for a reason and she is definitely on the wrong side.

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Definitely a sex offender!!! But also most importantly I am sure this 15 yr old boy is a runaway and his parents are worried sick!!! So my opinion yes I would report the boy being there and let my grandkids live with their dad… she needs serious help and to grow up… and your grandkids deserve better than that!!!

Yes that’s is so wrong on so many levels. And yes she is a sex offender!!! And she’s sick.

Why is this even a question :woman_facepalming:t2:


If it had been your husbands son laying up with a 15 year old girl you’d definitely call the cops… this is the same thing. Call the cops.



Let me ask you a question. What would you be saying if the roles were reversed and the man was 24 and the girl was 15. You’d turn him in a heartbeat right? There’s your answer.


There is no question here, you have to do the right thing.

Harboring a minor and/or pedophilia is a crime. But you should first find out the circumstances involved, before jumping to a conclusion.

Call the children’s father to come get his kids and turn her in!

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The fact you have to ask the internet if you should turn someone in for sexually assaulting or living with a teen is BEYOND comprehension….You really don’t know the answer to that?


Yes. He is below the legal age. Your daughter is an idiot.

That’s considered statutory rape. She can get in big trouble for that and can be labeled a sex offender. And if you knew about it & didn’t report her, I think you can also get in trouble for that but I’m not 100% sure on that. I would definitely turn her in

Ya that’s not appropriate… also why is a 15 y/o boy hanging with a 24 y/o women… either they are partying and having sex, or he is not a safe person for your grand kids to be around. The right thing is to turn her in. Don’t be that generation that looks the other way…

Ummm he is a child! Where is this boys mother? And if she is wanting to go out and party that doesn’t stop just because she isn’t with her husband anymore. Where are her children now when she goes out and party’s?

just because a 15 yr old is in her room with the other kids, that doesn’t mean they have having sex,!! The same if her kids are in there !!! But it also doesn’t mean she isn’t, Where is his mother? Find her. Talk to her. How do you not know if this young boy isn’t related to her.!!! You could also make anonymous call to whatever child services you have & say you think there is an adult sexual abusing a young boy. But you also know this all could mean nothing. And you in the end, could get the worst of it…by her not allowing the kids to see you. And what does your son say???

Forgive me. I should have looked it up first. Is he emancipated?? Does that make a difference? I don’t fully understand or know what’s comes with being emancipated. If he is, is that why they think this is ok? I posted earlier that he’s a child, and this needs to be brought to someone’s attention. But I’m curious. Sorry

Boy or girl. This is a crime.

A 24 year old with a 15 year old, regardless of gender, is disgusting, illegal and will be detrimental to the way that boy matures and finds himself sexually.

If this was my son, I would be irate. Call the cops. Now. Save that little boy from years of trauma.

Victims of sexual abuse as children are 10x more likely to become abusers themselves. BREAK THE CYCLE. This kiddo needs you.


I wouldn’t worry about the rumors, people talk and there’s nothing you can do. However I’d be super worried my 24yo child is potentially sleeping with a 15yo… You can’t just ignore it that boy is someone’s child! I’d go find your step daughter if I was his mom, plenty old enough to ‘have a conversation’ :unamused:

Edited out the ‘violence’ bcuz fb has ‘standards’ :joy: :joy:

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Its ALWAYS in the best interest of the kids and their safety FIRST! Under Arizona law, where I’m from individuals 17 and younger lack the capacity to agree to participate in sexual activity. Even if it’s consensual, sexual intercourse by an adult with an individual under 18 is considered statutory rape. I would report it and let the police department and Child protective services do their job. She is a child predator plain and simple.

It’s unlawful sex as with a minor and she could get into serious trouble if you or his parents reported her. It has to stop, but coukd you trust her with the threat of police to stop seeing him if you’re 3hrs away and can’t keep an eye on her. Report. She’s an adult. THE adult. She needs to take full responsibility for her actions. Because if you don’t, if the rumours are so rude, someone else will

24 and a 15 year old. Eeeewww
He’s a child and she is disgusting with mental illness.

You should be less worried about how “embarrassing” the rumors around town are and be more concerned with the fact that she is literally sexually assaulting someone

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If she’s sleeping with the boy get the father to get the kids, and turn her in.

I would say she’s a sex offender. She probably needs help. I’d also question why a party is cause for divorce. Is she on drugs? Having a mental breakdown

She’s gonna end up in prison.

Whoa. He’s 15, he’s still a kid. That makes her a pedophile. Report her immediately.

Uhm call the police she is most definitely a “sex offender” if she is sleeping with the kid. And yes he is a kid at 15 freakin years old. Get the kids father on the phone to pick them up and turn her tf in. She is gross… where is this teens parents???

Yes turn her in! He is a child and way under age!!!

Well there are a ton of questions, but I will only pose 3 quick questions before I pass a quick judgment and I say “call the police” like everyone else, I’m sorry I can’t take only one side of the story, but you say you did some digging 1st whats the validity of your sources…2nd how sure are you that the boy is 15 ? I looked 15 til I was almost 30, 3rd Are you sure they are romantically involved ??? Know your facts before sticking your nose somewhere it doesn’t belong,cause if you get this wrong and he is of age or there is nothing going on other than she’s now a single mom and has found a good kid to help watch her kids when she was obviously busy…do you think she’ll let you see your grandkids again after something like that, innocent until proven guilty… hell I’m fat doesn’t mean I stole your candy bar


Sounds like your daughter needs a wellness visit from the county. Does she have mental disorders? Seems crazy to just up and leave and then on top of it be with a under aged child. Do it for the children, that’s not right.


