When can I get a membrane sweep?

At how many weeks can my doctor sweep my membrane? Also at how many weeks do they keep to see if your dilated? I’m in Cali

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Maybe 39 weeks if ur dilated . Or if ur getting induced around 38

I got it at 39 weeks. Had my daughter 2ish days later

With my first I was 36 weeks when they first checked for dilation. With my second and third, they started at 35 weeks. It may be different if you have a hard pregnancy/complications. I never got my membrane swept so I am not sure on that. But (someone correct me if I am wrong), I don’t think they do that until you’re close to due date or past it. I could be wrong on that though.

My doctor did mine about 5 days before my due date and I was already dilated. Idk when the time is but I would think it’s when they’re certain you’re close. My doctor did it on a Friday and was hoping I’d be in the hosp that weekend because she would there. But had my daughter on the Tuesday. With my 2nd I never did it but I had been dilated to 1 since 23 week and on bed rest.