When can you feel baby kick?

Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned. But this isn’t uncommon for those of us who have been overweight and pregnant.

Around 20 weeks I felt my first one kicks but it felt more like butterflies than started to feel more like baby kicks around 23 weeks. But with my second I started to feel him around 18 weeks that felt like butterflies and 20 weeks when it started to feel more like baby kicks. I’m also plus size :blush: I didn’t get a bump with my fist son until I was 33 weeks but with this second pregnancy I started to see I got a bump around 21 weeks

I’m over weight and I’m pregnant with my second and yes with my first I didn’t feel her kick till 24-30 weeks and I am still early with this pregnancy and it seems to be going the same. I also didn’t have a bump bump with my first my belly just tightened up so it was normal for me. Talk to your OB momma if it’s really concerning you there are no stupid questions this is your first so do what ya gotta to feel at ease. Wishing you relaxed vibes :v:t3:

20 weeks. The day before my 20 week scan, actually.

16 weeks for me, first time mom. He was an extremely active baby that didn’t like any type of pressure on him.

You could have an anterior placenta which will make feeling kicks a lot more difficult. Give it time. 19 weeks is still somewhat wary for movement

I didn’t feel anything til about 23 weeks. Looking back, I maybe did before, but as a first time mum I didn’t realise that the bubbles and flutters were actually baby moving :orange_heart:

I just had my baby yesterday and due to the placenta position I hardly felt kicks even as he got bigger and bigger don’t worry so much

Normal. I didn’t feel anything until sometime after 20 weeks.

Depending where your baby implants on the uterus also mine was on the back side closer to the organs so I felt flutters at like 12 weeks and I was 130 when I got pregnant

I didn’t feel until about 24weeks

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I couldn’t until about 21 weeks


Not at all abnormal. It takes first time moms longer to feel kicks. I just had my daughter and didn’t feel her kick until about 22 weeks if I remember correctly

I didn’t feel my baby move until 21 weeks and I didn’t start showing until about 25 weeks I’m overweight to

I think I was around 20 weeks and I was laying on the bed on my stomach. I didn’t get the whole “butterflies” feeling - it was more like a light flick from in my belly. Probably saying “Yo, mom! Get off ya stomach!”

First time moms don’t usually show to late 20 weeks. Same with movement. If you feel something is off don’t be afraid to contact your health care provider

I’m still pregnant but I felt her start somewhat moving around and she felt like gas bubbles.

Depending on moms size any where from 15 weeks on you will feel the baby.

12-14wks with all of mine. 20-22wks is normal for first time moms. Being bigger will make it harder to feel early on but it’ll happen don’t worry.

It all depends on the person , everyone is different. I felt my little (ftm) at 12 weeks but I have heard of your heavier you’ll feel it later on but for sure by 24 weeks :blush:

Didn’t feel my first baby until 22 weeks, I’m plus size and also had an anterior placenta.
Felt my 2nd around 18 weeks and my third around 16 weeks.

Everyone is different and will feel baby at any time. Just remember, if you ever need reassurance, don’t hesitate to call your doc to check on baby.

The position of placenta can make it take longer. A front laying placenta keeps you from feeling early kicks.

First baby I didn’t feel kicks till about 22 weeks,then it didn’t stop! Lol second baby I felt about 18weeks. I’m also plus size. I’m sure you will feel baby soon. But if it is worrying you then talk to midwife to give you peace of mind

Normal. I felt my first-born around 15 weeks. I didn’t feel my second born until 23 weeks. I’m petite and near underweight.

With my first I was about 21-22 weeks. Don’t worry momma! You will know when you do feel it!

I didn’t feel my second son till I was 23 weeks. He was behind the placenta. I was overweight too. Could be similar.

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They have baby doppler heartbeat monitors you can buy from Amazon, Walmart etc. I was the same way during my pregnancy. I was overweight, and had previously had miscarriages at 8 weeks both times. So I was always worried. I believe I was 21 or 22 weeks before I felt her. We bought the doppler and that gave me peace of mind. Some may not agree and may say the dopplers don’t work but ours did and was less than $40. Being overweight, you’ll probably start showing in a few weeks. I say all of this from my personal experience. If you are only concerned that you aren’t pregnant anymore because you haven’t felt movement yet, just try not to worry until you see your Dr again. If you have more reason to think/feel aren’t pregnant anymore you may need to call your Dr asap!

I’m a first time mom too. I’m 29/4 weeks. I didn’t feel my kid kick until like 3 weeks ago? And I didn’t start to show until I was about 25-26 weeks. My Doctor told me it was normal because I’m tall, a bit overweight, and it’s my first one. I would still talk to your doctor at your next appointment. I know it’s scary but your doing a great job already at being the kids mom. Good luck!!!

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weight, the location of placenta, all can affect you feeling babies kicks. all pregnancies is different. they say the more pregnancies the sooner you feel baby but that isnt correct either because I’m pregnant with my 4th and I didnt feel her until around 20weeks I know my second I felt as early as 14 weeks. I wouldnt be to concerned you should start feeling movement within the next few weeks

With my second one I didnt feel her kick much. Some babies just dont move that much. But if your worried talk to your dr and he/she will check and make sure the baby is ok. And I didnt show much only until I was weeks away from having the babies.

