I’m 2 weeks postpartum and wondering when I can start exercising slightly to help build up again? I’m of course waiting for my drs approval for the hard things but simple things such as lifting my legs I can only go so far till it begins to hurt or just doesn’t go anymore, etc. when can I start working on these things and how can I start working on them?
I’ve always been told nothing but walks and lifting baby until clearance
I would be very careful your organs everything we’re just crammed inside of your upset abdomen you did the impossible and to much exerting can cause major even deathly outcome !!
If you have not been doing it until now don’t do it takes about three month to really start to get back to full energy again some women can take a year!!! And that’s ok!! Ps don’t stress weight I went from 120 to 200 with all four of my kids I’m 5”4 lol I have some practice take it easy breastfeed lots and lots of water and extra extra food if breastfeeding the weight will literally fly off but you have to drink a ton of water and I had to eat twice as much as my husband haha I lost all the weight after about 6 months no crazy extra diets no extra exercises just being a momma to my baby and breastfeeding
Honestly? Wait for Dr approval, in the meantime, walking is the best exercise for anyone, you could take baby on walks, maybe even do some speed walking, it also depends on if you had a C-section
6 to 8 weeks definitely longer if u had a c section.
6 wks if you dr says your good at your checkup. Let your body recover from childbirth. Don’t rush it.
Ask your OB. Don’t do any strenuous activity if you’re still bleeding.
Commonly, we moms are told to wait 6 weeks to get going on exercise but everyone is built differently and you may need more or less time to heal. that’s why you should ask your OB
Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to the part about lifting your legs, maybe you could stay close to home for a walk? They even have walking in place videos that are great, and that could get your legs used to moving again. That is a concern though, did you bring that up to your Dr?
You can start simply. The first day you breathe, the second day you raise your arms. The third day you can roll side to side, etc.
This is something you should be talking with your doctor about. None of us have any information on your pregnancy or afterbirth to be able to tell you safety
Your body just went through something major. I’d wait for doctors clearance. Go on walks in the mean time.
Give your body time to heal. You literally birthed a baby 2 weeks ago. Your body needs to heal because it’s been thru a huge traumatic thing because your organs were just crammed inside etc and the body needs to recoup from it. If you’re stressing about the weight or if someone is making you feel bad cause of the weight just remember you just gave birth two weeks ago to a baby who needs their mom healthy and not overdoing it right now