What's it like giving birth alone?

Has anyone giving both alone besides with your doctor and nurses of course? If so what’s it like?


Peaceful as hell! I was alone my whole labor with my daughter and it was awesome


It was nice. I enjoyed it very much

I was alone, physically. But I felt my mother’s presence the whole time. She passed in '97. I gave birth to my son in 2010.


I didnt give birth alone, but I labored by myself at home with my cat for 10 hours :tipping_hand_woman: once I went to the hospital my husband met me there (he was driving from out of town work) and 5 minutes later our son was born. I liked laboring by myself and was really calm with the idea that my husband may not make it there in time.

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My first baby I was alone when I delivered but not by choice I was at a hospital over an hr away from my house and they wouldn’t let my mom or ex stay over night with me . the nurses called my mom when I was in active labor around 5am but they didn’t make it in time because she came too quickly. I was 17 it was a bit terrifying but I dont think it would have been any easier if my mom and ex were there . . the dr didn’t even make it my daughter was delivered by a nurse :sweat_smile:

I did. I was told we had plenty of time, so the husband went home to shower. (Construction worker, he was filthy) she came before he got back. Quite peaceful honestly!

I wasn’t alone but I could’ve been! I was in my own zone and didn’t want anyone near me or to talk or touch me while I pushed lol if I had to do it again I would’ve been totally fine on my own.

I think, it may feel different for different reasons, are you alone because you’re a single mother, alone because of covid, or alone because fam isn’t close?

I had my mom and my best friend with me. It was peaceful, hard, tiring, painful and happy all at the same time. My doctor was amazing every step of the way

I did with my last one back in 2018, it was very calm, peaceful, and I had amazing supportive nurses! It was a little scary at first but i enjoyed it!

For me it was very lonely. I asked baby daddy to stay and he chose not to.


I birthed alone and it was really nice. I didn’t have to worry about anyone or anything other than pushing out my beautiful girl and it was great.

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I wasn’t alone for the actual birthing of my son but I did most of my laboring alone. It was quite peaceful. I slept on the couch through almost my entire labor.

One of my deliveries I was alone. I drove myself to the hospital. Oddly, it was easier in a sense, hard to explain…but, I felt that I didn’t whine as much cause no one was there to hear me lol

I was alone for all four of mine, except for the medical team. If somebody else was in there I wouldn’t be able to concentrate as well

My mom and exhusband argued. I wish I had been alone.

My husband walked in as babies head was crowning on his way out with our second. He stopped in twice but I sent him home to our daughter to say goodnight plus he had a drs appointment after being off for almost 5 months due to a work injury. When I sent him home I was told I had plenty of time because I was barely a 4. 10 minutes later I was a 10 and needed to push.
My first he was there the entire time.
The nurses stopped in to check on me and visit a lot more with my second because I was alone. It was fine.
I didn’t even realize he came in with our second at the end just that the nurse said I could push after practically begging me to wait so my husband could get there.

Yes I did give birth alone for my last two children. It was not too bad. My husband would pass out if he stayed. It was quiet. Peaceful even. No one was bothering me. I didn’t have to worry about embarrassing things happening. I had great nurses and doctor so we are never alone really. Just not with someone close to us.

I wasn’t alone but I could of been and it would of been ok because your not really only baby is there with you it’s an empowering experience you will do great!

It’s not bad I was alone with 2 and had one with my husband in the room

I was alone with my first. His father was stationed in Japan and I was stationed in California. It was hard for me because I wasn’t able to enjoy my son anyways because they rushed him off to the NICU. So I didn’t have anyone there for me really. With my others my husband was there and he was amazing support for me.

I wasnt alone but my husband was asleep the whole time I labored because he had just gotten off a night shift job. He woke up when it was time to push. Even though I wasnt alone but he was asleep it was peaceful. I was able to nap, and deal with my contractions.

I was alone with my last pregnancy and it was terrible for me. I had a lot of sudden complications while I was in labor and it was really scary. My mom was 2 hours away and my daughters dad didn’t come to the hospital. Luckily I had one really awesome nurse she stayed with me until her shift was over and helped deliver my baby. :yellow_heart:

Very different and difficult when you dont have partner or friend or family member by your side for emotional support

It’s okay. Just remember when your baby comes, you won’t be alone anymore!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I was alone for my third. I had under confidential admission at a hospital in a different town an hour away. (Scheduled c-section) my mom took my two kids for the week I was gone. I told all my friends I just needed some time to relax so I was going to visit my aunt.
The father of the child told everyone who would listen that he was planning to steal him from the hospital. So alone was my only option. It was good the nurses took those important first pictures for me. Men really aren’t helpful at the hospital anyway and we were safe. When we got home I didn’t tell anyone for weeks and quietly filed for custody. I have full custody.