If he’s emancipated he’s aloud to live wherever and date whoever he likes, but they are not aloud to have sex until he’s of legal age. It also depends on what state they are in. Some states allow parents to approve of older dating partners (I don’t know the logistics of what age gap is aloud or not) or maybe his mom and him have agreed to him living elsewhere and he’s living there and babysitting for her so she can party. Either way she sounds like an unfit mother and if they are dating and having sex, she’s a pedophile. (Quite frankly I think she is one even if he’s emancipated and they’re not having sex but dating) if she barely knows this guy he shouldn’t be ANYWHERE near those children as he could also be a pedo. Call DHS, CPS and local law enforcement about it all. You can even say your not sure if they are sexually involved but this is what you saw and have heard and it needs to be checked out. Those baby’s are NOT safe (if they’re living with her full time and if the father isn’t their main care giver) as it seems their dad is a more responsible fit and if she wants to party she should let them live with him so they are safe. This whole situation is SMH😠

If he is 15 it is a crime. Take your grandbabies and turn them in If that is the case.

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She is in fact a sex offender. she’s adult and he is a child. That’s that

Find his parents and if they seem not to care then call the law

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He is being molested and doesn’t even know it.


If he is 15 that’s vile turn her in

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First are you sure shes sleeping with him. Is he a friends little brother or something. Someone she knew that maybe was homeless. Is he a live in childcare. Maybe his rent to live there is watching kids so she can party and work? Find out whats going on and who and why hes there first. Then if it dont add up call cps and cops. But if the reason is legitimately understandable then so be it. At one point while me and husband where together we took in his 15 year old brother because his mom locked him out of the house.


Call the cops immediately, that’s statutory rape

15? There seems to be so much more to this story. If he is actually 15, yes, turn her in! That is 100% not ok. Did she tell you he was 15? I need more details.
Short answer, if he is 15 turn her in.


This is a felony rape. You are obligated to report it. If you fail to report it, and the boy reports you having known about it, you will be charged with a crime.
As a mother of a teenage boy, if I learned that you were aware, I would press charges.

I want to state right off that if in fact they are having a relationship with each other that it is not ok and needs to be reported to the authorities yesterday! But I also need to say to the person who posted this post when you posted you did it without stating how you found out his age or what he is doing there in her home now everyone on fb is assuming things that may not even be true. You are reacting without getting all the information and if you do have it then contact the police don’t post it with half of the information for everyone else to assume things that may or may not be true :tipping_hand_woman: idk I know I wouldn’t post on social media asking what I should do in this situation id find out exactly whats going on and do what needs to be done


Oh my - it turns out your offspring is a pedophile!!

I would remain silent through every situation in regards to my children - UNLESS it involves sex crimes of any kind but especially against kids. This is disturbing at best! Good luck dealing with this, I cannot imagine!

Umm yeaaaaa that’s HIGHLY ILLEGAL. He’s way underground

Flip that scenario - make to female. Had the 24 yr old been a female the male would have already been arrested …

That’s just gross.

And share on her !

Sorry to hear your family is going thru this :pleading_face::pray:t3:

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“You did some investigating”… how about you just ask her and/or him? It doesn’t sound like you actually asked her about any of this.

Make sure he is actually 15, and that they actually have a relationship. Then turn her in.

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If the roles were flipped you would have already called the police so why are you waiting?

For one I wouldn’t want him around my kids a 15 year old boy does not want to babysit… those grandkids of yours need help first of all !!!

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Turn her in that’s nasty. Get those babies out of that situation.


Yes, she is a sex offender

She is a pedophile. Turn her in. That’s disgusting.


If my 15 year old son thought for a second he was moving in with a 24 year old trollup I would go to the cops. I do consider it sexual abuse.


I’m sorry but if she’s taking advantage of a 15 year old, leaving her husband to party and cheat, as well as having a strange man (regardless of age) who is not your children’s father in bed WITH THEM… I would personally be very concerned and worried for those children (even the older boy) and would take action ASAP. She seems to be putting herself first and not thinking of he impact on her children.


She’s a predator. Don’t protect her, protect her kids from her…


Pedophile! Turn her in! He is a child!

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Is she sexually abusing him?
OP said “cheating on him”
If you have proof of a sexual relationship you need to turn her in.


likely is sex offender status… if they’re having sex. most states age of consent is 16.

do we know this is a sexual partner?

She’s a sexual predator


Shes needs turned in

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Definitely a pedo. Because she’s a female doesn’t change the fact she’s with a baby. He’s 15 for fucks sake. Smfh if that were my son I’d be turning her in and letting her jail mates deal.
She won’t be able to be around schools, kids, ect. So I have no idea how they do it with her kids.

But please turn her in she’s a predator.

Turn her in to her husband first. Make the decision with him or let him make the decision. He has first right to protect those kids.

When I was 2 I was taken away from my mom by cps for the same exact thing. She was 20 making home with a 15 yr old. Cops took me and my brother and she went on to not be in my life and stay in a 16 year relationship with said teenager. It ruined my life, I didn’t find out the truth why I had been taken away until I was 28 years old.


If it was the other way around this wouldn’t even be a question