With my first I didn’t feel movement till I was 20 weeks with my second I felt it alot sooner about 15-16 weeks.
Each pregnancy is different, my Dr with my first wasn’t worried about me not feeling anything unless it was 24 weeks and over.

See your OB to put your mind at ease. I’m overweight too but I still felt movement. I can’t remember when, but eventually you’ll feel the kicks.

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All pregnancy are different but at first they feel like butterflies.

You ask all the questions you need to, most of us will gladly ansewer them for you, this is normal for some “mommy’s to be” dont stress it, there’s probably nothing to worry about…is this your first baby?

I found out I was pregnant in September 1980 felt him kicking Christmas Eve had him in May of 81 40 years today

This is a question for a doctor hon, not for internet strangers. hugs


Every women carries baby differently, or has a different build. Genetically, I’m like my mom, and didn’t show much until full term. We are all built sturdy to begin with, plus I’m overweight also. 10 years ago when I was pregnant I didn’t get a perfect baby numb either. I just looked lumpier still, as if I had gained a few more pounds. And carried my baby up high and faaaar back behind my ribs also. When I was further along I felt and saw movement if I was laying down and absolutely still. but it was not as drastic as compared to other moms experiences. You are doing great! You can always bring this up at your next doctor visit.

Your first baby kicks are often mistaken for gas bubbles or other ordinary sensations, so they are felt later when they become more obvious. The consecutive pregnancies, you know what to look for, so you notice them sooner.

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If the placenta is in the front of your stomach it may take longer because they have to kick harder for you to actually feel it. My last one was my fourth and I didn’t feel until after 20 weeks because of that

Every baby and every pregnancy is different. Try not to stress too much because that will cause stress for the baby too. Speak with you OB at your next appointment.

It depends on where your baby is laying. I think I really starting feeling was around 4-5 months.

My 1st I was thinner and I think I felt my more often and more harder. My 2nd I was overweight so I hardly felt the kicks until later in my pregnancy. I bought the doppleer tht u pass over ur belly and hear the heartbeat. I used to worry often too.

My first pregnancy I didn’t feel my son move till around 20 weeks. Try not to worry too much mama :two_hearts:

I’m currently pregnant with our 6th child on my first I didn’t find out I was pregnant till I was 6 months but didn’t start to feel anything till I was 6 and 1/2 almost 7 months

I felt mine kick early by 12 weeks, people didn’t believe me.
I have a friend that never felt her first one kick. She did feel her other 3. I think it depends on how active the baby is and it’s position.

You should be able to now or in a week. It feels like butterfly’s .

First one was after 20 weeks about 21 weeks.

First time is usually 20 weeks or later for a lot of moms. I was somewhere around 22 weeks I think. Also, if you’re tall that bump might not pop for a while. I’m 5’10” and just looked like I ate too much until that third trimester when I was HUGE. I know how scary it is though. Both my babes were hard to conceive and I worried constantly. Hugs to you.

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first baby it’s usually 5 months or so. if you have a second it will be earlier because you’ll know what you’re feeling. also when the baby gets almost ready to be born it’s not unusual for there to be so little room to move that movement slows down. make sure you’re getting prenatal care. the doctor is a good source of information.

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Completely normal hun. You won’t feel your little bundle of joy for months. 3 or 4 months will be mild movements and not often. After that you will begin to wish he/she would settle down. There’s an app you can download to track your babies progress, you can Google it.

I had the same problem, plus an anterior placenta. So i wanna say i felt the first noticeable “flutter” around 17 or 18 weeks. BUT it was not a constant thing. I think I started feeling him actually move more around 20 or 22 weeks. And it won’t be consistent kicks or movements until later on. But if you’re concerned in any way or feel off definitely call your doctor! There’s no shame in calling and/or getting checked out and it being nothing. Momma stressing is no good either, you have enough stress on your plate as it sits. So if you need to ease your mind always call! :slight_smile: it’s always better to have it checked if you’re feeling concerned

I gained 20#s & didn’t have a visible bump, but I had huge breasts w/first baby. I think I was about 5-6 mo when I could feel kicks.

First pregnancy you’re not sure what you’re feeling so you have to really sit quiet and focus at 19 weeks. In the early months it almost feels like gas moving or butterflys right below your belly button. As you progress it feels like a small hiccup or flip flop and by 6 months its like a little jump under your prego belly almost anywhere around your belly button as you get closer to 7 or 8 months you will feel a kick or you might look at your belly and your belly button might be in an odd spot a little to far right or left or you might see the hump of his little bottom pushing up. Its really quite fun.

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It felt like butterflies until I was about 5.5 months then I felt the first actual kick and was able to get him moving around at 6 months…but I was huge, like everyone always asked if I was sure I was only having one baby!