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In the old days no one was allow in not even husband

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At home with my midwife and two dogs. It was quite peaceful and felt right. My husband was home but watching tv in a different room. It worked well for both of us.

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I didn’t mind it at all but I think it depends on how independent you are. You are pretty focused on birthing then adoring your baby so for me I barely noticed. It is much more memorable with him by my side but his absence did t ruin the experience.

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The Army sent my husband to Germany when I was 9 months pregnant. There was just me, the doctor and one nurse. No problems.

I had my first child on my own at 18 and it was great i dint have any one else trying to grab him off me to hold him it wasnt stressful it was peaceful xxx

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I did with my first baby. My partner shared with me that it was important that he didn’t go in with me bc he felt he would not be able to be intimate afterwards. He thought it wasn’t for him. I had the choice for other family members but wasn’t comfortable with someone else there. At first i felt really sad but then later i had forgotten due to me concentrating what my labor nurse was telling me. He came right afterwards.


I delivered alone, it was my worst experience. They allowed a student in the room as I was delivering my son even though I told them specifically I didn’t want any in. They didn’t listen. Then he wasn’t breathing so he was whisked over to the NICU and I was left alone in the room for hours until a nurse had time to take me over to the NICU to go see him. Awful.


I had #2 alone…csection…i had amazing doc and nurses were superb. I dont do well w/ the drugs so was pretty out of it anyhow but look back i have that moment of meet daughter for 1st time all to myself. :grin:

My first was alone. Emergency c-section. And I was not put out. It was a little scary because everything was happening so fast. And the baby as well as myself were in danger. Then this wave hit, of wait a minute I’m about to be somebody’s mom! Lol
The nurses were great. There was one that was with me the entire time, even in recovery. Also a neat thing I’ll never forgot, my anesthesiologist held my hand while they took the baby out.

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I had a rapid labor in my bathroom, with no one. We have a two year old and dogs. He was busy getting everyone ready and I had to push and went to the bathroom hovered over the toilet and boom… maybe not count as all alone. But it was real intense, kinda crazy how your instincts kick in. Makes for a great story !


I gave birth to my son in April alone so my fiancé could stay home and keep our 2 year old in isolation. It’s awful but in some ways peaceful. As the pain got worse and worse all I wanted to do was be with my fiancé and mom. I just wanted to hug them. I wanted comforting - loving human touch. But on the other side of it I liked being alone. It was a bit soothing and relaxing in a way. The nurses were there IF I needed them. I was stuck at a 3 and a half for 8 and a half hours with no pain medicine. Once I was far enough for my epidural I layed there in the dark super peacefully and went from a 3 and a half to a 10 in half an hour! I think if I wasn’t alone that I wouldn’t have progressed that quickly. The thing that upsets me the most though is because I have no labor / delivery pictures and my fiancé missed his son and our last child’s birth. Also, our son was born with his cord around his neck and wasn’t doing well. It took them about 15 minutes to stabilize him so dealing with that “alone” wasn’t easy. My nurses and doctor were phenomenal though, I had so much support. Especially after delivery they helped me a lot with him. Its not easy but not impossible. Everything will be okay. So much love sent your way. :two_hearts:


I birthed twin a alone, my husband was late getting in due to screening and such during covid. The nurses and drs were amazing support for me. My husband arrived just minutes after i had baby a, and I still had my arm wrapped around the nurse during baby b’s delivery lol.


I had my second alone. It wasn’t really bad because you have the doctor and nurses all in tour face lol. I have 3 kids and each time I had to stay in the hospital alone. That was the hardest part for me because I also had a hard time with recovery.

