How old were your babies when you switched to normal milk? Also how did you wing them off of formula/breast milk?
One year and she would take milk all day long but as soon as I put her to bed she’d want her formula. I have her toddler formula until about 14 months and she weaned herself off that herself.
14 mo and don’t plan to feed cow’s milk. She is still getting BM, and once that stops, she’ll get water and limited juice.
I started at 11mos…adding an oz of milk every few days till it was all milk
1 year. I had to heat it at first because they were used to waa atm formula but it didn’t take long for them to get used to cold milk.
About a week or two shy of one year. At 11 months I started making bottles 2 oz milk and 6 oz formula to see how his tummy would handle it. And slowly started adding more milk, less formula til he was totally off formula. Good luck Mama!!!
1 year. And I gave her regular milk during the day to let her taste it and get used to it. And then later just started giving it to her at night before bed. If that makes sense lol
My son is 15mo and still nurses once a day/few times at night. Other than that, he only gets water. We don’t do cows milk or juice or anything of that sort.
10 months. Started doing half formula half real milk. For about 2 weeks. She’s been straight cows milk/almond milk since 11 months.
11 months on cows milk but still give formula in the am when first get up and at night before bed
I started at 11 months…I did an ounce of milk and the rest formula and after a few days I’d add more milk less formula and by the time they were a year they were off formula
Had the hardest time so I want to say 13 months
1 year for my first two
Breastfed my 3rd for almost 2 years (I would have continued but I developed breast cancer), she drank almond milk from time to time starting around a year.
All mine were completely off formula by 9months (pediatrician approved) as they were getting everything they needed from actual table foods (3 meals a day)
13 months… little added to the bottle every couple days
My son mostly drinks silk milk but he started at 11 months
10 months, went half milk part of the day and and half formula. Then eventually cold turkey. Straight to milk.
were 19 months and she is still on toddler formula cause of digestive issues
My son turned 1 and gave him milk and never wanted formula after that
1 years old and have it to him straight he went from Breast milk to regular milk with no issues
All 3 older kids were 11 or 12 months and we slowly did less formula and more milk. My youngest turns 15 months in a couple days and has close to 3 more months of breastmilk in the freezer. She will drink almond milk though. We usually mix half and half.
My son started drinking milk at 12 months but I didn’t wean him off breast milk. He still gets that when ever he wants it
1 year until whole milk and no formula. No need to wean breastmilk is good for toddlers too!
When my daughter turned one we just switched milk and she drank it.
Mine were all around 11 months to a year old. I just started adding in an ounce of whole milk with the rest of the bottle being formula. I added an once a week, until they were just on whole milk. I have 4 daughters, 18, 12, 10 and 7.
My oldest was 11 months when I started mixing half formula and half milk. She was 12 months when she went to straight milk. My youngest was 10 months when I started mixing it. She was 11.5 months when she went straight milk.
12 months
At 11 months I started to replace formula with cows milk little by little. Started off with one ounce. A few days later uped it to two ounces and kept going like that until it was just strait cows milk by 12 months.
It is not recommended to stop formula or breastmilk until 12 months.
I started doing half and half when mine were 10 months old. Half formula, half 2%milk that way their little tummies would get use to it. By a year old both babies were on just 2%
My doctor told me to add an ounce to each formula bottle instead of water until the whole bottle was milk and no formula. I just started at 11 months trying to do this. I would talk to your childs doctor and see when they feel is best to start your baby
I did toddler formula for a bit as a transition but she was 1…did that for a couple months then almond milk and now shes 3 and gets 2%
When my daughter was about 10 months old I gave her a bottle half formula/half whole milk… just one bottle … after that I gave her straight whole milk and she has been on it since (she will be one in a few days) she did great with the switch.
1 year. Switched right over.
1 years old and just switched right over on his 1st birthday no problems.
We started at 9 months 50/50 & he was 11 months drinking whole milk only. For his needs. He wouldn’t drink formula since he was eating actual food. He drank his water & 25% juice/75% water combo. But his protein was low. Since he would drink milk, his doctor approved the switch.
Both of mine were 1. They got a 1/4 of milk in a sippy the morning of their birthday. There was a bit of time for their stomachs to get used to it. My oldest had 1 cup a day and the rest of the day formula and replaced each cupful with regular milk every day. My youngest just jumped right in to regular milk and completely weaned himself off of breast milk within a month.
If you want to give them something other than water and milk. I make a lot of fruit smoothies with yogurt and almond milk. I water his down 1 part smoothie to 3 parts water. His doctor loved that idea. And you could substitute with soy or regular milk.
1 year of age is recommended before giving them cow’s milk. Start by adding a little to their breast milk/formula until you are completely switched or Cold Turkey works well for a lot of toddlers.
12 months the recommended age by pediatricians
Till 1 year. We started doing bottles of part milk part formula and slowly went to all milk. With my son he will still breastfeed.
My eldest rejected formula at 10months and never went to regular milk as hates hates it all.
Mine two were fully on whole milk at 1 . All I did to wean them off their forluma is at 11 months I stared putting a little bit of whole milk with their forluma every few days I added more milk to it then formula till finally I just gave them whole milk in a sippy ( I tool them off the bottle once they were done with the forluma) . But I got told to mix it together like that to get their body slowly used to the whole milk . Because the milk alone will cause them to have the runs until they get used to it .