I have a two year old that I want to get involved in something, but is it too early? What sports are good for young ages like his?
Tumble classes for starts
T ball or soccer was my kids first. Check with your recreation dept
What does the little one like? Encourage any outside time you can. Also look at any type of dance, doesn’t matter off they are male or female…
We did tball and gymnastics
Way to young… Lol come on now. And dont put a child in a sport because YOU WANT HIM OR HER to play…
It depends a lot of places don’t start till 3 or 4 but I find places like the YMCA offer a lot of toddler classes even if your not a member
Free play at the park with other kids. Teach them to catch a ball. Kick a ball. Run and have fun. They don’t need competition at this age. Sicialcakulls
Play dates with other children!!
At that age try swimming lessons or gymnastics.
The Y has baby swim classes. Also take them on hikes for exercise.
That’s a bit young. IDE say 5 years old
Depends on the sport! My son started a soccer program (not a team) at 3, and teams at 4. Tball I think is 3-4 but usually it’s structured differently at that age. And basketball most places aren’t until 5 I believe.
My kids did soccer at 3-4. Good way to learn early and at that age, they really don’t keep score lol
There are lots of sports for little ones. Dance, tumbling, mommy and me classes, tee ball. I’d call gyms and rec centers and ask what kind of things they offer.
My youngest daughter started dance at 3 … she’s 5 now and obsessed. There’s gymnastics for kids that young also it starts at like 18 months
We haven’t signed him up yet, but my son is also 2 and we are looking into karate. My 4 year old does it and loves it and they actually offer a class for 2 and 3 year olds. We’ve also looked into gymnastics for my toddler. Most other sports in our area like soccer & tball don’t allow children this young
My daughters started cheering at 2.5/3. And tball and soccer around 5
Usually at this age, it’s all “parent and me” activities. Dance and gymnastics are good options.
All my kids started at thats the youngest they’re allowed here. We started soccer and karate basics. Class was with other 3 year olds
We started my kids off with soccer my boys where 4 and my daughter was 3 when she started. Now my 6yr old boy also plays baseball… &my daughter who is now 7 plays both league and travel softball along with soccer
My daughter started dance at 2. T-ball at 3. So I’d think soccer and t-ball would at least be an option soon.
Dance if fully potty trained and “mommy and me” classes at the ymca that’s about it at that age
That is too young! If you want to get him active, take him to the park and play with him.
I doubt you’ll find much for a 2 year old besides maybe some mommy and me classes. maybe look into swimming classes too. they do usually offer those young
Tumbeling class at gymnastics!!
I started dancing the minute I could walk
We started t-ball at 3 and bowling at 3
Dance, swimming (never too early to learn!), gymnastics, soccer, t-ball.
My 3 year old son just finished soccer and will start dance in september then hockey when he turns 4
As soon as they are able too. If you can get them there why not??
Gymnastics is great for toddlers
Don’t know the age requirement but Tee ball is a good start
Soccer starts at 2 tball at 4. My son is 3 and he’s starting soccer.
I found a soccer program ( 1 day a week/ just skills no games ) for my 3 year old this pass spring. She loved it.
My kids got bored with tball and didn’t really even play the game. They’d be out there dancing and twirling around throwing clay or looking at the bugs​:rofl: I handed my kids fishing poles with a rubber worm TIED on the end. No hook sinker or anything and let them go to town learning how to work the fishing pole. They “fish d” in the back yard for awhile until they could cast a pole right Now they are fishing fools at 8 & 10. The local church had. Tumbling class my daughter took once a week as well. I don’t remember the age for it tho
Most are age 4 but I’d look into things like YMCA or rec programs that may do intro to group activities
Gymnastics, swimming lessons
Soccer and baseball are good for that age. So is gymnastics, even for a boy.
It’s 100% up to the interest level of the child. It needs to be their interest not yours. My brother started hockey at 3yrs old. He was the youngest ever in the program at the time. He loved every second of it. It was mostly learning to skate but the next season was leaning on the stick…
That same season my 1 yr old brother cried at his brother’s hockey practices and games because he wanted to play. Before the next season (he had just turned 2) they told him that hockey players can’t wear diapers… they truly thought it was their out. The kid was potty trained in no time. The hockey association told my parents they could get their money back if it didn’t work out… first time with skates on his feet, he skated away like he’d been skating for years.
People talked trash out starting them too early, but it was 100% at their request. My parents never pushed.
My parents often took my brothers with them when they went golfing. They eventually bought a pair of youth clubs and cut them down to size. The boys first played in the backyard and then played a few holes with our parents.
The key is to come their interests, not yours.