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Ive had 2 of my 5 alone. 1 because i wasnt with his father anymore and my daughter was starting school the next day and I didn’t know I was in labor I thought I might be dehydrated so I asked his mom to leave and go get my daughter showered and ready for bed. Right when she left my water broke and labor progressed too fast to even get an IV in me. The second time was my other son, labor came on super fast and hubby rushed me to hospital pulled into the er drop off nurses rushed me inside but asked him to move his car so when he came to l&d the security guard wouldnt let him in saying i wasnt there. So he finally got in 5 seconds after I delivered. Both times the nurses were amazing and took care of me knowing I didn’t have anyone with me. Both labors were super fast (13 minutes after being put in a room to be examined and 3 minutes after being wheeled onto the l&d floor) so there wasn’t enough time to think about no one being there.

I did it was great.
She was excellent. She helped me deliver my oldest who is 25 now. She taught me so much in 4.days. I love her dearly.

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First one with husband, second with my Mom, then had last two on my own (left hubbie at home with the others) loves it. Didn’t have to worry about hubbie or my other kids. Perfectly content with doc and nurses help. Not for everyone but for me it totally worked! All four natural too.


My 3rd, two months early, flown out by chopper. It was terrifying until it was over. No time for pain meds and severe anxiety making my panic worse. But… After it was all over I realized it wasn’t all that bad. My husband missed the birth of our son by 10 minutes.

It’s terrifying. I had a C section last month and my daughter’s father couldn’t come to the OR with me. He had to wait for us in the recovery room. Everything turned out fine but this was my first and only pregnancy and it sucked not having him there to share her first moments or cut the umbilical cord.

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I didnt give birth alone but after I delivered my last son and was moved to the recovery room room and I was alone til I went home. My mom wasnt allowed to stay because there was a 2 person limit in the recovery rooms. My husband took her home and stayed home with our older two. I actually enjoyed the alone time with just me and my baby

A little different than what you’re asking, but I had 3 c sections. My second, I had my sister in the OR, but afterward I was completely alone in the hospital other than my mom and dad bringing my daughter to visit an hour or so per day. My son was in the NICU and it was one of the toughest and loneliest times of my life. All the uncertainty with my son and then having nobody to lean on was very rough.

That being said, I don’t think physically giving birth alone would be bad. The room is filled with people cheering you on, but I would highly suggest having someone with you for the stay afterward, if at all possible.

I was alone for my emergency cesarean as they had my daughter out before my husband was in the room in his scrubs. Being an emergency I didn’t even care who was there or not there honestly as long as my baby was safe.

I had my second child alone and honestly loved it. It was so calm and relaxed!

I had my first alone, it was a long process but I did great and my baby now 13 was healthy :heart:

Imma be honest…even if theres 15 ppl there to support you…youre alone. When it comes time its you, your uterus and this weird natural gutteral inner force that makes you block them out anyway! Its so amazing! You will never feel that powerful again!


I felt more anxiety than I usually do. The experience becomes very surreal and saddening in my opinion.

Had my second child in 16min, she was born in my apartment bathroom while my 2yr old slept. Their father decided he didn’t want the family and would prefer to be withbsomeone younger and no children after our 13.5 yr relationship. I chose not to have him there after he made a comment regarding having his future gf in the room and my midwife or the paramedics she told me to call didn’t make it in time.

It’s scary at first but just pray and b strong I was alone for both my kids and just listen to the doctor and nurses everything will go well we women are strong

I had to with my fifth kid cause of the Covid 19 virus to me it was fine i been threw it before but it was scary at the same time to. Cause my husband has been with with me through all our births except for our last one.

I. Did. My. Husband. Left. Me. When. I. Was. Pregnant. With. Our. 4th. Son. It. Is. Hard. When. You. Have. No One. There. It. Is. Suppose. To Be. A. Wonderful. Experience.

I had my husband during my c section with my twins but honestly everyone was hustling so fast and I was so drugged up i don’t even remember him being there it wasn’t bad. The nurses are very kind and there for you. Sorry if that’s no help

I have 4 and I was alone with all of them. Back then you couldn’t have anyone in the delivery room with you except the doctor and nurses.

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I had my twin boys alone with 3 doctors and 4 nurses and 2 student nurses everyone but the daddy and family there tbh :expressionless: because they were premi didn’t get to hold them for awhile as they were in incubators :innocent:

I couldn’t have done it without my amazing husband of 3 kids. He was my rock and my everything during labor.

My husband was on military orders, so he half way across the world. I got medically induced for health reasons. Worse 22 hrs of my life. Got through it though. Definitely stronger and more independent for it. :muscle:

When I had my babies it was only hospital staff-including the doctor. Before the time when others were allowed in

If it’s your first child it’s very scary its nice to have someone with you


I birth 3 alone, but I didnt want anyone with me They were natural with no drugs also

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I had to do an emergency inducement and my baby daddy left to go play volleyball while i gave birth by myself.