You don’t really start to feel then until like 25 weeks or so. But you will know when it happens it’s an amazing moment.

That normal mom, I’m a first time mom too and I started feeling my baby movements and kicks after 21 weeks and my husband felt his first kick around 24 weeks. You’ll feel it soon. It’s any amazing feeling

You might also have anterior placenta like I have. If you do you will feel kicks later because placenta is like a giant pillow between your tummy and the baby.

I’m on my second pregnancy and both times I have an anterior placenta so it takes a while to feel kicks. I didn’t feel them until 22 weeks the first time. But first time pregnancy it takes a while to feel them either way

Have you been getting prenatal care? Very important.

Have u been to the dr?

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First felt her at 20 weeks 2nd felt him at 16weeks third felt her around 15 weeks…im also on the heavier side as well…

Can you get a sonogram?

With my first I was damn near 30 weeks

when the baby starts kicking, it will be at night when you want to sleep.

For the 1st 5 months it felt like a butterfly in my stomach.

All pregnancies are different but I’d say you’ll start to feel real strong movement within the coming weeks. Give it time, be patient and enjoy. Everything moves so fast once that babe is in your arms :purple_heart:

Everyone is different, if your doc isn’t worried everythings alright. Some first time moms don’t know they are feeling it as well.

First kid you won’t feel until 20+ weeks… as long as the baby has a strong heartbeat right now it’s fine.

Most women won’t feel baby kick till 25+ weeks unless they’ve had babies before. With my first, I didn’t feel the first kick until I was about 28weeks, with my 2nd I felt kicks at 15weeks, with my 3rd I could feel slight movement at 13weeks.

I’m sure your little one is ok but if you ever feel nervous call your OB and make an appointment, they never ignore it nor do they make fun of you for it. Pregnancy in itself is scary and mind blowing, I wish you nothing but good vibes and a happy new baby in the future

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I got my 20 week scan and the tech caught the baby kicking and I realized I had been feeling that for weeks but didn’t notice it/ didn’t know what it was!

Don’t be to worried my pregnancy was different because i was plus size, no one would of been able to tell i was pregnet unless they knew me i dident really start shower till the end of pregnancy and to be honest i really did not feel to much till he started running out of room. I cant tell you when u have a 2nd pregnancy u will feel so much more than ur first time.

Most times first time around you won’t feel anything until some time after 20+ weeks. But everyone is different. Every pregnancy is different. I was lucky and felt mine around 16 weeks, even when I had a tilted uterus. Don’t stress too much about it :slightly_smiling_face:

I had this with 1st she was behind plecenta just tell worries and ask for an ultrasound

In my first pregnant I didt know what the first kicks felt like…more of a slight flutter type of feeling but its hard to know during your first

If you have anterior placenta you won’t feel baby kicks as easily. With my 1st I had an anterior and didn’t feel him move until around 22 weeks. You can always try to lay on your side and shine a flashlight on your belly

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I feel its normal, I couldnt feel my baby move until 30 weeks and doctor said it was because baby was tiny.

Being overweight you wont notice most likely for a long time…

I would make a doctors visit just to ease your mind

I hardly showed at all and didn’t feel kicks till almost 22 weeks. I have a healthy 3 month old baby boy who ended up being super active after 22 weeks and my bump really popped at 32 weeks.
Don’t stress momma. But if you have are having serious doubts request an appt to ease your mind. Or get a fetal Doppler.

I didn’t feel movement until 21 weeks

I didn’t have a proper bump until nearly 30 weeks and didn’t feel kicks until after 20 weeks x

You will soon. With my first I felt him at 20 weeks. Second 19 weeks.

I’m overweight and had an anterior placenta both pregnancies, i didn’t start feeling movement until about 22 weeks each time :blush:

I didnt feel my 1st until about 20 weeks I felt my twins about 13 weeks. I didnt have a bump with my 1st until late 2nd trimester. With my twins obviously because there were 2 and 2nd pregnancy I started showing almost immediately. Ur a ftm so it may take awhile 2 feel baby and show. Seeings how u really start 2 feel them when they start running out of room and they start 2 get more active. it’s normal 2 have so many worries. Always remember if u feel u need 2 get checked then get checked. Just remember 2 breath. Everyone and every pregnancy is different.

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Feels like gas the first time or flutter. You will know when you feel your baby! Congratulations stay healthy n strong!

Best to address any concerns with your doctor. I didn’t feel mine until my third trimester.

mine was at 23 weeks


It’s different for everyone. I also started feeling really late in my first pregnancy. But they feel like little jolts

Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! I read what you said, and I didn’t feel my first until 24 weeks in, and I also didn’t know what I was feeling was actually him moving around and kicking me. With my second, I could feel her around 19 or 20 weeks

I felt my first kick with my daughter at 27 weeks and my son around 24…started feeling bubbles around 14 for both…:sparkling_heart:are yoy feeling any bubbles??

I can agree with everyone but if your concerned maybe you should make a dr appointment but if your not no longer pregnant you would knw

23 weeks with my first 15 weeks with my second