Usually the Ymca has swimming and tumbling classes for 2 year olds
My sons started football since they were 4.
Tball is 3 in most of sc
My daughter started gymnastics right when she turned 3. She’s almost 10 now and going strong
I think it depends where you are. Around us gymnastics and dance start at 3, baseball/soccer/football/wrestling are 5
We started all 5 of our kids at 3 i just had baby #6 he will starr when hes 3 as well
I think some t ball starts at 3 .
Soccer and swimming
Gymnastics. Most other sports i believe you have to be 4
Wrestling and others at like 4 but i would do gymnastics now it helps with all the others
My brother was 3 or 4 and was doing peewee soccer
Gymnastics (tumbling) also swimming might be an option (like mommy and me classes)
Gymnastics soccer ( maybe)
Yes tumbling! Activity>sports at this young of an age. Sports=competition and that can come later with focused passion, but at 2 teaching a love for movement, activity, motor skills, coordination, and simple directing following the earlier you start the better!
At two my daughter started ballet and swim
Dance, swimming, gymbastics(tumbling)
Swim lessons and toddler dance if you have a studio that starts at 2, usually they don’t start til 3. At least where I live.
Mine started soccer at 2 and now is 4 playing soccer baseball and basketball
Kung fu is about “performance” more than actual self defense, it’s adorable hearing them yell
My niece (2) is doing dance. I’ve thought about doing gymnastics for my 2 year old.
Look at field house they have some good programs for 18months and up
If you want them to have a lifetime of aches and pains, so for it. Any sport started that early is going to completely decimate their body.
T ball is a good one at that age
Gymnastics and swimming
Gymnastics, soccer I think, dance, swimming. I think cheer but that might be 3.
Soccer & T-ball age 3
Tumbling/Gymnastics…because they do wonders for balance and coordination…same with dance…
Karate!! It’s not a sport, but it works on discipline, balance, and so much more! My son has been doing it for a year now and he has come a long way from where he was! Some karate schools don’t let kids start until they are 3 but others do take 2 year olds.
Tennis, gymnastics, swimming
Mine does dance and acro (tumbling, rolling, stretching, etc) maybe even swimming
Swimming can be started at any age, also really good idea to get swimming lessons started earlier as the older they get the harder it becomes.
I didn’t learn how to swim until I was 13yo, I am bad and hate the deep end and won’t swim in the sea.
I had my daughter in the water at 6months. She’s the most confident swimmer I’ve seen and has been unaided (no arm bands) since she was 3/4yo and is confident swimming in the sea aswell.
She loves it soo much and can do almost an entire length under water in one breath at the age of 8yo now.
Most sports start at 4 yrs old but right now he should be able to do tumbling.
Tumbling classes are great.
Maybe you should Google things in your area that are available.
Never too young to learn to swim.
At this age swimming is the best option to start a sport.
Gymnastics & swimming is what my girl started off at 2. Swimming because we lived in a place with lots of water around to stop her from drowning, gymnastics because she climbed on everything & for her to learn to fall properly lol
Depends on what your area has to offer.
It depends on where you are…
My daughter started soccer thru the ymca at age 3 she’s played for them now for 10 years
My boy started rugby tots at 2.
My daughter started soccer at 2 yrs old. She’s 6 and still playing
My son did little dribblers basketball at the ymca when he was 2.
Soccer tots? I think?
Geez just let them play as a kid for a few years seesh! #TEAMTOOMUCHALREADY
I think at 2 just let him play outside…plenty of time for sports they dread going to before the season ends…Don’t push a child into a sport if he really doesn’t like it…Let babies be babies…only a short time they are babies…
Not too early, you should have started them at one month old.
2 is a little early be patient.
They start 3 yr olds on Tball in Oklahoma. So cute to watch the little bitties trying to run to base holding up their little bitty pants and being cheered on ! lol love it.
In the belly with all that kicking& swimming.
Our area starts at 3 for like soccer, idk age on tball but it’s close to the same I believe. It depends on the sport and where you live cause everywhere is different
My kids were in Tball and bumper bowling league at 3 and 4
My daughter is 3 and does swimming while in nursery, when she starts nursery school then I will let her settle in and she can choose to do something like football/Dancing along side swimmjng
Local park and rec dept has lots of things for kids
All 3 of my kids had full time jobs at that age. #slacking
My daughter started swimming when she was 2 (she turns 3 soon) and she loves it!!
T ball , swimming , gymnastics
They usually don’t start until 1st grade usually through the school system. I’d look at a local YMCA or gym to see if they have activities for toddlers. Sometimes they have mommy and me swimming.