I did it alone with my first and only child…but I think it depends on you. I didn’t mind, but if you aren’t the independent type—you might not like going it alone.

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Had both of mine alone, first I sent hubby home as he was falling asleep, and second he had to look after our daughter

It was scary for me cause I had to have an emergency c section. I took my daughter with me thinking it’d be a normal vaginal delivery but no and my daughter couldn’t go back with me. My anesthesiologist was with me the whole time and made it better! Still not the same, but what made it cool is he has the same name as my fiance. Lol

I did with my first one because fathers weren’t allowed and it was lonely and awful I need felt really ignored and alone

Had both my kids before they allowed anyone but the dad in the delivery room. He was a p%÷\y and wouldn’t do it so I was alone. It sucked so much.

My mum did it twice. It depends on what suits you and your circumstances

It’s not that bad. The doctors and nurses really step up. Be strong! You can do it too!

When your contractions are bad enough it doesnt matter if there are other people in the room or not lol but being alone things seem to go faster.Maybe because its easier to concentrate?

I did … an emergency c section had to be out. Of course I didnt know I was alone.

When I had my first 2 they didn’t let husbands or anyone else come in just me, dr and nurse.

My first one I was put under for a c section so I was by myself. But I was sleeping and woke up to my mom by my head telling me to meet my new baby boy.

It’s empowering. I did skin-skin. Then, I cut the cord!


I had emergency c sec.
My Anesthesiologist was next to my head and also held my hand

Midwives are who really get you through labour.

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Terrible let all alone. Suffered breach birth.

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With all three, I didn’t get a choice.

I would have preferred it!!

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Yes! And I rocked it. It was empowering and I was really proud of myself! I was a single mom so starting it just her and I was the right way. It was easier than when my husband was with me to be honest. Haha Because I was worried about him and how he saw me etc… the nurses are made for this and are there to help and support you, use them. They know a lot and they are amazing. :heart:


My last baby I was all by myself except for a nurse and she was barely in there except to check me from time to time…I did great considering I didn’t have any kind of pain medication either :grin:

I only had nurses and dr. In the room when I gave birth. The hard part noone tontake picture except the nursing staff and so the pictures I have are not the best. My family came out to visit me when I was due but my son was 10 days late so I was not able to have anyone with me.

By myself lived it felt like the nurses and dr were really great and treated me awesome.


So my first one had my ex, my friend, and my mom… it was too much! I regret it!
My second my husband made it literally seconds before she was born.
Third I was induced. Was supposed to be alone but a good friend thought I had the baby already so came to see me and she stuck around which was awesome I got really good pictures!
4th hubby was there the whole time!
5th my in law was with me through most of the contractions, but had to pick up my hubby to bring him from work. While she was gone I had my last on! Honestly not bad being alone! I just wanted to close my eyes between contractions and rest! Once baby is born all I wanted was to feed sleep and cuddle! Lol it may be “lonely” but the quiet I feel helped me to be more calm relaxed & focused!

It was perfect! Both times! And husband was there I wouldn’t let anyone in. There was no audience so I was completely uninhibited.


Was fine both times, and once I had the baby then I would let friends and family back in.

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My active labor took 37 hours, it was lonely but I just kept thinking about being a mom, and having my child with me soon.

No my husbands were present all three times. Ex1 and our daughter. Ex2 and our sons.

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Yep, back when I had my now adult kids no one was allowed in and it was fine…hang in there

I feel like I’d stress too much, not having the support of people I know and love

To me it happened so fast i couldn’t even think…

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Honestly I wanted to be alone during my contractions cuz I have to kinda meditate to deal w pain n outside noises do not help at all! Didnt want anyone touching me or talking to me lol my sister was there for my second she just stood in the corner as far from me as possible lmao

For my second kid I was alone. And it was very depressing and lonely. My ex-husband was on drugs and told me to f off

most places are allowing at least one support person–I don’t think they can legally not allow that.

I birthed my second alone in a foreign country. It’s actually kinda mellow bc you’re totally focused on the process and have no distractions. I had a much quicker, easier labor than I did with my first

You are busy. It is labor work. I have had it all ways with five…Leave me a!one so i can do my Jon