When can toddlers have plain juice?

OK so I’m raising my grand kids an they are 3 & 18 mons an neither of them can drink juice without it being diluted half water half juice if I don’t dilute they get diarrhea my question is when can I stop diluting sorry my kids never drank juice


Why do they need juice? My kids (9,7,5) never had it and still don’t…


Juice is one thing I never gave my daughter. All it has in it are empty calories!

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Truth? They shouldn’t be having much… and if they do diluted is the way to go…
Especially no juice or milk at bedtime or you’ll be up to your ears in dental work…


I dilute my daughters juice and she’s almost 2, too much sugar


keep watering it down til they only have the water and get rid of the juice…


They don’t need juice at all. My daughter didn’t get juice at all until recently and it’s still minimal. She is 6.


Depends on the kids system

I still dilute my son’s juice and he’s 3

So much healthier watering it down plus they still get their vitamins…

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That’s pretty much the whole point to giving kids that young juice. It’s to get them to poop when they’re constipated. Other than that they don’t need the juice and if you do give it to him you are supposed to dilute it because it’s too strong for not only their stomachs but also their teeth.


I dilute my daughter’s juice and she’s 13! Dilute or no juice at all!

Mine had normal juice at 4

My kiddos don’t drink juice unless is orange juice and they only have it with a meal. Other than that they only drink water and milk.

“KiDs dOnT nEeD jUiCE” :roll_eyes:


That’s actually good they will only drink it diluted…be even better if they drank straight water! My almost 3 yr old will NOT drink water…he will drink 7 oz water with 1 oz apple juice though…so I will take that!


Omg! Give the kids juice if you want! Just make sure its 100% juice with no added sugar. Water it down until they stop having diarrhea.


My son’s pediatrician doesn’t believe in diluting juice. You either give it to them or don’t. Its the sugars that cause diarrhea. Maybe try sugar free?


I give mine flavored water.

my daughter is 5 n still has that problem

My boys are almost 4 & 3 and can’t drink juice. So we buy juice packages and add no sugar.

Actually if you water the juice down you’re also diluting the vitamins. If they can’t drink it without you watering it down I’d just give them water.

Maybe it’s the kind of juice being given? I only buy 100% so there’s no added sugar. Try that or sugar free.

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I dilute it still for a 5 year old and my 2 year old.

I’d keep diluting it. Save money

I still dilute my 8 yr old’s juice. Its become a habit and he doesn’t know any different

You really need to try adding water only to the list! Or you’re going to be having lots of dental visits. But I do get sugar free juices like the cranberry raspberry and stuff like that cranberry apple, it’s good and its healthy. But I used to dilute it until about 4 years old people keep saying kids dont need juice, there are healthy juices out there! Like the ones I mentioned. Smh. You’re doing a great job! Dont let anyone knock you down for it❤

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My almost 3 year old has always gotten diarrhea whenever he eats fruits or has strait up juice. So I always give him 3/4 water and 1/4 juice. Even if he didn’t get diarrhea I would still water it down. He doesn’t need strait sugar

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I don’t give my kids juice

I would cut the juice out totally they are probably sensitive to the additives and give them water with lemon and lime or flavored seltzer water the less sugar the better

They have a baby juice in the baby aisle that would help

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My daughter is almost 2 and would rather have water then juice, if they dont need it or want it water is better anyway!


Try getting a juicer and giving them real juice? I don’t know if that works or not but maybe. Or just stop giving juice all together and stick with water

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My child is grown up and still she dilutes juice and most of the time I do too.It does cut down on the sugar.


I do it for my 7 4 3 year old still

If it were me I’d just stop giving them juice. If it’s having a bad reaction on their tummies there certainly isn’t any necessity to continue giving it.


I get that bad when I have orange juice (still trying to find a good brand for my tummy) but I endure because it’s so fkn good.
I’d say keep diluting it or try brands of juice.

My kids 4 and I still dilute it

They don’t need juice at all. Just give them water. There is no reason for them to be drinking juice. Anyways it’s cheaper for you. Cut juice out completely!


To everyone who is saying that they don’t give their kids juice. Congratulations. No one cares :person_shrugging::roll_eyes:


Mine got normal juice by 3 years old. Every kid is different. Just keep doing half and half.

Theres so much sugar in juice it should always be diluted even for us adults

My kids literally only drink water and milk.
Unless we go to a family party where they can have cordial.
If they have fresh juice with breakfast it’s the not from concentrate stuff… all other drinks have a silly amount of sugar in them

Dilute a little each day till you’re at 100% juice that will give them time to get use to it

Juice isn’t needed so if it’s upsetting their tummies, try cutting it out. It’s awesome that you’re diluting it and noticing how it affects them! Good luck :sparkling_heart:

This is my post an they both get about a cup or two a day other than juice they get other things to drink water, milk

No more juice! Just give water

Don’t stop diluting it.

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It’s good your kids never drank juice your grandkids don’t need to either. :woman_shrugging:t4: I personally don’t keep it in the house it’s a treat when I do. My kids eat every serving of fruit instead of drinking it. I keep my house stocked up and they aren’t getting all that added sugar


Get the juice packets that you mix with water that is sugar free. You can add as much water/juice mix yourself

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No need for juice at all. If you want to continue I’d keep diluting and not worry about it.

It’s best to always dilute anyway because of sugar content. But I don’t give my kids juice mostly for this reason even if I dilute. My kids are big on milk.

I still do and my oldest is 8. :person_tipping_hand: They get it for an occasional treat or when they’re constipated.

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mine are 2.5 and 6 and don’t like juice. They don’t need it

ps. awesome thing you are doing!!!

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Could be the dyes in the juice and also juice juice and Apple juice can cause diaherria

My children only drink organic grass fed all natural non GMO water.

Lol okay y’all. My kids have zero cavities and love juice.:woman_shrugging: calm down ya crazy ladies.


Water is perfect! My grandkids love it!

My oldest will be 5 this month and I still dilute

Do the opposite!!! Dilute it more and more till it’s just water! My kiddos are 14,11,10 and 6 and we drink water.

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My granddaughters still get it diluted at 3 and 5. They prefer it that way.

Maybe try different brands of fresh squeezed

I still dilute my juice :joy: i don’t like how concentrated it tastes.

Juice broke me out my whole life if it wasn’t diluted!

Juice is just sugar,no need for it.

Don’t give them juice! Only for special occasions! Mine drink water or milk

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I would just continue to dilute. I still do and my kids age from 3-11. Not only do they not need all the sugar but it saves you in buying more juice that isn’t necessary.

Wow some people :woman_facepalming:t3: not everyone likes water. Yeah don’t stop

My son did the same thing. We just diluted it until he was about a year and a half. I still dilute it sometimes :person_shrugging:

It’s common to put a half water half juice it’s easier on the child stomach and digestive system

Apple juice is considered a laxative and can cause them to poop alot. They may not like juice either :slight_smile:

Mine are 3 and 5. I do half juice half water and then put it on ice…

Juicy juice not the koolaid like stuff… Do more water than juice! … 3 months is too early for juice

I still dilute my juice and I am 42.


My son is 3 and we still cut his with water or it gives him the runs. Juice really isn’t necessary so he only gets it once in awhile. Water is the main thing they need and some milk

No reason to stop. :woman_shrugging:t2: I actually dilute my own. Lol.

Mine are 3&4 and still dilute it!

I still dilute my juice at 30.

Jenna all these perfect moms “mY kId dOeSnT DriNk jUicE”


My oldest is 3 and still dilute her juice

Keep diluting and increase the water ratio slowly until they are drinking water mist time during the day. Juice can be acidic for their tummies and they don’t need it. Give them the actual fruit and see if that suits them. Best of luck to you and your grand kiddies. :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Give them water with mio in it…it taste like juice and is sugar free.


I still dilute my juice.

Never stopped diluting it. My kids are 5 and hate “full strength” juice

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Honestly the dr doesn’t recommend juice for youngsters


My littles are 3, 3, and 4. I don’t give any of them juice. Lol.


If it is that serious give them water. They have flavored water too. By the way I have the same problem, also raising my grands ages 3 and 9 months so good luck and I give mine water and flavored water.

I wouldnt be giving a month old juice at all

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My oldest is 4 and I still have to dilute hers.

They don’t need juice, especially the 3 month old


My kids are 2 and 3 and they both drink juice. My 2 yr old gets the runs with juice but she still drinks it.

Quick pro tip if you don’t want to do every cup. If you do half and half, use an empty milk jug. Pour juice in to fill half of it, then just fill with water. Quick shake, done until the next go. I do this all the time. Then there is no chance of being caught either.

I gave fruit not juice

My son is two and put a quarter juice and the rest cold water. Very rarely he will drink a juice box

My daughters are 8 and 7 and I still dilute their juice. My other daughter will be 2 July 2nd and she just had juice for the first time this weekend!! I don’t really like giving juice until they are out of diapers at the least. Juice makes their urine very acidic and can cause diaper rashes, esp when it’s not diluted. Everyone has their own options and that’s just mine!


Just give them real fruit. No juice.

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You could try diluting it less and less as time goes, like continue with half and half this week, next week do just a little more juice and less water, and then keep it going until you get to full juice.


Never stop. Its sooo much sugar! Youre doing good grandma!! :heart:

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I dont give juice. Occasionally they get capri suns or a Gatorade. But I do flavored waters

I don’t think children that age (either of them) should be having juice. Ever. Take it away. They can drink water.


If you’re going to give juice always dilute. There is no need for juice at all it’s all sugar no nutrition. If you have kids who simply don’t like plain water like mine, they have great “flavored” water options that are no sugars and no aspertame or any artificial sweeteners…all naturally flavored. That’s what we do with our daughter.

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